Tomato "pink giant": variety description, characteristics, yield and reviews

Surely there are no summer residents who do not grow tomatoes on their site. "Pink Giant" is one of the brightest representatives of this culture, which has a number of advantages over other varieties. An impressive size alone will not leave indifferent any summer resident. In this article, we will consider not only the description of the pink giant tomatoes and the reviews of experienced gardeners about them, but also share the features of growing this variety. In general, this process is not troublesome and is not very different from growing tomatoes of other varieties. However, there are some nuances, and they should definitely be considered if you want to get a rich harvest.

Description of the tomato "pink giant"

Tomatoes "pink giant"

This large-fruited tomato variety was bred relatively recently - in 2000, and two years later it was added to the State Register. The plant is considered indeterminate and standard, that is, controlling its growth. This ability is very convenient, because the plant independently distributes the growth force and nutrients, timely sending them to the development of the fruit, and not excessive branching. Due to this, minimal care is required, and therefore this variety is considered a vegetable for lazy gardeners.

On average, the height of the bushes when grown in a greenhouse varies from 150 to 180 centimeters. In the open ground, pink giant tomato bushes can grow up to 2.5 meters in height. At the same time, they are too thickened with leaves, despite their rather large size.

Crop characteristics

Harvest Characteristic

Tomatoes "pink giant" are considered mid-season - the first crop can be harvested already 105-110 days after planting. Tomatoes are formed from the ovary in the form of a brush, 3-6 pieces each. The weight of rounded and slightly flattened fruits on average reaches 400 grams. However, with good care, you can achieve the weight of one tomato up to 1200 grams. Sometimes a fruit weighing more than two kilograms develops from a large inflorescence, but in this case it has an irregular shape. The total yield from one bush is at least 3-4 kilograms, and in terms of one square meter of the plot, 12 to 15 kilograms are obtained. Tomato "pink giant" is characterized by a sweet taste and dense, granular flesh.

Advantages and disadvantages

After reviewing the basic description of the tomato "pink giant", you can go on to study the advantages and disadvantages of the variety. Knowing them, you will definitely decide whether to give preference to this variety for growing on your site.

The main advantages of culture, judging by the reviews of tomato "pink giant", is resistance to many diseases. Due to the huge size of the fruit, the harvesting process is significantly accelerated, which also can not but rejoice. The pleasant taste of tomato allows you to use it not only in fresh form, but also to make excellent sauces from it and prepare it in the form of juice or pasta. In the process of growing bushes tolerate temperature extremes and delay in watering.

There are completely minor defects of this variety. For example, people say that such large fruits cannot be preserved whole. In addition, in the process of growth and active formation of the fruits of the hand, they too bend under weight, as a result of which damage occurs. Therefore, they must be tied up in a timely manner. And due to the small number of seeds, the process of collecting them becomes more complicated.

Seed preparation and planting seedlings

Tomato seedlings "pink giant"

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out at the very beginning of spring. The first shoots will appear within a week after planting, so the pink giant tomatoes can be characterized as fast-growing. The optimum temperature for the emergence of seedlings is considered to be +15 ° C, a week after exposure at this temperature, you can transfer the box with seedlings to a warmer room with good lighting.

Before planting, the seeds are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate or iodine. After that, they are soaked in a solution that stimulates growth, and are again disinfected. The preparation procedure ends after a five-day seed exposure in the refrigerator chamber. Prepared seeds are kept in water for another week before germination and then sent to the ground.

Planting and Seedling Care

Tomato Seedlings

Sprouted seeds are planted in boxes with soil to a depth of about 2-3 centimeters, after the appearance of two leaves on a sprout, they are pickled. You can avoid the procedure by immediately sowing the seeds in separate small containers, since the picking process slows down the overall growth of the plant and the further ripening of the tomatoes for several days. The main care for seedlings is timely watering and double top dressing. It is also important to periodically harden seedlings in order to prepare for growing in open ground. Landing is hardened by moving the box to a colder room or to the street, and increasing the time interval every day.

Transplanting the finished seedlings into a greenhouse or open ground is carried out 55 days after sowing seeds. The distance between the bushes should be at least 70 centimeters. If the bush has grown too thin and long, when transplanting, deepen it a little more than the rest.

Watering and feeding

Watering Tomatoes

The "pink giant" prefers rare but very plentiful watering. Moreover, its frequency also depends on weather conditions and soil composition. For example, in dry and hot weather, the frequency of water application should be increased, and in case of frequent rains, the procedure should be shortened. It is important not to allow excessive drying of the soil, but the accumulation of moisture is unacceptable - it leads to rotting of the roots.

Feeding tomatoes is permissible both with complex preparations, and independently prepared solutions. Chicken droppings, manure and ash solution are perfect for fertilizing. Useful for tomatoes "pink giant" iodine solution. Eight drops of the drug are dissolved in twenty liters of water - this amount is enough for 5-6 bushes. Such treatment will accelerate fruit set and protect the plant from late blight.

Bushes care

Tomatoes "pink giant" photo

The root system of this tomato variety develops very quickly, and therefore there is a need for additional supply of them with oxygen. To do this, periodically carry out the hilling of the bushes with loose soil and remove all weeds.

There are some secrets to bush formation. To accelerate the ripening period of the fruit, no more than seven brushes are left on the bush, and the top of the main stem is significantly shortened. And in order to increase the size of tomatoes, reduce the number of fertile brushes to five. The procedure for trimming brushes is carried out at the stage of inflorescence formation. On each brush no more than four largest flowers are left, all the rest are removed. This pattern of bush formation allows you to achieve maximum productivity.

Diseases and Pests

Judging by the reviews, the tomato variety "pink giant" is not susceptible to diseases of the fungal genus. However, with improper care, infection with pests and defeat by other diseases are possible. To avoid such unpleasant situations, you should regularly air the greenhouse, properly organize watering and provide adequate lighting.

The most common pests that can attack tomatoes are aphids and thrips. Cope with them will help timely processing of plantings with the drug "Bison". In addition, it is possible the defeat of tomatoes "pink giant" by the Colorado potato beetle, which means "Prestige" helps to get rid of. And from the invasion of the greenhouse whitefly rescues the drug "Confidor".


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