Do cats mark after castration? Pros and cons of castration. Why castrate a cat

The question of whether to castrate your pet worries many loving owners. It seems that this greatly facilitates the life of all family members. Songs will end in the spring, torn curtains and endless marks throughout the apartment. The latter becomes a decisive factor. Indeed, only a few can accept the fact that the apartment will be fragrant with cat aromas. However, the reasonable question arises as to whether cats mark after castration. Maybe all this is useless? Today we want to talk about the pros and cons of this procedure, as well as find the answer to the question.

do cats mark after castration

A cat has appeared in your house

Yes, not a fluffy little ball that played so touchingly with bows, but an adult cat that has certain physiological needs. It will take very little time. At about 7 months they grow fully and are ready for the first mating. That is why fetid tags appear around the apartment: they should scare away other males and attract females ready for fertilization.

Why does he stop going to the tray

No, thatโ€™s not at all true. He is still urinating in his toilet. The secret secreted during sexual hunting is a completely different composition, and it is sprayed in minimal quantities. Therefore, finding and washing a โ€œwet placeโ€ can be so difficult. Will all cats start marking the territory? It is difficult to answer, but most of them are prone to such actions. If you live in a private house and he will have the opportunity to walk in the garden, then the problem will be solved by itself, it will be enough for him apple trees and fences to declare his masculinity. But in the apartment this is just a disaster.

You have only two options: endure or decide on an operation. And again we return to whether cats mark after castration. This largely depends on the age at which this procedure will be performed. If you leave it to complete growing up and fixing unnecessary behavior, then nothing can be done with these habits. Therefore, it is best to catch it before he even managed to make the first marks.

castration cat reviews

Optimal age

In fact, everything is individual. Therefore, in order to answer the question of whether cats mark after castration, it will be necessary to observe a specific pet. Until about six months, the kitten's reproductive system has not finally formed, so it is absolutely impossible to operate it. The best age for this is considered to be from 7-8 months to a year. If you managed to complete it before the appearance of the first traces of a crime or mating, then the question of whether cats mark after castration will be clearly negative. The probability is 99% that you will not have to face such a phenomenon in your life.

If the habit of leaving tags is already formed

This is the lot of those who consider the castration procedure inhumane. Based on these considerations, the owner postpones the operation, believing that he does not have the right to take away his natural essence from a living creature. As a result, if you decide to take to the clinic an already experienced animal in which the habit of marking the territory with the beginning of the rutting season has become firmly established, the castration of the cat will not give any results.

Reviews indicate that many have a sad experience. Indeed, weaning does not work. The only success is that the smell becomes less intense, because the testes are removed.

why castrate a cat

Time heals

This is some comfort for owners who are tired of fighting a similar problem. Not immediately, after a certain time, but nevertheless, castration of a cat should bring a positive result. Reviews of doctors say that hormonal restructuring in adult animals takes a lot of time. Therefore, for several months the body will work in the usual mode, slowly moving to new rails.

No, he will not be oppressed and tormented by the thought that he will no longer be able to have offspring. In animals, this question is solved much easier. Since there is no more need, the individual does not feel any worries about this. By the way, if you ask the veterinarian why to castrate a cat, he will answer you that way. So that he lives calmly and gives you.

pros and cons of castration

Why the label period may be delayed

Periodically, the owners come to the veterinarian for a consultation with a question about why time is running out and the number of tags is not decreasing. Usually by this time they manage to try absolutely everything. Factory sprays, punishment with slippers, locking in the bathroom and much more. But there is no effect. But so many hopes were assigned to the operation.

Analyzing these data, we still could not find a definite answer to the question of whether the cat will mark territory after castration. Let's try to consider a specific case and ask the opinion of the veterinarian.

Castrati territory marking

We take the case when the procedure was done on time, to a young animal. That is, all conditions are met, but after a while the owner with horror notices the marks throughout the house. We run to the vet and ask what could be the reason. It turns out that such actions are associated not only with sexual hunting.

  • This can be including severe stress. In this case, by punishment you will definitely not achieve anything. Try to return the animal a sense of warmth and calm. Most often this happens when a sharp change in living conditions, for example when moving. Return his nest to its usual place, put familiar toys in it and spend more time with it.
  • Lack of attention is another reason you might run into a similar problem. That is, the cat is trying to provoke you at least for some kind of communication. And again, the solution can be only one: pay him more attention, walk and play with him. After some time, the problem will go away by itself.
  • Reason number three is health problems. The veterinarian will definitely ask you to collect urine for analysis to exclude diseases of the urinary tract. If this is the reason, then he will prescribe intensive care.
  • The appearance in the house of another animal or a new member of the family.

As you can see, itโ€™s very difficult to say unequivocally whether a cat will stop marking territory after castration. There is a tendency to this, but in reality, everyone turns out differently.

will the cat mark territory after castration

What you need to know

If you still doubt whether it is worth depriving an animal of its male dignity, then let's look at the pros and cons of castration. This will allow you to avoid feelings of guilt in front of your pet. So, let's start with the positive points.

  • Castrated individuals are less distracted by their sexual instincts. They are more playful even in adulthood.
  • In this case, the cat forever forgets about the search for females, which means that his shoots from the house will be forgotten forever. And with them are diseases, torn sides and frostbitten ears.
  • The operation does not lead to obesity. On the contrary, the hormonal background of the animal changes, and it begins to eat more moderately.
  • The risk of genital diseases is reduced.
  • Castrats live much longer.

As you can see, there are enough reasons to dare to carry out the operation, even without taking into account the unpleasant smell from the marks. If you find for yourself the answer to the question of why to castrate a cat, then it remains only to choose a competent doctor who will perform the procedure.

will the cat stop marking territory after castration

And what can be the cons

In fact, only one can be distinguished. This is the inability to reproduce offspring. If you have a breeding cat, a winner of exhibitions and championships, then you should look for another solution to the problem. For example, you can move to a private house, where he will have a territory for walking. Frequent mating can be a solution to the problem, but usually the owners can not find him as many partners as required. Alternatively, some owners sew artificial murka, which will serve as the object of excessive sexual activity.


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