Mushroom "diabolical eggs" - description, properties, contraindications

Some of us wondered: “What mushrooms were nicknamed“ devil's eggs? ” The name is really strange. It was received by the fungus of the Veselkovye family, reaching a height of 30 cm for its bizarre shape - its fruitful young body has an ovoid shape, the diameter of which is about 7 cm. Its outer shell is white, grayish or cream-colored, the inside is green.

mushroom diabolical eggs

Mushrooms "diabolical eggs" may have another name: "gouty morel", "smelly morel", "upstart", "immodest phallus", "witch's egg".

If the fungus continues to grow further, its shells are torn, after which the fruit body gradually begins to stretch upward in the form of a cylindrical, long, spongy, hollow stalk, reaching a height of 25 cm with a width of 4 cm. In the fruit body, the upper part ends with a bell-shaped hat with a mesh surface. The hat has a height of 5 centimeters. It is covered with brownish-olive mucus with a rather unpleasant odor.

The cap of the mushroom is spore-bearing. At the top there is a dense disk with a slot located in the middle. Spore powder of a warm yellow tint. It is spread by insects attracted by its smell. Veselka ordinary resembles a morel mushroom. If you do not know exactly what mushrooms are in front of you - "devil's eggs" or morels, then you need to understand that the fun has a longer leg and an unpleasant smell.

This is one of the fastest growing mushrooms - in a minute it is able to grow by 5 mm. It grows exclusively in deciduous forests, on humus-rich soils among shrubs.


Mushroom "diabolical eggs" is common in the southern and central parts of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus, and southern Siberia. It is edible when the fruiting body is still young and retains the shape of an egg.

what mushrooms were called devil's eggs

Harvesting and collection of raw materials

For food and medicinal purposes, only a young body of oyster is used. For medical purposes, ordinary fungus is used in dried and fresh form.

Harvested mushrooms never wash. Wipe off the remains of foliage, soil and other contaminants with a damp cloth. To dry the “diabolical eggs” mushroom, they are carefully cut in half, and in addition, loosely strung on a thick thread. Then they are hung for drying in a ventilated, dry room, which is protected from direct sunlight.

Once the mushrooms are completely dry, they must be put in glass jars, which should be stored tightly closed, in a place protected from light. Store only in a dry room for no more than two years.


Ripe mushroom "diabolical eggs" contains various elements and substances, among which the following can be distinguished: phenylacetaldehyde, methyl mercaptan, a-phenylcrotonic aldehyde, acetaldehyde, dihydrochalcon, formaldehyde, acids (acetic, propionic, phenylacetic), hydrogen sulfide.

Useful properties, treatment, application

Mushroom "diabolical eggs" has pronounced antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antiviral, healing properties.

In traditional medicine, water and alcohol extracts from it are used. Veselka preparations are used to treat peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, gastritis, various heart diseases; to eliminate excess cholesterol and lower blood pressure; for the treatment of hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, fistulas and fissures of the rectum, eczema, psoriasis.

The antiviral properties of the fungus are due to the presence of phytoncides in it. Use it in the treatment of influenza, herpes, papillomavirus, hepatitis, TORCH infections.

As mentioned above, one of the names of this mushroom is "witch's egg". It is believed that this name was due to the fact that witches in ancient times used it to make a potion that caused a feeling of love.

mushrooms diabolical eggs title

At the same time, studies conducted in the last century have demonstrated that a number of phytosteroids are contained in the jolly. They, transforming in the body, play the role of male sex hormones, in addition, have a beneficial effect on immunity. Consequently, the fun preparations will also be useful for sexual weakness in men.

Tincture of fun

It is prepared at the rate of 5 g of dried or 50 g of young fresh mushrooms per glass of vodka. Mushrooms are placed in a jar, then poured with vodka. This mixture is infused and stored in the refrigerator. After 2 weeks, the resulting tincture can be used without filtering.

Use in a dosage from a teaspoon to a tablespoon three times a day, depending on the disease. For example, with hypertension it is basically enough to drink a teaspoon of the drug per day. Such a course of treatment will take 1 month. If necessary, then it is repeated after 14 days.

Watery Infusion

It is necessary to take a teaspoon of chopped dried oyster, pour it with a glass of boiling water, remove to insist for 8 hours (you can fill in at night). The resulting product should be filtered. Use a third of a glass three times a day.

Fun in capsules

Such capsules contain a concentrated extract of the fungus, prepared in a way that eliminates the destruction of volatile and polysaccharides, as well as completely absorbed by the human body.

As a preventive measure for adults, you can take 2 capsules three times a day. The duration of this course is a month. For medical purposes, the dosage should be selected individually (it depends on the disease).

what mushrooms are diabolical eggs


Preparations of the mushroom "diabolical eggs" should not be taken during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, in addition, children under 5 years of age.


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