We grow spicy herbs in the garden

If there is even a small corner on the site, free of trees, flowers and paths, the zealous owners will certainly want to plant a small garden with greenery. Just to prefer if there is not enough space, but you want to have different odorous and spicy herbs on hand in the garden?

spicy herbs in the garden

Exotic or familiar?

You can try to grow something very interesting and unusual. Why not? The abundance of spicy herbs is great, in addition, many of them are already familiar to our gardeners, culinary specialists and simply gourmets. So, wanting to plant plants with a refined and unusual taste and smell, it’s worth focusing only on one thing: how much this culture will take root in the new conditions. Nevertheless, the priority in the “kitchen garden” should remain with those favorite herbs, without which our diet is inconceivable - ordinary parsley, dill, coriander, caraway seeds, horseradish, mint, oregano, thyme.

spicy herbs in the garden

How to arrange spicy herbs in the garden?

Of course, thinking about the consumer value of greens, we must not forget about the aesthetic side. Skilled gardeners create real masterpieces of landscape design by arranging spicy herbs in the garden, taking into account the timing of the growing season, plant height, and color combinations. In addition, the needs of each herb should be taken into account: some of them like humidity and partial shade (sorrel, parsley, lemon balm, mint), and others - dry and bright places (thyme, basil, tarragon, sage, marjoram, lavender and so on). And one more thing to consider: many herbs in the garden over time can take up too much space, and then it will be difficult to get rid of them - for example, horseradish. With single bushes, the plant looks very impressive, and for food, and for pickles use it with pleasure. But a couple of years will pass, and it will grow into a whole plantation. And other, equally beloved aromatic herbs - mint, lemon balm, oregano - can easily learn new places, because they grow quietly in the wild, so that they feel free in the garden.

spicy herbs list

Once again about the value of spicy cultures

Perhaps this is the most difficult question: "How are herbs useful?" The list of their properties is so extensive that it is almost impossible to cover at least part of the information. But let's try to recall some of the cultures most familiar to our taste and hearing. For example, what should every housewife always have at hand? Of course, parsley and dill. Everyone knows that parsley is so rich in vitamin C that it surpasses even currants and lemon. In addition, it contains vitamins of group B, PP, natural antibiotics and flavonoids, a large set of trace elements. It is used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. By the way, dill is not far behind parsley. The infusion of this herb, for example, relieves swelling and redness from tired eyes, refreshes the eyelids.

spicy herbs in the garden
Priceless carotene, iron, calcium, phosphorus, many vitamins - all this is found in dill. A salad of parsley leaves, dill and feathers of green onions is able to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins better than a whole complex of pharmaceutical preparations. What about celery? These are salts of potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, this is protection against infections and the prevention of oncology, the fight against diabetes and the burning of excess fat. Coriander, aka cilantro, is useful for diabetes and liver diseases, sage is a unique treatment for tonsillitis, pulmonary diseases. Mint, lemon balm, rosemary - who does not know that these odorous herbs treat and soothe the nervous system? Yes, it’s just right to write a whole book, "Spicy herbs in the garden and in the garden," because each of them deserves a separate article!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33629/

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