"Netochka Nezvanova": a summary. "Netochka Nezvanova" - a novel by F. M. Dostoevsky

The talent of Dostoevsky was recognized by the contemporaries of the writer, as recognized by his current readers. In one of the stories, he conveyed amazingly subtly the external and internal world of the orphan Netochka Nezvanova. This article will present the features of the work and its summary. "Netochka Nezvanova" was conceived by the author as a novel and, according to the forecasts of Dostoevsky himself, was supposed to cause a sensation in literary circles. But this, unfortunately, did not happen. The work was reduced to a story format.

summary netochka nezvanova


Dostoevsky’s contemporaries perceived his work in different ways. Some appreciated the writer for his rare ability to convey a picture of the characters' lives. Others saw in his works excessive mannerism and pretentiousness. Nevertheless, everyone appreciated his exceptional talent.

The writer devoted several books to the subject of a suffering child. Among them is the humiliated and offended novel. For many modern readers, Dostoevsky’s works are difficult to understand. And therefore, trying to get at least minimal information about the plot, they prefer to read a brief summary.

“Netochka Nezvanova” is a work that tells about the suffering of a teenage girl. There are no unexpected storylines in it, as, for example, in The Brothers Karamazov. In this story there is no intrigue and tension of the narrative - what can be seen in the Crime and Punishment. And therefore, perhaps, not so wrong step will be reading a concise statement. What is the story about which this article is dedicated?

netochka nezvanova short content

The story of one woman

A teenage girl becomes an orphan, as a result of which everyone is ready to offend her. However, there are kind people on her journey of life. A very brief summary would look something like this. “Netochka Nezvanova” is a story that Dostoevsky’s contemporaries called “the story of one woman”, despite the fact that at the end of the work the heroine is only sixteen years old. There are many tragic moments in this story; a number of complex psychological images are presented. Below are the characteristics of the characters and the main events that take place in the story.

Chapter One: Summary

Netochka Nezvanova did not remember her father. He died when she was only two years old. Mother subsequently married a man named Epifanov, which doomed herself to misfortune and need.

"Netochka Nezvanova," a brief summary of which can be stated as a short story from the life of one character, is a story with many heroes. The fate of each is described in detail by Dostoevsky. The first chapter, for example, deals exclusively with Epifanov. This man was once a clarinet player. Epifanov did not shine with talent. He played in the orchestra of the landowner, a good man and in love with music.

Once Netochka's stepfather made acquaintance with a drinking and dropping bandmaster of Italian descent. A strange friendship developed between them. But soon the Italian died, bequeathed to Epifanova his tailcoat and violin. The instrument turned out to be expensive, but the clarinetist flatly refused to part with it. And later it suddenly turned out that Epifanov was an excellent violinist.

Learning about the amazing abilities of his clarinet player, the landowner gave him advice: to work hard, never be arrogant, and most importantly - never drink alcohol. And finally, the good man handed Epifanov a small sum of money. The trouble is that the young violinist did not follow the advice of his benefactor. He just drank and boasted of his musical abilities, from which soon nothing was left. Such is the story of Epifanov’s stepfather. Events from the early life of the violinist from his former friend heard Netochka Nezvanova. The chapter summary below will provide a concise description of events from the biography of the main character.

Dostoevsky netochka nezvanova summary


With amazing accuracy he was able to convey the inner world of the child Dostoevsky. Netochka Nezvanova, a brief summary of which is presented in that article, is, first of all, the experiences of a teenage girl transmitted in the first person.

The family lived on funds earned by the mother. Epifanov, whom Netochka perceived as a father, used to blame his wife for his failures. He told everyone he met and unfamiliar about his bitter fate. Epifanov allegedly did not become a great violinist, because he was married to a woman who destroyed his talent.

f Dostoevsky netochka nezvanova summary

Musician's wife

Netochka’s mother was dreamy in nature, and therefore, when she met with Epifanov, she decided to become his support: she saw in this person the future famous violinist. It is worth saying that the wife of Epifanova was an educated woman, who once worked as a governess. But the death of the first husband, the drunkenness of the second and constant need turned her into a grumpy and gloomy personality. Oddly enough, Netochka loved her stepfather. My mother felt only fear. And only years later she began to realize how unfair she was to this woman.

f m Dostoevsky netochka nezvanova summary


In this story F. Dostoevsky depicted the tragedy of a child whom the closest person betrayed. “Netochka Nezvanova,” the summary of which, perhaps, will not create a complete impression of the teenager’s experiences, is an extremely deep work. However, like other novels and novels by Dostoevsky.

Epifanov was a mentally ill person. The only thing that saved him from complete madness for eight years was the false and cruel belief that Netochka's mother was an obstacle to the brilliant career of a violinist. For eight years he did not pick up a tool. At the same time, he convinced himself that after the death of his wife, he would certainly become a brilliant violinist.

Netochka Nezvanova chapter summary

Terrible disaster

Once a great musician came to Petersburg. Epifanov attended his concert, after which he realized his worthlessness. On the same evening, Netochka's mother passed away. The half-crazy violinist picked up the instrument and began to play. The sounds that the girl heard while watching this picture only remotely resembled music. Over the years of idleness and drunkenness, Epifanov lost all his skills.

Awareness of his mediocrity led him into complete madness, after which he rushed to run in an indefinite direction. He left his adopted daughter, left the body of his wife, as if it were an unnecessary thing for him now. Soon he was discovered outside the city: he was completely unconscious. And three days later, Epifanov died.

In the house of the prince

Further, the vicissitudes of orphan fate depicted F. M. Dostoevsky. “Nezochka Nezvanova,” a summary of which in subsequent chapters can be summarized in several paragraphs, is a work with many characters - both negative and positive.

After the death of her mother and her father’s escape, the girl ended up in the prince’s house. This man led a solitary lifestyle. Even the wife could not see the prince for several weeks in a row. But he was kind and sincerely compassion for Netochka. The princess, on the contrary, was a cold and arrogant person. In her company, Netochka felt terrible, and therefore constantly sought solitude.

A rather strange old woman, who belonged to the prince as an aunt, also lived in the house. This lady disliked the orphan. The old woman tortured Netochka with her nitpicking. And although she did this from a distance, she brought the orphan to complete despair.

Once the very violinist was invited to the prince’s house, after a concert of which Netochka lost her parents. Memories surged over her with renewed vigor. The girl fell ill and was on the verge of death for several days. However, when her health got better, the prince’s daughter returned from Moscow. She made friends with Katya Netochka. But the girls had to leave: the prince’s family left for Moscow, and the orphan girl was sent to her married daughter’s house.

summary of the story netochka nezvanova

Alexandra Mikhailovna

Sister Katie reacted warmly to the orphan. But in the new house, as it turned out, there were skeletons in the closet. Netochka, in constant anguish, found solace in the books. She secretly made her way to the library and read. Once, in one of the books, a girl found a letter addressed to Alexandra Mikhailovna. This message was written by her lover. She was once in love, for which she deserved the disapproval of society. Her husband - Peter Alexandrovich - forgave her, but for several years he reproached her for treason. Before appearing in front of his wife, this man every time changed the expression of his face. From a laughing man he turned into a dull one, from a merry one into a sullen one.

Alexandra Mikhailovna suspected her husband of love for Netochka. Unreasonable pickiness, she believed, was only a way for him to hide feelings. The conflict led to the fact that the pupil was about to leave the house. However, the assistant Peter Alexandrovich unexpectedly stopped her.

This is the summary of the story "Netochka Nezvanova." After reading it, however, it should be remembered that the works of classical literature should be read in full.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3358/

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