"Tiger-2." Hyde. Armored Monster of German Tank Building

You rode pretty well on the wonderful Tiger and opened the next combat vehicle in the development branch of German heavy tanks - the PzKpfw VIB Tiger II. Among the players, he has several nicknames - "Kote", "CT", "Two" or "Tiger-2." Guide to the tank, according to tradition, we will begin by examining the module pumping branches.

"Swing" the insides

If you have accumulated a lot of free experience (we strongly recommend that you do this), then use it to bring the tank to the top state. Otherwise, you will have to taste the beauty of the stock car - however, this is one of the few tanks in the game from Wargaming, which in the basic configuration feels quite confident, without causing frankly negative feelings.

tiger 2 guide

First of all, open the chassis. This will allow you to forget about the restrictions on weight and install any subsequent modules and additional equipment. In addition, it will increase the turning speed and overall dynamics of the tank.

The next module to open is the tower. It will add 100 strength points to the tank (sometimes it’s quite critical), plus it will save you from crazy penetrations in the forehead coming from tanks below the level. The most important purchase when installing this module is an increase in visibility and rate of fire.

We pass to the guns. It must be said that both guns opened on the tank have their unconditional pros and cons. To taste the charm of the game on this wonderful device, the author advises to open both. "Pretop" gun will please you with high rate of fire, good penetration, accuracy and high DPM (damage per minute). The top one loses in this indicator, however, it is much more “punchy” and accurate, it also has a much higher rate of one-time damage. So the final choice is up to the player. The main thing is to remember the features of the gun and use it wisely depending on the game situation.

"Tiger-2." Hyde: crew

The tank in question is already quite adult, the eighth level in the pumping branch, quite often gets into fights with the "tens" and is very demanding on the crew. We recommend using on any tanks, starting from the eighth level, crews in three full “perks”.

So, what is necessary for our “cat”, so that he could fully show his teeth and claws?

  • The commander - “battle fraternity” (increases all indicators by 5%), “repair” (TT is in the thick of battle, and the speed of repairing modules is critical), “jack of all trades” (in order to level out frequent concussions of crew members).
  • The gunner is “combat fraternity”, “smooth rotation of the tower” (we improve the accuracy of shooting in the thick of the battle), “repair”.
  • The driver is “combat fraternity”, “smooth running” (we improve the accuracy of shooting in motion), “cleanliness and order” (we reduce the likelihood of arson of the engine).
  • Radio operator - “combat fraternity”, “repair”, “radio interception”.
  • Charger - “battle fraternity”, “contactless warhead” (lower chance of explosion of this module), “repair”.

tiger 2 guide crew

Optional equipment

The description of the Tiger-2 tank (guide) cannot do without a story about the elements of additional equipment absolutely necessary for installation. Given that you have to fight in the first line and everything happens quite dynamically, you need to approach his choice from a practical point of view - to strengthen the pros and try to level out the cons.

The following set will be optimal:

  • Improved ventilation - by installing it, we increase all the parameters of the tank. In combination with the pumped “fighting brotherhood” of the crew, this in total will give a 10% increase in absolutely all characteristics. This is a lot, so it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the module.
  • Large caliber rammer - accelerate reloading of the gun by 10%. In a dynamic battle, and especially a duel in an open area, this will allow you to “shoot” the enemy more than once and save you from destruction.
  • Accelerated pickup drives - the classic accuracy of the gun, additionally emphasized by this element, will allow you to quickly and efficiently aim at the most vulnerable places in the enemy’s armor, both at short distances and at long distances.

Battle tactics

A guide on the Tiger-2 tank would be incomplete if it did not include advice on the effective use of the device in battle.

guide on the tiger 2 tank

So, going into battle, do not forget that we are on a heavy tank. Our trump cards are a large supply of health points, a solid frontal reservation and a deadly gun. Based on this, the first thing we need at the beginning of the countdown is to analyze the composition of the teams.

If we are not below the middle of the list (or in the top)

Feel free to go "tank" direction. We take into account that we have not been given very much speed and we will not be able to quickly change the flank - therefore, the choice of the vector of our attack must be error-free.

We arrive, take a position, start a shootout (if there are several opponents). In the case when our team is in a clear numerical majority, we need to lead the attack, lead the indecisive allies along with us. With a cry: "For the Motherland!" we rush at the enemy, trying to inflict maximum damage. If you were lucky with your teammates, and they supported the attacking impulse, then for the enemy everything ends quickly and deplorably.

guide tiger 2 jove

If we were at the bottom of the table (battle with 9-10 levels)

This is not a reason to despair. The gun with us remarkably "sews" practically anyone, a lot of health - we use it! We drive with the top “strands” to the battlefield and work like a support tank: when one of them rolls back to reload, we move forward and scare the enemy; if possible, shoot, causing damage. In extreme cases, you can cover an ally by taking on a couple of shells. We keep our “top”, but we ourselves are still alive.

Do not forget about the feature inherent in all German tanks - a certain "square" apparatus. This means that standing up to the opponent in a “straight” position is strongly discouraged. The ideal “pose” would be a small rhombus of 20-30 degrees. Movement towards the enemy is also recommended not in a straight line, but with a small tack within the same degrees, thereby we save a huge NLD (lower frontal part) from breaking through. The rhombus, by the way, is very effective in the conditions of shootings (if you have a stone / wall / rock near you): the combination “exit with a reverse rhombus-shot-drive into cover” will save you repeatedly, because the tank very “eats” damage caterpillars.

What is not recommended on this tank is to fight with high-level medium vehicles at short distances: they will "kill" and set fire to it. Therefore, we keep them at a distance and shoot first.

Conclusions on the Tiger-2 tank

The above guide was made on the basis of gaming experience and impressions of the tank. The web shows a lot of materials on this topic, and everyone is free to make their own choices (as well as make up their minds), and even share their impressions. For example, the existing Tiger-2 guide (Jove by its author) will allow you to watch a very ambiguous video performed by one of the most odious World of Tanks water dividers and get a number of ambiguous (and not always reasonable) tips.

tiger 2 guide from amway921

In turn, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the “Little Girl” (if you are interested in the video format) on the creation of another, more professional artist, who gives fairly practical recommendations for playing on the Tiger-2 tank. A guide from Amway921 will teach you not only to properly own a combat vehicle, but also show you a favorable position, talk about tactics and nuances of warfare. Find it easy on the famous channels of the World Wide Web.

In any case, we hope that the article was useful to readers in terms of obtaining the necessary information.

Good luck to you fights!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33517/

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