We arrange a real "Boom!", Or How to play for a mineral

In the game "Dota 2" (Dota 2) more than 100 characters, however, players prefer to choose from 10-20 heroes, which are most often found in matches. It depends on the skills of the gamer, and on his desires (mood). For example, if a player wants to just have fun, and not try to win, then he can choose a completely unusual character. Such characters are in every game of the Moba genre. For example, there is such a hero as a miner ("Dota 2"). How to play for him, we will tell in this article.


I want to warn you right away: if you make an unusual choice (β€œpeak”), then your team players will certainly point out all the disadvantages of such a choice.

miner dota 2 how to play


But, whatever one may say, this hero also takes place, and you can even meet him on the pro-scene. How to play for minerals so as not to lose the match? It is necessary to be guided by the basics and advantages of this character. Best of all, if you know the features of the map, where enemy heroes often go and how. In this case, you can play for the mineral without fear, because you can give your team a big advantage by taking away even the freedom of movement from the enemy. That's right, because you mine the map, and where you do it, the enemy does not know, so everything is in your hands. If an enemy hero cannot safely enter his forest, or visit any of the shops, or grab a rune on a river, then consider that the advantage is already in your hands.

Small recommendations

how to play for mineral

Try to mine high ground. Everything that is on them will not be visible to the enemy, located in a low ground. Even if the enemy has the opportunity to notice your invisible mines (using the Gem of True Sight, for example), he will not be able to see the mines until he goes up. So, when defending his base, this hero will prove himself to be the best. How to play for a mineral in an attack? It is worth remembering that mines cause a lot of damage to buildings, so even with a destruction strategy (called Push) you can use minerals.

The last question remains. It is because of him that the mineral is not wanted to be seen as its ally. When he is mining approaches to the base, his team is fighting. Given that the battle is 4 in 5, the team with the miner is less likely to win. How to play for the mineral so that it can effectively participate in team battles? You will have to be most active, collect items such as Eul, Force Staff, etc. With these artifacts, you can either raise the enemy in the air and put mines underneath, or push him onto your mines and then blow them up (or, if ordinary mines, they will explode themselves). It is necessary to constantly throw opponents with your "ultimate" and immediately blow it up as soon as he (in the form of a mine) touches the ground.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33642/

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