Raspberry is the "yellow giant." Description of grade, reviews

The creation of new varieties of berries by breeders has different goals. Some varieties of berries are bred for a longer shelf life, others are created more frost-resistant and less susceptible to disease, some even after full ripening do not crumble from the bushes.

raspberry yellow giant
Raspberry "yellow giant" was created as a beautiful, valuable, vitamin-enriched dietary berry. Previously undeservedly deprived of attention, yellow-fruited raspberries in recent years has become increasingly popular among amateur gardeners.

Yellow raspberries: varieties

Among the yellow berries, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • An early ripe yellow variety has the name "runaway." The mass of the fruit reaches three grams, the color is golden apricot. Frost resistant.
  • “Spirina is white”, of average ripening, up to 1.5 m high. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste and weigh up to 4 grams. It requires shelter for the winter. Prone to disease.
  • "Victoria Cornish" is also a medium-term ripening period. Fruits are pale yellow, weighing a little more than 3 grams. This variety tolerates winter without shelter.

raspberry yellow giant reviews

  • "Yellow dessert" raspberries have small berries, weighing up to 2 grams. Better survive the winter, being weighed down and covered in snow. In this case, gives a better crop and more. It crumbles quickly. Good care will allow you to collect no more than 2 kilograms of berries from the bush.
  • “Sweetened yellow” has a mid-early ripening period, oval-conical in shape, large 6-gram fruits of pale yellow color. Good care will bring up to 8 kg of crop from the bush. It requires shelter for the winter, if it grows in mid-latitudes. It is resistant to pests and diseases.
  • Mid-early varieties are also represented by the "yellow giant." The variety is named for the height of the stem, which can reach 2 meters or more. The fruits are large, weighing up to 7 grams. The first crop can be tried by mid-July. The berries on the bush hold for a long time. He is not afraid of parasites and diseases. But in winter it’s better to cover.
  • Among representatives of the medium-late variety, mention should be made of Amber, which has a powerful, not sprawling bush up to 2.5 m high. It produces yellow-orange color and a maximum weight of 4 grams.
  • The variety "Golden Autumn" is a repair. The fruits are large, 5-7 grams each, golden yellow. The shape is conical elongated. Ripens in the second half of August.

Yellow raspberries, the varieties of which are not very numerous, are excellent for making syrups, preserves, compotes and juices.

yellow raspberry variety

Features of yellow fruit varieties

Yellow raspberry is unique in its biochemical composition. Yellow berries have more sugars, but less organic acids, which leads to a less pronounced acidic taste. And there are practically no coloring substances in such grades. Therefore, not being afraid of allergic rashes and irritations, they can be eaten by children prone to allergies, and pregnant women, and small children. The content of folic acid in yellow berries is higher than in red berries, and vitamin B 9 contributes to the process of hematopoiesis and the synthesis of important compounds.

Raspberry "yellow giant": description

By all characteristics, this variety is fully consistent with its name. The bush is not sprawling, up to 2 meters or more, with powerful stems and large flowers. Fruit branches are strong but flexible. The color of the annual stems is dirty brown; the color of the two-year-old stems is gray. The shoots are covered with spikes. Large berries weighing up to 7 grams are blunt in shape and light apricot in color.

raspberry variety yellow giant

Raspberry "yellow giant" was obtained as a result of laboratory cloning. According to the most important characteristics, the variety obtained has bypassed many popular varieties of this variety and has become one of the best. Aroma, unique taste and delicate pulp - all this is raspberry "yellow giant". Reviews of gardeners note abundant and prolonged fruiting until the fall.

The benefits of the "yellow giant"

Among other things, it is worth noting that raspberries "yellow giant" has:

  • high productivity;
  • large berries;
  • prolonged fruiting;
  • sweet dessert flavor;
  • juicy pulp;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • good resistance to pests and raspberry diseases.

The shortcomings of the yellow-fruited "giant"

Naturally, with all the advantages, there are also disadvantages of the plant, these are:

  • low transportability;
  • the presence of many spikes along the entire length of the shoots;
  • strong development of root shoots, which can lead to rapid overgrowth of raspberries in the area.

Raspberry planting: terms, conditions

The rules for planting seedlings of the "yellow giant" are not very different from the traditional ones accepted for red varieties. Favorable time of the year is considered autumn, although some gardeners manage to do this in the spring. But the problem is that in spring the plant wakes up very early, the process of its vegetation begins, and it is likely to miss the right moment for planting.

