Delicious raspberry remover: planting and care

Recently, local gardeners are increasingly interested in such a plant as raspberry remontana. Landing and care are quite simple, not requiring constant attention or special tools. The most popular varieties are annuals bearing fruit at the very end of summer. The cultivation of β€œdisposable” raspberries greatly simplifies the fight against pests and characteristic diseases, since the entire terrestrial part of the plant is removed after fruiting. That is, the winter problems of heating shoots disappear by themselves.

raspberry repairing planting and care
Planting Raspberry Repairing

A good place to place berry bushes would be the southern slopes, sheltered from the wind. The soil should be fertile, traditionally neutral or, in extreme cases, slightly acidic. It is difficult to imagine a plant more photophilous than raspberry remontant. Planting and caring for the shrub suggest the choice of a sunny place, not loaded with other plantings. If you violate this rule, the berries will ripen much longer, and raspberries will bear less fruit.

planting raspberries

They dig a special trench, which has a width of half a meter and the same depth. A nutrient mixture is introduced at the rate of - 2 buckets of compost or quality humus, 1 cup of potassium sulfate and the same amount of superphosphate. Opponents of mineral dressing can make a liter jar of ash, peat or wood is suitable. From above, the trench is covered with nutritious soil and rammed tightly. They also prepare land for seedlings, only fertilizers should be put in half.

If planting is done in rows, it is necessary to maintain a distance between them of 1.6-1.8 m, between the plants themselves - 0.4-0.5 m. The bush method, when repair raspberry is grown, has also shown itself well. Planting and care in such cases involves the placement of seedlings by square or arbitrary methods. Depending on the variety variety in the first year, the plant gives 1-4 new shoots. And in order for the bush to bloom by August, a remont raspberry planted in the spring. With proper watering, you can get the first berries already in early September, in addition, the autumn harvest usually has dense fruits that can be stored for a long time and not rot on the branches due to dew or light rain. With the first frosts, the raspberries are harvested and the plant is prepared for winter.

remont raspberries in spring
Wintering of repair varieties

The entire terrestrial part of the berry bush is removed after setting and freezing the soil, since before that it must draw all the nutrients from the stem to the roots. No stumps should be left, you need to cut the shoots at the ground surface. In the second year, normalization of young root offspring begins, it is carried out in the first 3 weeks of spring vegetation. Only with strong shoots does a delicious and abundantly fruitful raspberry remontant grow. Planting and caring for this plant is quite complicated, but only for the first time. For one running meter, 7-14 strong shoots are left, observing a distance between them of 15-18 cm. By the way, young shoots can be used as a quality planting material.

Tip: to rejuvenate raspberries, once every 4-5 years, you need to separate the old roots with a shovel. This frees up space for new root offspring, forming strong healthy bushes.


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