Vladimir Tarasov: biography and education, literary career, reader reviews

Vladimir Konstantinovich Tarasov is a famous Russian scientist in such fields as psychology, philosophy, sociology. In addition, he is one of the leading Russian business trainers; it was to him that the science of management in our country owed the appearance in 1984 of the official term “manager”, which no longer had a negative connotation that was mandatory for that time. No less significant is the literary activity of Vladimir Tarasov.

The activities of Vladimir Tarasov


Vladimir Tarasov was born on May 25, 1942 in Leningrad. He received his first higher education at Leningrad University (Faculty of Physics). Further, he continued his studies in Estonia, enrolling in Tartu State University, which he successfully graduated in 1968, having defended a diploma in theoretical physics, the research topic is devoted to the philosophy of space.

At the same time, Vladimir Konstantinovich researched social technologies, his first article published in 1967 was devoted to this topic.

Creation of a business school

In 1984, under the leadership of Vladimir Konstantinovich, the first Soviet Business School in Tallinn was opened. A year later, in April 1985, the school of young leaders in the capital of Estonia was officially registered. This undertaking was successful, which was confirmed by the opening of 13 school departments in other cities of the USSR from 1987 to 1989.

Another innovation was the organization in 1989 of a business camp in Berdyansk. About 500 people were immersed for 50 days in an artificially modeled system of gaming states, various business processes. The format currently familiar at that time was truly a breakthrough and made many participants in this event loyal followers of Vladimir Tarasov. In 1992, the Khabarovsk School of Management was opened to them. V. Tarasova.

Numerous business books by the author are in constant demand, constantly quoted on the Web, are a valuable gift to managers, are recommended for reading.

“Technology of Life: A Book for Heroes”

The book "Technology of life"

This book is not accidentally bears such a name. It is intended for those who consider themselves a hero, who have plans to rebuild the world within themselves and the external environment. The peculiarity of this book is the skillful interweaving of the wisdom of previous generations and the latest research in science to lead people and manage themselves. Vladimir Tarasov builds his management structure on this synthesis. It combines the principles of management with the life meaning and values ​​of the individual.

“Life Technology: A Book for Heroes” by Vladimir Tarasov is a desktop for many readers, in it everyone finds answers to his questions, comes into contact with the wisdom of centuries, transferring the knowledge gained to the current situation. Typically, a review of a book comes down to the following formula: it’s impossible to retell, it’s best to read it, and more than once or twice.

"The art of management struggle"

The book by Vladimir Tarasov, “The Art of Management Struggle,” will teach the reader various techniques and methods that will help to achieve success in the struggle for seizing control and its subsequent retention. Many people face this task, whether it is the head of state or an elementary school teacher. The main purpose of this book is not so much to master the science of winning, but to help in recognizing a situation when it is better to completely abandon the struggle and not go to a conflict that will hurt both sides.

“The Art of Management Struggle” received a lot of positive feedback from readers. It shows the importance of the strategy and helps to select tactical actions based on the situation.

The book "The Art of Management Struggle"

“Philosophical stories for children from 6 to 60 years old. Romantic stories. The experience of ordinary life "

This book is intended not only for children, but also for that inner child who lives in every adult. This baby is always manifested, to one degree or another. This book contributes to the development of positive personality traits, as it tells interesting and accessible information about significant values: a healthy lifestyle, the ability to rely on one's own strengths, optimism and attention to other people. At the same time, the book does not come down to a description of recommendations; the learning effect is achieved through empathy for the heroes of stories, through an analysis of their actions and the inevitable mistakes made by them. Readers' assessment, as a rule, boils down to the following thought: for all its simplicity, the book contains a deep meaning. And also after reading you can safely say to yourself: stop analyzing other people's mistakes, it is best to focus on your own personality.

The book "Philosophical stories"

"Intercompany relations in questions and answers"

Like other books by Vladimir Tarasov, this is a must-read for company executives, entrepreneurs, and all those who wish to reach certain heights. On the pages of the book, the author gives answers to many questions that are relevant at all times. The format of the book is a master class and it is a guide to help deal with management problems in the organization. The most important thing that can be read in the book is a description of the developmental stages of the leader, so that everyone can understand where he is now and what he should strive for in his professional activity.

The book "Intercompany relations"

The value of the activities of Vladimir Tarasov

It should be noted the huge contribution of the scientist to the development of management science in our country. The creation of a management institute, a business camp, and numerous researches by a scientist contribute to improving the quality of management at all levels. Therefore, many people follow these control systems.

The books of Vladimir Konstantinovich are not just a set of techniques and techniques, by following which you can achieve your goal. In his works, the author uses an integrated approach to solving various situations. Based on the wisdom of previous generations and the achievements of the present, examining both the inner world of man and the external environment, the author proposes strategies for behavior and decision-making. The reader can either admire or resent, or implement it in his daily life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33625/

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