Legal Support Center: Employee Reviews

Finding a good employer today is difficult. Therefore, citizens try to find out as much as possible about a company before employment. What is a Legal Support Center? Reviews about this company from subordinates will help to understand the answer to the question. What are the pros and cons of the organization will be faced by applicants? What pleases and upsets subordinates? All this will be described later.

Description of Activities

Before you get a job in a particular organization, it is important to understand in which area of ​​activity it is involved. Much depends on it.

legal support center reviews

The Legal Support Center receives feedback as a law firm. She is engaged in providing legal assistance and advice to the population in various fields. We can say that we are talking about the most ordinary legal office. Should I contact here for further employment? What are the pros and cons of subordinates seeing their employer?

Job interview

The legal support center reviews employees of various types. Therefore, it is difficult to clearly judge the integrity of a potential boss. But to do this is still possible.

Many workers note that interviews play an important role. This meeting receives opinions of various types. Some note that the interview only pleased - the recruitment managers conduct a friendly conversation, talk about all the features of cooperation. The standard dialogue scheme, nothing surprising or special. Almost all citizens then receive callbacks with an invitation to the company for further employment.

But sometimes the Legal Support Center does not earn the best reviews. Some subordinates note that recruitment managers do not say much, basically the whole dialogue comes down to two questions: “What can a job seeker do?”, “Where did you work before contacting our organization?” Sometimes you may come across not the most friendly managers.

legal support center employee reviews

Nevertheless, the interview is the main feature of cooperation. Therefore, he is given a little time in the reviews. What other pros and cons in the center of legal support speak citizens?

Employer promises

For example, you will have to pay attention to what promises and guarantees the employer offers to subordinates. Legal Support Center LLC receives good reviews from employees in this area.

The thing is that the studied employer literally lures with his promises. What is guaranteed during employment? It can be distinguished:

  • official employment;
  • work in a friendly team;
  • gaining invaluable experience in the legal field;
  • social package and guarantees;
  • paid holiday;
  • continuous development (including career development);
  • stable high earnings and opportunities to increase profits;
  • friendly and close-knit team.

All these are standard promises of almost all bosses. Nevertheless, they still attract the population. Does the Legal Support Center provide these guarantees? Or are they a hoax?

legal support center reviews

About the nuances of employment

Legal support center reviews earn not the best for employment features. Opinions are divided into 2 categories. The first is employees who speak about the availability of official registration with the employer. All necessary entries are made in the job book of the applicant, if there is no document, the boss starts it himself. An employment contract is also concluded with everyone.

The second category is subordinates, indicating that official employment in the company is a hoax. You have to work without a work book and contract. Only after a long time can they officially formalize labor relations with their subordinates .

These are the mixed reviews that the Legal Support Center earns. It is safe to say that the workers here are really registered according to the established legislation. But at the same time, you still have to work hard without documents and a contract. But all in compliance with the established legislation.


This is a period of training in a corporation. LLC "Legal Support Center" positive feedback most often earns for the fact that the head allows all employees to learn cooperation for free. True, during this period there is no documentation. But after studying with all subordinates, an employment contract is concluded.

There are opinions indicating that applicants are simply being used. During training, you have to actually perform the duties of an officially employed employee. A kind of free labor.

legal support center dimitrova 3 1 reviews


Legal support center (Dimitrova, 3/1) receives good reviews for people who work in the organization. The thing is that you will have to work in a truly friendly team. Beginners are welcome here, trying to help and support. Scandals here are rare, the authorities do not intervene in them.

Sometimes not the best colleagues are found, but, as a rule, their minority. Therefore, work in the Legal Support Center is a real gift for sociable people. Many people come here not only for work, but also for communication.

Heads and leaders

But for the leadership of the Legal Support Center, reviews often earn not the best. It is noted that the bosses in the company are exactly the same as in most organizations. That is, agreeing on something with him is difficult. They do not go towards subordinates, constantly burden workers with duties. Of course, when solving labor issues, a certain injustice is seen in relation to subordinates. Sometimes you can find opinions that employees in the Legal Support Center are not considered to be people at all.

In fact, such opinions are common, but they no longer surprise the population. All claims are template. Almost all employers in Russia earn similar reviews.

Sometimes you can find opinions according to which, the authorities in the Center for Legal Support perfectly builds relationships with conscientious, active and responsive subordinates. The main thing is to give all the best during work at 100%.

legal support center moscow reviews

About salary

The city in which the main branch of the organization called the "Center for Legal Support" is located is Moscow. Reviews about this employer are different. But a lot of negativity can be found for the wages that employees receive. And not only in Moscow, but also in other branches of the company.

The thing is that workers emphasize the lack of a normal salary. Either employees are offered low earnings and interest on the services provided, or just%. Accordingly, there are real prospects for high profits, but it is extremely difficult to realize them. Units manage to do this.

Employment incidents

There is another feature that many dwell on. The Legal Support Center receives negative reviews for posting certain vacancies. For example, "assistant lawyer." Salary there promise about 42,000 rubles. And at the same time, the applicant will have to help the lawyer to provide services.

In practice, employees become subordinates in the call center, who try their best to attract new visitors. This is not at all what they promise at the interview. It cannot be emphasized that the salary of such personnel directly depends on the transactions concluded. Deception that scares.


It is clear which Legal Support Center LLC reviews are earning. Sometimes you can see the company on the black lists of employers in different cities. This phenomenon is observed due to the large number of negative opinions.

ooo legal support center employee reviews

Only it should be remembered that not a single review is documented. This applies to both positive and negative opinions. Thus, the Legal Support Center is the most common average employer. You can find a job here, but clearly you should not hope for 100% honesty of the boss.


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