How to put a "set home" in "Minecraft", and why do it?

If you play Minecraft on a multi-user server, you will have to learn a lot more diverse teams than if you play on your own without an Internet connection. In this article, we will talk about one very useful command that you will use quite often - this is sethome. Thanks to this material, you will learn how to add a similar function to the server. And how to put a “set home” in Minecraft. This is a fairly simple process. However, many gamers still have problems. Accordingly, it is necessary to accurately and thoroughly describe how to put a “set home” in Minecraft.

What it is?

Seth Home is a common console command in the Minecraft game that allows you to designate a specific point on the map as your “home”. This means that you can return to this point using a teleport. And also, if your character accidentally dies at the hands of the enemy, he will not be reborn at a random spawn point, but precisely at the point that you designated as "home." Also, if you set this point, on the map the arrow will not point to the north, as it happens by default, but to your house, which greatly simplifies the task of the researcher. Thus, you should be well aware of how important it is to know how to put a “set home” in Minecraft. This is an incredibly useful team that greatly facilitates the player’s life and allows him to always find his home, and reduces the likelihood that he will get lost. But, nevertheless, how to put a “set home” in Minecraft? We will help you find the answer to this question.

how to put set home in minecraft

Plugin installation

If you are trying to find out how you can put a “set house” in Minecraft, prepare for the fact that the first problem will be that only the administrator can use this command by default. Accordingly, you can use it in a single player game, as well as on a multi-user server. Where you have administrator rights. Naturally, in a multiplayer game, each player wants to be able to set a specific point on the map as his own home. To do this, you will need to download and install a special plugin that opens the possibility of using this command for each player located on the server. If there is no such possibility on the server where you play, you should think about changing the server to a more advanced one. It is likely that there will be many more additional features that you did not even suspect.

how can I put a set home in minecraft

How to put a “set home” in Minecraft?

Well, the last thing worth mentioning is the very process of creating your own "home". Fortunately, this is very simple. You just need to take your character to the point that you want to use as a "home", then open the console and enter the sethome command. In the game itself, nothing will change after the introduction of this command, however, an additional line of information is written to the server database that tells the game that a particular character should not return to the spawn point, but to a specific point whose coordinates were determined at that moment, when you used the command described in this article.

how to put a set home in minecraft

In a word, nothing complicated. Go for it! Have a good game and have a good time!


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