Excess moisture for raspberries is unacceptable, it should just be enough. The landing site should be chosen not in a lowland and well lit by the sun, otherwise the fruits will be small.

Any raspberry, including the "yellow giant" variety, prefers a trench arrangement. The trench should be prepared a month before planting. In width and depth it should be at least half a meter. A third of the pit should be filled with fallen leaves, small branches or the remains of vegetable crops. Of the compost fertilizers in the form of added organic, raspberries will be enough. Getting involved in recharge is not worth it.

raspberry yellow giant description

Raspberry roots are located shallow from the surface of the earth, and so that they do not grow, the trench can be protected along the perimeter with slate, linoleum or boards. Deepening them by 10 centimeters will be enough to prevent the unwanted spread of the plant.

Caring for the Yellow Giant

The most unpretentious plant is raspberry. The "Yellow Giant", the care of which is timely watering and harvesting, is no exception. The only difference in the care of red-fruited varieties is that the yellow varieties, in addition to compost or manure, require the application of ash. To do this, on the surface of the plantation in the spring you can scatter 200 grams of ash per square meter. Replace the ash can sulfuric acid potassium, which is used at the rate of 50 grams per square meter. Digging the soil is unacceptable, you can only loosen it.

"Giant" is developing in one season. After harvesting, it can be cut flush with the ground. If you leave the stems to winter, then they must be tied to the trellis. In this case, in June it will be possible to enjoy raspberries, but the berries will be much smaller than the declared size. Organic and mineral fertilizers should be introduced alternating after a year. Raspberry is a "yellow giant", reviews about the frost resistance of which are quite contradictory, withstands frost up to -30 ° C. But in regions with harsh winters, it is still better to bend and hide the plant under the snow, otherwise it will freeze.

Before the onset of the first cold weather, you should definitely water the bushes abundantly. This contributes to a better wintering of raspberries and faster spring awakening.

Pest and Disease Control

Despite the fact that the variety is resistant to pests and diseases in those places where it has been growing for several years, such problems still arise. The main types of pests that can appear on the bushes:

  • A small oval raspberry beetle of gray color. Eats raspberry buds from the inside. Larvae damage leaves, buds and berries. Getting rid of a raspberry beetle is easy. It is necessary to spread a film or oilcloth under the bushes and shake the branches well in the early morning. Beetles will fall, they must be crushed.
  • Gray little raspberry fly. Lays eggs in the leaf sinuses and in the upper part of young stems, severely damaging them. You can fight this fly by cutting the tops every 12 days.
  • Spider mite. Braids around the lower leaves of the stem, which subsequently dry and crumble.
  • Larvae of raspberry moth - a small butterfly of dark color. Swelling kidneys are damaged. Inside the raspberry stalks they pupate, remain to winter in the cracks of the bark, spoil the fruit-bearing berries, eating them.

Fighting these and other smaller pests that are difficult to see on the stems can be done through Karbofos, Confidor, Spark, Fufanon. Raspberries should be processed before flowering and after the last harvest. Means can be used as prophylaxis.

raspberry yellow giant care

In autumn, the stems of the "yellow giant" are cut to ground level, not only to improve the quantity and quality of the crop, but also as a treatment if pests have already wound up. In this case, damaged cut stems should be burned. The ground under raspberry bushes will need to be dug up so that the parasites hiding there freeze.

Preventing pests is easy. It is only necessary to regularly weed raspberries, thin out, loosen the soil throughout the summer, in the autumn, dig shallowly in the aisles and around raspberry bushes.

Repairing grade of "yellow giant"

Repairing varieties of raspberries are called, capable of bearing fruit on both biennial and annual shoots. Removable raspberry "yellow giant" has a stem height of more than two meters, and these bushes should be tied up. A short summer in the middle latitudes of the repairing variety is enough for growth and fruiting. In the southern latitudes, if the "giant" is not cut, then it is not bent, it tolerates the local frosts well. But to get a quality crop, it is better to remove the seedling shoots.

remont raspberry yellow giant

Raspberry "yellow giant", appearing in the garden, will be loved not only by the gardener, but also by all members of his family. Easy and quick propagation, unpretentiousness, high productivity with minimal proper care, pest resistance, aromatic, juicy and soft fruits make this variety ideal for growing on your own table.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33680/

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