Technical Museum (Nizhny Novgorod): foundation history, expositions, photos and reviews

The Technical Museum in Nizhny Novgorod is a place where old operating machines are assembled. Once here, a person seems to be returning to the past.

The article will discuss where the museum is located, what is the cost of tickets, and when it works. It will also describe below what exhibits can be seen at the exhibition.

Technical Museum (Nizhny Novgorod): address

Finding an exhibition in the city is not difficult. It is located in a large building in the city center. The Technical Museum in Nizhny Novgorod is located on Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street in Building No. 43. To get to the exhibition, the building must be bypassed on the right, passing through the arch. The pediment of the Puppet Theater will have an entrance to the museum, which is located on the third floor.

Technical Museum (Nizhny Novgorod): mode of operation

The exhibition welcomes guests daily from 10:00 to 18:00, except Mondays. The cost of an adult ticket is 200 rubles, and students and schoolchildren pay 50 rubles less. In order to listen to the tour of the audio guide, you must pay an additional 100 rubles to the cost of the admission ticket. For 500 rubles, an experienced guide takes you around the museum and tells the story of all the cars in it. The cost is for groups of up to 15 people.

How to find?

Getting to the museum building is easy. If you are going from the Moskovsky station, then you should wait for a minibus No. 56 (the Ploshchad Revolyutsii stop) and get to the Respublika shopping center. Here you should transfer to bus No. 20, 26 or 43 (minibus No. 5, 37) and get to the Gorky Square stop. Then a short walk along Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street will lead you directly to the museum.

museum building

Near the museum there are public transport stops: Gorky Square, Minin and Pozharsky Square, as well as Lyadov Square. It is located in the city center, so it is best to take a taxi (non-stop) from the airport or other remote places.

About the museum

The Technical Museum in Nizhny Novgorod, whose photo will be below, was founded by a young and talented engineer. The total area of ​​the museum is about 300 square meters. In three spacious rooms there are almost two thousand different machines and tools.

The history of the Technical Museum in Nizhny Novgorod dates back to 2014. He became the brainchild of the father and son of the Khurtins. The exhibits for him, the director - Vyacheslav Khurtin - have been collecting since his youth. For some, the creator of the exhibition traveled to Izmailovo, others bought via the Internet. Khurtin himself says that the search for new cars continues, which means that the exhibition will expand.

musical instruments

Many are interested in what the technical museum in Nizhny Novgorod does. He brings information to his contemporaries and descendants about the technological progress that took place in the 19th and 20th centuries. Here are the peaks of engineering ideas of different years that help to preserve the memory of past centuries.

Instrument of the Third Reich

The Technical Museum in Nizhny Novgorod invites its guests to admire the Kigsmarine micrometer, which was invented in Germany in the 20th century. The ax of 1942 and a set for repairing armored vehicles of 1935 are also presented at the exhibition.

vintage scales


A valuable shelving in the museum is reserved for interesting paper publications. There is an old catalog of measuring instruments by C. Stiefelmeyer (1919), an illustrated price list of I. Ya. Urlaub (1881), a book by E. K. Steiner and K. "Price List of Ship Goods and Technical Accessories" (1915).

Technical Museum in Nizhny Novgorod on the street. Bolshaya Pokrovskaya in house number 43 invites its guests to see unique old engineering books. The number of publications at the exhibition exceeds two dozen. There are rare catalogs, as well as the oldest price lists.

The keys

The Technical Museum (Nizhny Novgorod) collected about nine ancient keys. There is an adjustable wrench with a screwdriver of the 19th century, a "progress" wrench, as well as wrenches of different times. All of them are in working condition. The reviews about the Technical Museum in Nizhny Novgorod and its exhibits speak of a great opportunity presented to residents and visitors of the city to see and feel how people worked in the past.

Kolovorotov and drills

It is hard to imagine that in the 19th century there were drills. They, of course, were significantly different from modern models, but they coped with their function. The museum today has about 15 cars in this category. One of the oldest exhibits can be called an English onion drill with a bone drum and an 18th-century ebony handle. Also among the exhibits are nozzles for a drill and a German two-speed tool for making holes in the 30s of the last century.


