Where are the GTA 4 save

The third part of the legendary GTA game series made a splash among video game lovers. For several years of its active development, dozens of official add-ons and patches have been released, allowing you to make all kinds of changes to the game, starting from a new vehicle and ending with a complete reload of the game world in a completely different concept, turning this action into a game of a completely different genre. All these years, fans have been looking forward to the new part of the game. After all, despite the perfection of GTA 3, it is quite outdated in comparison with the released games.

After many years of waiting, the world finally saw the game GTA 4, which, according to many famous critics, not only repeated the success of the third part, but also surpassed it. However, everything has flaws, and GTA 4's Achilles heel was its frank imperfection. Of course, over time, most glaring errors have been fixed by introducing new patches, but some points are still in question. Also, few people know where to save GTA 4, but this type of file is incredibly useful. Sometimes, due to a breakdown, it is necessary to reinstall the computer system and format its hard drive. In order not to lose the progress of the game, you need to know where the GTA 4 saves are written to your computer. This may be necessary in order to copy them from this source to an external storage medium and continue the game on another PC.

Before answering the question, where are the GTA 4 saves, it is necessary to clarify which version of Windows is installed on the computer. This is hardly a difficult task, since any conscious user, in addition to the name of his OS, should know many other facts relating to his PC. For each operating system, the process under the code name "GTA 4: save" will have different ways to create the corresponding folders. And already in these folders the desired save files will be located. Consider saving options with the operating systems Windows XP and Vista. Newer systems have the same save path as Windows Vista, and versions older than Windows XP are unlikely to launch GTA 4, which means they can save.

First, consider the save option for Windows XP, as it is as simple as possible and requires no further explanation. All saves from the game will be in the Rockstar Games folder (game developer), which in turn is located in a folder called Local. Local is the user's system folder, and you can find it on the partition of the hard drive where the OS was installed. Although instead of long searches that need to be done with pre-configured parameters (the AppData folder is hidden, so you must first make it “visible”), you can immediately open a folder called “Rockstar Games” by entering the path from drive C to the subfolder \ in the address bar AppData \ Local \ Rockstar Games.

If you want to find out where GTA 4 saves are located in Windows Vista, you should again use the address bar, which is the fastest way to reach the desired folder. The search path for Windows Vista looks like this:

With \ Documents and Settings \ user \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Rockstar Games. However, different installation services use different paths, so if you installed the game through the XLive installer, the save folder will be in the XLive folder, which in turn will be located in the Microsoft folder.

And when you know where the GTA 4 saves are located, you just have to burn them to a USB flash drive or DVD. After that, just move them to the newly created folder with the saves, which will occur after the reinstallation of the game. In the same way, all saves can be transferred to another computer. After copying your saves, you can continue your favorite game on any computer from the exact place where you last "saved" before leaving the world of GTA 4 last time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33514/

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