Anko Mitarashi is a character from Naruto

For those who do not yet know who Mitarashi Anko is, a character biography will be presented in this article.

First appearance

To begin with, it should be said that Anko is the heroine of the anime "Naruto". This is a story about living in a fictional world. The protagonist is the teenage ninja Naruto Ujimaki. The whole plot is built around him. Throughout the anime, he masters new skills and makes new friends. Anko Mitarashi appears in the 25th episode of the first season. For the first time, this heroine appears before the audience during the second exam for the rank of Chunin. She leads the second phase. Competitions are coming in the forest, and Anko Mitarashi warns candidates about the terrible dangers in the forest. She has to watch the exam, so she learns that the grass ninja has died and concludes that his body uses Orochimaru. This is the main enemy of Mitarashi. She rushes in search of him and enters into battle with him, but loses.

Revenge target

In general, the goal of Anko Mitarashi is to kill Orochimaru. The reason for such hatred must be sought in her childhood, which the girl hardly remembers. Orochimaru was her teacher, whom she respected and loved, but he neglected the safety rules and sealed it, not checking whether she could survive or not after that. Although it can be understood. After all, Anko was a capable student. At 10, she graduated from the ninja academy, and at 12 she already became a Chunin. After the seal case, Anko fled from her teacher, but vowed to kill him at the first opportunity.

anko mitarashi

How does she look

In order to better imagine the girl in question, we will describe her. In the anime, she is 25 years old. She is short with large light brown eyes and dark purple hair, which Anko collects in a ponytail. The girl wears a long mesh shirt with a brown miniskirt. A brown coat is worn over this, mesh stockings, white bracelets and black sandals are on his feet. She has a snake-shaped pendant on her neck and a Kanohi bandage on her forehead. Her character is open. Sometimes she behaves like a child. However, constant thoughts of revenge prevent her from being careless. With a high level of intelligence, Anko is at the same time hyperactive, always ready for action. At the same time, she is capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of completing a mission.

mitarashi anko character biography

Life totals

During his presence in the anime, Anko Mitarashi undergoes several missions. The first of them is in Umi no Kuni, where she recalls her past. The second was a Itachi search mission. Then Anko sees Orochimaru again, he appears as a white snake. During the Fourth World War, Mitarashi leads a special detachment to search for Kabuto. There is a battle during which Anko loses and almost dies. However, Orochimaru also died, who was subsequently resurrected with the help of her Juin without her knowledge. In the end, Anko Mitarashi returns to his village and becomes an instructor at the Academy.


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