Do you know that in the XX century a compass was already used to cut circles from leather, cardboard, the handle of which was made from deer antlers? If not, then hurry to the Technical Museum (Nizhny Novgorod). In addition to this exhibit, representatives of this instrumental class are also represented. For example, vernier compass markers or sea compasses can be seen at the exhibition. Also, for lovers of these devices, the museum presents a caliper for indoor and outdoor measurements of the early 20th century (Germany).

Meters and Protractors

Many people wonder how rulers and meters have changed over time. This transformation is very well conveyed by objects in the museum located in the section of the same name.

Reference lines for metalworking (30-40s), Gerlach protractor, shoe ruler and ordinary meter can be viewed in the museum. There is also a palm arshin with a level, a metalwork marking kit and a ruler of bone with a built-in caliper.

Hammers and screwdrivers

Perhaps this is one of the oldest devices. They were used long before they came up with the name of these tools. If you want to look at a hammer with a set of tools made in Germany in the 30s, or at a blacksmith's vice of the 19th century, then visit the Technical Museum in Nizhny Novgorod. Here you will not only be shown all these ancient exhibits, but also tell how they were used.

Marine appliances

The machines used by sailors are the most mysterious things in the museum. Everyone is interested in learning not only how these devices work, but also what they were used for. Museum visitors pay attention to the marine compass, antique binoculars and many varieties of clockworks. At the exhibition you can admire the ammeter, sextant, chronometer, roll gauge and oil lamp of a sailing ship.

ship tool

Many of these devices are not familiar to the average person. However, they made a great contribution to the development of shipping and benefited mariners.


This section contains the most interesting engineering ideas. For example, a hardness tester made by teenage prisoners, as well as a rev counter. The first oil lanterns that were made in England for cyclists are also present at the exhibition. Levels, ancient compasses and much more offers to see the Technical Museum. There are old bicycles, strollers, wheelchairs and all the attributes to them.

19th century bicycle

Machine tools

All cars in this exposition are in working condition. A lathe or jigsaw, which was made in the USA in 1900, copes with its function perfectly today. The museum also has about five varieties of drilling machines that were brought from different places. Each machine has a description of technical capabilities.

New exhibits

Most recently, the museum put on display a marine compass, a ship's watch, a chronometer and a three-tone steam whistle. All these devices can be seen in the relevant sections at the exhibition.


It is worth noting that in the book of reviews since the opening of the museum there are so many words of gratitude that soon one will have to start another one. Residents of the city and its guests love to attend this exhibition.

According to visitors, it is in a convenient location. It can be easily reached both by its own and public transport.

old carriage

In their reviews, people who visited the museum say that they really liked it. Here you can see many ancient machines and devices. The exhibits are all in working condition. You should definitely use the services of a guide or an audio guide. Then a trip to the museum will also gain a valuable educational character. It tells the story of tools and machines, as well as interesting facts from the lives of the people who created them. These fascinating stories are forever stored in memory. Such a trip is instructive for children and adults.

In their reviews, customers say that they had little difficulty finding the entrance to the museum. A large number of devices and various machines are very fascinating. At the exhibition you can admire antique bicycles, strollers and gurneys. There are also unique exhibits of 19th century equipment, work and musical instruments. It seems like you are in an old movie. The guide competently and interestingly talks about all the exhibits, answers questions from tourists. The ticket price is not high, and the emotions received accompany the guests throughout the time spent in the city.

spacesuit exhibit

There are reviews in which museum guests enthusiastically tell how the guide included some devices and let them touch them. It was very unusual and remembered for a long time. The spacious halls of the museum, even with a large number of visitors, make it possible to inspect each instrument. At the bottom, each device has a signature (for what it is intended, the year of manufacture and a brief description). This is convenient for those who have not used the services of a guide or an audio guide.


The Technical Museum in Nizhny Novgorod is a historical bridge. It gives people the opportunity to remember how the development of technology began, what instruments and tools our ancestors used. Sometimes a museum and its exhibits help people rethink their lives - to appreciate what they have now.

hall with cars

Schoolchildren and teenagers are often brought here. The museum is interesting for both boys and girls. The guys are interested in considering all the tools and devices.


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