Tool fish and its species

In nature, there are many representatives of the water world who have been honored to bear interesting names that correspond to a particular type of activity or subject. As you can already guess, the article will focus on those whose nicknames have names similar to the names of some instruments.

Tools or fish?

Photos with the names accompany each view throughout the story. This allows not only to draw cognitive information, but also to compile a visual image of a particular fish.

Fish: species, names

Before delving into a more detailed study of each subspecies, a general list should be voiced.

The most popular fish names include:

  1. Sword.
  2. Saber.
  3. Needle.
  4. Awl.
  5. Knife.
  6. Hammer.
  7. Saw.
  8. Shovel.
  9. Belt.
  10. Hatchet.
  11. Razor.
  12. Telescope.
  13. Tripod.

We invite you to get to know each representative separately.

Once upon a time, there were


I did not have to think about her name for a long time, because it appeared exclusively on an associative level. This "fish - tool" has an elongated pointed muzzle, which clearly resembles the shape of a sword. Hence, hence the name.

Fish tool

Despite the awesome name, it has no teeth and even scales. And her tail has the shape of a crescent, which makes her especially interesting in the eyes of others.

Saber fish

This is a predatory member of the hairtail family. Has a bare elongated body surface. Its shade can be described as bluish, with a blue tint. At the end of her tail there is a filamentous process that smoothly passes into the fin and continues to the line of the head.

The only domestic habitat of this fish is considered to be the coastal coast. It is easy to meet in the Japanese, South China and East China Seas, as well as off the coast of Africa and India.

Needle fish

Its other name is the sea needle. Guessing why it is called so, and not otherwise, is quite simple. Her body to some extent resembles a snake, and she lives in the depths of the sea. Like her brethren, the needle does not sink deeper than ten meters.

Fish names

This "tool fish" prefers to get lost in vegetation or among coral reefs, rather than being eaten by a larger species. Its length, although rare, can reach fifty centimeters.

Awl fish

It is another name for the previous species, but, unlike it, does not grow longer than twenty-nine centimeters and rarely exceeds twenty. Her body is distinguished by a special subtlety, and even fragility. It feeds on plankton and hides in thickets of algae. It lives in the Baltic and Black Seas.

Fish knife

It belongs to the category of predators and naturally has an organ capable of generating electric waves (impulses) in conditions of danger and threat. Its maximum size is rarely able to exceed the mark of fifty centimeters. The main place of concentration is America, namely Peru, Brazil, Colombia and Bolivia.

Another name - "black knife" - was given to them not only for the appropriate color, but also for an active nightlife. This "fish - tool" feeds on worms, crustaceans, tadpoles, as well as small fish.

Hammer fish

This is one of the most interesting and popular subspecies, which at the same time is the main recognized predator among other inhabitants of the underwater world - sharks. If the name "hammer" she received in countries close to Europe, then in India they call her only "horned fish."

For a long time, scientists disagreed and could not understand why it has such a non-standard head structure? As a result, not so long ago, they managed to come together in a single solution. The fact is that the hammer-shaped form not only allows sharks to feel the energy field of the future victim, but also serves as a kind of navigator, helping to perfectly navigate the terrain.

According to the same researchers, this species was born about forty million years ago.

Saw fish

She got her name thanks to her nose, which, like two drops, resembles the shape of an instrument of the same name. This "fish - tool" comes from a family of stingrays and can reach a length of up to five meters. At the same time, its weight can fluctuate at an average mark of 320 kilograms.

Shovel fish

Paradoxical as it may seem, this "fish - tool" is almost completely deprived of the opportunity to swim, but it moves very well and quite deftly along the bottom of the ocean. Even more surprising is the fact that the view was open only at the end of 2010 off the coast of Tasmania.

Scientists say that initially the fish could only walk, but in the process of evolution, fins appeared that resemble the outlines of the hands. This fact allows her not only to walk, but also to swim, as befits any fish.

Fish belt

It got its name due to its incredible length, which is capable of reaching eleven meters in length.

Fish photo with names

Hatchet fish

The gloomy profile makes not only horrified, but also imbued with her difficult fate. It is a coincidence or not, but this species lives in the depths of which each of us has never heard of.

Fish species names

During the hunt, the fish activates the lateral organs, which instantly supply the light necessary to attract prey.

Big yes small

The names of fish are such a multifaceted topic that the allocated framework of the article does not allow us to consider it in detail. Nevertheless, even in such a short period of time, each reader was able to learn about the most interesting traits inherent in a particular species.

Beginning of the End

"Fish is a tool" is an interesting ground for further research and detailed study. Being interested in the subject, you can become not a simple amateur fisherman, but a real expert in a specific field - an ichthyologist. And remember that it’s never too late.


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