Kosher is a sure way of life for Orthodox Jews

Kosher is correct, suitable, that is how this term is translated from Hebrew. He owes much to kashrut, which regulates the nutrition of all Orthodox Jews. Each Jew must obey strict rules and carefully plan his daily diet. Kashrut is not a doctrine, it is a way of life that calls for less bloodshed and mindless killing of animals.

Kosher is
Every year, kosher food is becoming more popular. This is not surprising, because kosher is the right, rational and thoughtful way of eating, which can prevent the occurrence of many diseases. Kashrut determines what a Jew should eat and drink, and how this food should be prepared. For example, in no case should you mix milk and meat products, there are also a number of other restrictions.

The most difficult thing is with meat, because the Torah urges Orthodox Jews not to be cruel to animals. It is allowed to eat only meat of artiodactyl ruminants, and then only their front part. Killing a living creature without causing him pain and suffering is a real art that the butchers have been studying for years and then pass a difficult exam. If cattle are slaughtered according to all the rules, then adrenaline does not enter the bloodstream, and the useful and tasteful qualities of the meat product only benefit from this.

Kosher wine
Kosher is useful, which is why product requirements are very high. Meat products should not contain soy, synthetic additives, GMOs, fat or veins. In addition, Jews do not eat pork and animals killed in the hunt. There are no special restrictions on seafood, it is only necessary that the fish have fins and scales. Shellfish are forbidden. Kashrut allows you to eat poultry, birds of prey are considered non-kosher. Insects should not be eaten, therefore, Jews monitor the purity of greenery in such a way, sift flour on a fine sieve, and make sure that there are no worms in the insides of animals, birds, and fish.

Of alcoholic drinks, true Jews are allowed to drink only kosher wine. In its manufacture it is also necessary to follow strict rules. Only religious Jews can work in distilleries ; the rest should not even be touched. All ingredients for its preparation must be kosher. The bottle usually bears the signature of the abbot who supervised the production process and the seal. All kosher wines are very expensive, but there is no doubt in their quality. They are bought mainly by Jews observing Shabbat, since they should not drink any other drink.

Kosher food
A kosher way of eating is a sure way to maintain excellent health for years to come, because all products undergo rigorous testing. The high quality and usefulness of such food is beyond doubt, the products are always fresh, rich in vitamins and minerals, do not contain soy or GMOs. Special requirements are placed not only on the quality of the products, but also on the method of their preparation. Fish, meat, vegetables - all this is prepared separately and always in different dishes and on different cutting boards. This approach to cooking not only improves its taste, but is also safe from the point of view of hygiene.


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