How to choose a chain for an electric saw

The performance of electric saws is largely determined by the type of chain you use. Even the best professional tool will not show even a tenth of its abilities if a fake is installed on it.

chain for electric saw
In addition, this approach to business is fraught with a complete failure of the mechanism. So how to choose a chain for an electric saw and what nuances are you guided by?

First, you need to look at the following important characteristics:

  • number of links;
  • Chain β€œstep”;
  • dimensions and thickness of the leading link;
  • manual.

It is regrettable, but our fellow citizens do not consider the last point important. This leads to the fact that a quality chain for an amateur class electric saw is put on a semi-professional tool - and as a result, it quickly fails. The result is spoiled nerves and more. Remember that if the manufacturer has put instructions in the package, then this already speaks in his favor, and it must be studied.

Back to our chains. So, the number of links. This parameter is calculated from the internal teeth located on the back side. The more there are, the more the chain for the electric saw is suitable for "delicate work".

However, the appointment is much more affected by the step. It is calculated as follows: take three rivets located one after another, measure the distance between them (in inches, sadly) and divide by two. There are chains of the following sizes: 1/4 '', 0.325 '', as well as 0.404 '' and 3/4 ''. Often come across chains at 3/8 ''.

chain for electric saw makita
If you bought a chain for an electric saw with a 1/4 '' index, then this is a typical product for cheap amateur tools. A step of 0.325 '' and 3/8 '' can most often be found at well-known manufacturers, as this is a typical size for high-quality amateur and semi-professional (some) models.

Speaking about the sizes of 0.404 '' and 3/4 '', we immediately need to note that these are professional options. So, a chain for a Makita electric saw with one of these indices is designed for severe operating conditions for a long (as far as possible for electric models) time.

But here we must make a digression and say that such saws alone are rarely used for professional felling. Their main purpose is carpentry and carpentry, in which they have no equal. For such work, a small step of the saw chain is best suited, since such a working surface leaves the most even and accurate saw cut.

A large step provides a quick and easy file, but the edges are very messy. Therefore, such chains are only suitable for roughing material.

chains oregon for power saws
Once again, let’s say about the instructions, which often talk about the purpose of the purchased products. So, it may be marked β€œcarbide”. Seeing her, do not be surprised at the cost of the goods. Oregon carbide chains for electric saws make it easy to cope even with the hardest, knotty and twisted wood. They are extremely durable, but you have to pay the price and maintainability for this: in everyday conditions they are almost impossible to sharpen. But during the period when one such chain is worn out, you will change two or three ordinary ones, so not everything is so scary.


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