Prohibition sign stop: fine, coverage and exceptions

There is a category of drivers who are constantly in a hurry somewhere and do not bother finding a free parking space. And therefore they allow themselves to park their vehicles, violating the rules of the movement, in places not intended for parking. As a result of these actions, traffic jams or a safety hazard for passers-by may occur.

Over the past year, the number of fines that the traffic police inspectors issued for parking in the area of ​​the “Stop is prohibited” traffic sign has also increased. Another measure of punishment is the evacuation of the car, and already in this case you will have to pay not only the fine, but also the work of the tow truck. Therefore, the car owner needs to know the established rules well and try not to violate them in order to prevent material losses. In the article, we will understand what kind of prohibition sign it is, what sanctions can be applied to those who park under the sign “Stop is prohibited,” how much the fine is today and who can violate this rule.

stop under the prohibition sign fine

Parking concept

Most motorists will not be able to give an exact definition and name the differences between the two concepts: stopping and parking. But these prohibition signs are found in the practice of drivers every day. It would seem that their names are similar, but they differ in their requirements. The SDA gives a clear definition. The stop of the vehicle is considered to be the termination of its movement for five minutes (no more). In the case when time increases, it is considered to be a parking lot. For example, if the truck is under unloading and will spend more than five minutes in this position. If such a process is continuous, then it can be argued that the vehicle has stopped. Such an example can be given with public transport.

stop sign prohibited

In the case of a bus stop for boarding or boarding passengers, this process is also called a stop, despite the duration. A bus stop under a prohibiting sign is not subject to a penalty in this case. Under the concept of "parking" is not meant the implementation of any action. This is a complete cessation of the movement of the car, for example, the owner closed it and moved away, and when he returns, it is not known. It turns out that both of these concepts imply a deliberate cessation of movement, but the car owner determines the place and time of parking himself.

What are the reasons for installing a sign?

The “Stop is prohibited” sign is not someone's whim; there are a number of reasons behind its installation. The car can create an obstacle for other participants in the movement, as well as lead to an emergency. Specific places where the action of the mark is distributed are identified. It:

  • tram tracks or a place near them;
  • railroad crossing;
  • tunnel;
  • bridge, overpass and place under them;
  • track intended for cyclists;
  • a section of the road where the car may block traffic lights to other vehicles or obstruct the movement of other cars and pedestrians;
  • part of the road before a dangerous turn;
  • the section of the carriageway on which the car stands if it is less than 3 meters from it to a solid dividing line or to the opposite edge of the road;
  • intersection of carriageways.

In all of the above cases, when stopping under a prohibition sign, a fine cannot be avoided.

parking ticket under stop sign prohibited

Exceptions to the Rules

On the stretch of the carriageway, where the “Stop is prohibited” road sign is installed, parking is not allowed at all. But a forced stop is allowed if, for example, the driver suddenly felt unwell. In this case, it is necessary to turn on the alarm and set an emergency stop sign on the road. If these conditions are met, then the driver will not have to pay a penalty for stopping under a prohibition sign. Such an exception is allowed for public transport. If the sign “Stop is prohibited”, the drivers of these cars have the right to stop driving in specially designated places. Parking permit under the prohibition sign may be a special plate that applies to persons with disabilities of the first and second groups. It depicts a wheelchair crossed out by a red stripe.

Who can not pay a fine?

Who else can escape punishment? Under the sign of the prohibition of stopping, it is allowed to leave cars of postal service and route transport, they include a tram, trolley bus, bus. Such a cessation of movement should be planned.

It is allowed to stop under the sign if the car owner is slowed down by the traffic police officer under the sign "Stop is prohibited." The fine in this case is not issued.

All other motor vehicles are subject to a strict ban. Otherwise, the vehicle may be evacuated to the parking lot of fines.

Determine the area of ​​the sign

Before you find out for the parking lot under the sign “Stop is prohibited” what kind of penalty has been imposed on the driver, it is necessary to study the areas of his action. An experienced driver calculates the situation on the road in a matter of seconds and can easily determine if parking is allowed or not. Of course, most often this can be done by the established road sign on the side of the road and the markings on the roadway.

parking ticket with stop sign prohibited

Nevertheless, it is important not only to know where the zone of such a restriction begins, but also where it ends. Otherwise, the car owner risks traveling around the city for a long time, having no idea where parking is allowed. First of all, remember that stopping is prohibited on the side of the roadway on which the sign is installed. Suppose it is located to the right of the road, but on the opposite side it is not. In this case, you can park your car on the left.

Action area

The traffic rules determine the zone of validity of the sign “Stop is prohibited”:

  1. The distance that lasts from the place of installation of the sign to the first intersection of the road. But it happens that after the intersection such a sign is set again, then its action continues. If there is no sign, then parking is allowed.
  2. The way from the sign to the exit from the village - this is possible in the absence of intersections.
  3. From the sign to the road sign “End of the zone of all restrictions” - this situation is possible on the tracks or on those sections of the road where road works are carried out.
  4. In the case when the prohibition sign is used together with solid yellow markings on the road, the coverage area of ​​the restriction lasts along this line. Such a ban could last a couple of kilometers. The parking ticket under the “Stop is prohibited” sign along the yellow line cannot be avoided either.
  5. If a sign is located under the sign with an arrow indicating the direction, then the stop prohibition zone is determined by the direction of such a pointer.
fine under stop sign is prohibited

What sanctions will parking under a sign lead to?

If the car is left in a place where stopping is prohibited, then, according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the owner of the car will be punished. It is a warning or a fine. How much will you pay for parking under the sign “Stop is prohibited”? The size of the fine is from 500 to 3000 rubles.

If you are not disabled, but have parked your transport in a place intended for such a group of people, you will face a fine ranging from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Often, residents of cities of federal significance pay it at the maximum rate. Drivers in other regions are issued receipts for amounts less than 3,000 rubles.

Guilty fact

Of course, in order to levy a fine, the fact of the guilt of the car owner must first be proved. In the absence of patrol inspectors, a violation can be recorded by a video or camera, which operate in automatic mode. Then a notification of violation is sent to the owner of the car by mail.

If the driver left the car in a lane intended for public transport, he will face a fine. A stop under the prohibition sign will cost in this case from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles.

what penalty under the stop sign is prohibited

According to the code, parking is also prohibited at the level crossing. This is also a stop under the prohibition sign. The fine will amount to 1000 rubles, but moreover, you are also facing a deprivation of a driver’s license for up to 3 to 6 months.

An illegal stop on the highway threatens the offender with a punishment of 1,000 rubles.

Another measure of prosecution is the evacuation of a car to a parking lot. This can happen when the abandoned car stands on the road and creates an obstacle for other road users. The notice of evacuation of the vehicle is drawn up by the traffic police inspector. You can get this information both at the place of compilation of the protocol, and in the duty department of the traffic police. In this case, a fine is paid, as well as the work of a tow truck, and the services of a penalty parking.

traffic fines under stop sign prohibited

It’s better not to delay the payment

It’s best not to delay the payment. When paying a parking ticket under the “Stop is prohibited” sign, the traffic police offers a 50% discount if you pay it within 20 days of the violation. If you received a notice of a violation of a stop by photo, you should pay attention to the date. Such letters arrive much later, and you may lose the possibility of preferential payment. Therefore, try to regularly check the information on the traffic police website.


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