What to do if Dota 2 crashes?

"Dota 2" is a computer game in the genre of an online battle arena, that is, it is a kind of role-playing project that allows you to choose one of many dozens of characters and take part in short battles for about one or two hours. A feature of this genre is that you do not pump your character in the long run. For each battle, you go with a character of level zero, and end the battle, pumping your hero to the maximum. This has its advantages and disadvantages, but there are definitely more advantages, because Dota has become one of the most famous and beloved multiplayer games in the world, and also created and popularized this genre. Therefore, if "DotA 2" flies out at you, then it definitely will not please you. It is for this that you need to familiarize yourself with this article, since here you will find all the necessary solutions. So what to do if Dota 2 crashes?

Dota 2 crashes

First way

If “Dota 2” crashes, it’s natural to start with the method that most often helps. In this case, it is the integrity check of the game cache. This function is available in "Steam", in which gamers most often play in "DotA". The game is free, so there is no point in downloading pirates and looking for "left" servers when everything is available in a couple of clicks. So, to check the integrity of the game cache, you need to go to the games library, find "DotA" among them, then go to the settings and select the integrity check item. What it is? This is a process that compares game files on your computer with what they should be in the original. If some files are missing, the system automatically restores them, after which the game starts without problems and does not crash. Why can files disappear? In most cases, the reason is your protection systems, such as an antivirus or firewall, which can take a file for a virus and delete it. Accordingly, if “Dota 2” crashes, then you need to add this game to the antivirus exceptions so that before each launch you do not have to check the integrity of the game cache.

Delete bin folder

DotA 2 crashes without error

Unfortunately, far from always you can fix all problems only in the first way. Sometimes "Dota 2" crashes without error, so you can’t determine what exactly you are dealing with. In this case, you should try deleting the game bin folder. Naturally, you should not leave everything in this form, because the game will not be able to work without this folder and the files contained in it. However, you will have to repeat the procedure described in the previous paragraph. As you can easily guess, using this procedure, this folder will be restored to its original form, which increases the likelihood that the game will start and stop crashing. Of course, this does not explain why Dota 2 crashes, but you don’t need to know that. It is enough to understand that this method solves problems with flights. But what if he doesn't help?

Clearing the Steam cache

why dota 2 crashes

This is a much more advanced method that will require more knowledge and more responsibility from you. In some cases, when Dota 2 crashes on boot, the reason may be hidden in the cache of the Steam platform itself. Unfortunately, you do not have access to the cache, so you have to download a special program called SteamCleaner. Please note that this is not an official Steam tool, but a third-party program, so you use it at your own risk. After installing the program, run it, after which it itself will fix all errors in the cache of your platform. After that, you should try to start the game again. Many gamers report that this method often solves the problem with crashes.

Reinstalling the game

DotA 2 crashes on boot

What if Dota 2 crashes even after everything you cranked up? In this case, it is necessary to take more radical measures. For example, you can delete a folder with a game or a folder with Steam in general. When you try to start Steam again, it automatically downloads all the necessary data from scratch. This often allows you to start from scratch, and it almost always solves all the problems with flights.

Problems with VAC

What to do if DotA 2 crashes

The game can also crash due to problems with VAC, that is, with the anti-cheat system "Steam". Many gamers complain that the game crashes with a VAC error message. What to do in this case? First of all, it is recommended to restart the computer, since very often this solution helps in this case. Many say this is the perfect solution in 99 percent of cases. But if this does not help, then you should try some other options. Firstly, do not use cheats, because this leads to a VAC error. Secondly, you need to check if the data execution prevent function is enabled. Next, you need to disable the VPN, if you have it turned on. Well, of course, you need to check the integrity of the Windows files. Some of these approaches will definitely help you deal with these issues.

Launch options

Well, the last thing you should definitely try, if you constantly have crashes from the game - this is setting the launch options. In the game’s settings in “Steam” you need to select the item responsible for setting the launch options. A console will appear in front of you, you need to enter several commands in it that will be activated every time you start the game. More specifically, you need to enter three commands: novid, nod3d9ex and nod3d10ex. Before each of them you need to put a hyphen, and after it - a space. After that, save the changes, and then turn on the game. The commands you specify will be automatically launched every time, reducing the likelihood of crashes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33536/

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