Polyphosphate filter: description, characteristics, types and reviews

Tap water in each region has its own hardness indicator. And the softer the water, the less scale remains on the heating elements of household appliances, such as an electric kettle, washing machine, boiler for heating, etc. To reduce the amount of nitrates and extend the life of expensive equipment, it is recommended to use special protective systems. Polyphosphate filters are popular fighters against the formation of scale and other chemical deposits on important elements and components of water heating equipment. According to experts, the equipment that is used in conjunction with purification devices requires repair much less frequently than devices in the operation of which untreated tap water is used.

polyphosphate filter

Purpose and use

First of all, it is worth noting that polyphosphate filters are used everywhere and are quite affordable. Most importantly, in addition to periodically replacing the crystals themselves, additional care for the device is not required. The device reduces the rate of scale formation, thereby preventing the breakdown of component parts and heating elements, a frequent cause of malfunction of which is often the formed scale.

According to user reviews, a polyphosphate filter for a boiler is the most affordable option for cleaning water and extending the life of the equipment.

What the design consists of

The polyphosphate filter itself has a simple design:

  1. Cap.
  2. The main flask.
  3. Drain.
  4. Filler.

The whole process begins with the flow of water through the lid, and through filtration, it exits through the drain and enters the water heating technique. Before purchasing a filter, it is important to clearly understand for which device it will be used in the future. Since each device has its own separate modification. Today's models can contain both granular and powder fillers.

polyphosphate filter for washing

Principle of operation

Unfortunately, in many regions of our country it is not possible to use tap water in its original form. Often in its composition the content of heavy metals and phosphates is exceeded. To preserve the health of consumers, water undergoes a multilevel treatment. Speaking about the water hardness indicator, it is worth noting that it does not cause any harm to humans. But for technical devices, water, the rigidity of which is too high, can be a fatal cause of failure.

When water enters the polyphosphate filter, it passes through a filler - sodium salt. Polyphosphates instantly begin to replace each other, enveloping hard salts, as a result of which the process of scale formation slows down.


polyphosphate filter reviews

The modern market provides consumers with a huge selection of water purification devices. The filler can either fall asleep in a separate capsule through which water will pass, or be laid in the technical device itself.

By design, cleaning systems are divided into:

  • Flowing.
  • Dosing filters.
    polyphosphate boiler filter reviews

Filter setting

Not always, together with a water-heating device, the consumer acquires and installs a purification system. Often a water heater, boiler, washing machine or dishwasher is used without additional filtering of the incoming water. Therefore, after the acquisition of a polyphosphate filter and its installation, it is necessary to clean the scale of the heating elements using special chemical compositions.

Non-abrasive solutions that are purchased with flushing fluids and are connected to a heat exchanger are suitable as cleaning agents for a water heater or boiler. Under the influence of high temperatures, the reagent begins to act and has a destructive effect on scale. After this, the liquid must be drained, the device and the heat exchanger washed, and the structure disconnected from the heater.

polyphosphate water filter

After the installation of the cleaning device itself. The method is determined depending on the type of device with which the system is used. For example, a polyphosphate filter for a washing machine is attached to the inlet hose. The same system is used for water purification for boilers. Due to their small size and simple device, polyphosphate filters, according to user reviews, are installed quite easily. Serving them also does not require special knowledge and skills, it is enough to change the filler on time. You can buy it in specialized stores.

Main advantages

The polyphosphate filter for the boiler and washing machine is recognized as the best and most budgetary option to prevent scale formation, thanks to:

  1. Easy installation.
  2. Small size.
  3. Easy maintenance.
  4. Quality fillers.

Disadvantages of using

If we talk about polyphosphates, which are used to protect the washing machine, then in this case there are also disadvantages. When choosing models that are too cheap, you have to pay attention to a decrease in water quality and the absorption of a large amount of resources. As a rule, without an additional cartridge replacement, the maximum life is about six months. That film, which is formed during the chemical reaction, quickly dissolves under the influence of hot water. Accordingly, when choosing a washing mode, the water heating should be no more than 55 degrees.

It is also worth taking into account the fact that with the active use of a polyphosphate filter, deposits of calcium and other salts can form on the sides. Unfortunately, getting rid of them is not so simple. Leaving them on the surface of the boiler or washing machine is also not recommended, because if the layer becomes too large, this will adversely affect the operation of the device. It is also important to note that polyphosphate water filters with a large accumulator and salt content must in no case be used to purify drinking water or prolonged contact with the skin.

Is the filter harmful to health

It is important to understand that the water that is purified using such a filter becomes technical, and it can not be used for drinking or cooking.

Speaking about how harmful such a filter is for health, one thing can be said: for direct use it is undesirable to use, since it is a chemical reagent, respectively, it is simply impossible to drink water from under such a filter. However, if you lower your hands into it if necessary, then a chemical burn due to a small concentration will not occur.

To ensure maximum protection for expensive equipment, it is recommended that you periodically check the amount of reagent. If less than half is left, it is best to completely replace the composition. Otherwise, the degree of protection begins to weaken.

polyphosphate filter for boiler

Turning to a consultation with specialists, we can say that to ensure safe operation, it is best to use a powder reagent. He actively fights not only with the formation of scale, but also with corrosion, which often affects heating elements. If the lesion area becomes too large, this may lead to the need for a complete replacement of the heating elements of the equipment.


Polyphosphate filters - this is the best option for protecting household appliances from scale. They are affordable and easy to install. Replacement of the filler, as a rule, is carried out no more than once every six months.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33667/

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