Bismarck chain: differences and types

Entire centuries have passed since the moment when man invented the chain. Even during the period of Roman Empire dominance, many legionnaires wore this unpretentious accessory. Nowadays, one of the most popular jewelry of this kind is the Bismarck chain. Her beauty, solidity and style have long been appreciated by both beautiful ladies and representatives of a strong stature.

Bismarck chain

A bit of history

In our country, the Bismarck gold chain came into fashion in the nineties. At that time, when many were preoccupied with earning their first capital, this jewelry was very popular among the "brothers" and their immediate circle. The weight of this product was then directly associated with solidity, and therefore, for some representatives of that era, the Bismarck chain could weigh up to 150 grams. It is easy to imagine such an accessory looked so impressive. Such a chain of "Bismarck", in addition to a kind of insignia, if necessary, could also be used as a means of protection. Fortunately, the 90s have long faded into the past, and massive jewelry, which is now perceived by many as a sign of bad taste and bad taste, has gone away with them.

The Bismarck chain nowadays

silver chain bismarck
Now products with this type of weaving are made weighing from four to fifteen grams. Their undoubted advantage is that "Bismarck" is perfect for everyone: women, men, children. The second advantage of this jewelry is its reliability. The probability that the Bismarck chain can inadvertently break, is so scanty that it can easily be equated to zero. Depending on the country, this type of weaving may also have other names, for example, “Kaiser” or “cardinal”. The simplicity of its execution allows jewelers to make such jewelry not only in factories, but also manually, so everyone can choose the jewelry that he likes best. This weaving will be possible even for a novice jeweler who does not yet have many years of experience. In addition, tools for the manufacture of such products are not difficult to purchase in most specialized stores.

Types of weaving chain "Bismarck"

The extraordinary beauty and popularity of such jewelry contributed to the appearance of various options for its manufacture. This weaving can be round, "liquid" and flat. Let's try to list the main types.

  • Glamorous. It differs in that the product additionally contains small spheres, which gives it even more chic. This design is worn independently of other jewelry and is used, as a rule, as a necklace.
    gold chain bismarck
  • Oval. Due to this form of links, this model seems more dense and voluminous.
  • Arab. In this weaving, the links resemble an oriental ornament. This variety is found in two versions: blackened and traditional.
  • Moscow. Its links are not connected as tightly as is done in the traditional version. Due to this, the model gives the impression of grace and lightness.
  • Classical. To give this weave an extra sparkle, various diamond cut options are often used.

Also note that, in addition to gold, the Bismarck silver chain is also popular now. For many men and women, it is a favorite accessory, especially if made to order, taking into account the individual preferences of its owner.


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