Tattoo "Bird" - beauty on the body

From time immemorial, birds have been associated among people with unlimited freedom and endless sky, tremendous spiritual strength and the most cherished dreams, all-consuming joy and great divine will. Naturally, all of the above qualities relate exclusively to flying birds.

bird tattoo
Perhaps this is why the bird tattoo is so very popular. With this simple and refined image you can convey countless possible meanings and various ideas, however, among other things, there is one thing that all flying birds constantly symbolize, regardless of their type and size. It is a life force, as well as the pursuit of something unattainable and beauty.

What does a bird tattoo mean?

The bird that soars in the sky, in its meaning, can be associated with the elements of air, and it does not matter at all which forces it is assigned to - light or dark. In many legends of various nationalities and in Christianity, birds symbolize the souls of people. According to them, birds are intermediaries between earthly creatures and gods. Also, do not lose sight of the blue bird, it personifies happiness, the fulfillment of the most unrealizable desires, as well as the cherished dream.

bird tattoo on hand
The meaning of the “Bird” tattoo is almost always in direct proportion to the type of bird depicted in the figure. As a rule, each of them is a real embodiment of a number of personal qualities of a person, as well as certain symbolic associations. For example, pink flamingo personifies such qualities as tenderness, fragility, romance, a peculiar inability to harsh living conditions.

Tattoo "Bird" on the arm can symbolize anything. And it depends solely on who it is depicted. Here the eagle symbolizes freedom, independence, pride, toughness, a very severe disposition and foresight, and a falcon, seemingly similar to it, is associated with completely different things: wealth, speed, swiftness, recognition, glory and achievement of goals.

The majestic swans embody love, loyalty and boundless tenderness, because they create a couple for themselves once and for life. Some nationalities of the world such feathered as vultures or black crows are harbingers of imminent terrible misfortunes and illnesses.

Only positive value

However, the “Bird” tattoo, as a rule, means something good. For example, the well-known white dove personifies the Holy Spirit. And impaled on the arm, it is a symbol of the universal concept of the world. This attitude to birds can be explained by the desire and constant desire of a person to understand their ability to fly. And much later, birds began to symbolize the spiritual craving of people for the sublime, perfect, beautiful and something unearthly.

bird tattoo on the wrist
If you want to make a “Bird” tattoo on your wrist, then it can be, for example, a hummingbird. This charming bird means freedom, love of life, easy attitude to difficult situations, movement, courage. And this is only a small part of what they personify. And another small bird - a swallow - symbolizes hope, youth and good luck. She is also considered the messenger of the goddess of love.


When choosing a tattoo, you should always remember that you should rely only on your internal feelings, and not on the advice of friends. Most importantly, the pinned image matches only you. Today, symbolism is quite firmly rooted in our minds, and now it is not at all necessary to thoroughly study the meaning of any picture or image, you just need to understand and feel whether it is ideal for you now.


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