Elena Mikhalkova: biography, books. Films based on the novels of Elena Mikhalkova

Elena Mikhalkova is a rather famous Russian author of detective novels. A popular writer was born in Nizhny Novgorod (formerly Gorky). Being a humanist by nature, she studied hard at the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum for two years, but nevertheless realized that this did not suit her. Having received a law degree at the Lobachevsky University, Elena had no plans to start writing, which now led to the fact that everyone with bated breath is waiting for not just new stories, but also films based on the books of Elena Mikhalkova. As it often happens, an accident led to her creative path, or rather, two accidents.

That's how it all started

Elena first tried to write when one day, having gone on vacation with a child on a country trip, she discovered that she had not taken absolutely any children's books with her for her daughter. The girl was so used to listening to fascinating stories that her mother had no choice but to invent a story on her own and transfer it to paper. Then it was only the very first, timid and uncertain attempts to write a rather primitive children's literature. Given the complete lack of experience in writing such stories, unless, of course, we still count school essays, it turned out pretty well. Elena could not even think that someday this would become her main profession, and did not attach much importance to what had happened. However, even in this version, what was written indicated the undoubted presence of innate writing talent for Elena to her husband, who decided to give his wife the opportunity to fully reveal herself as fully as possible. For this, a powerful incentive was needed.

Elena Mikhalkova

As Elena Mikhalkova once told one popular magazine during an interview, she wrote the first detective in her current genre, arguing with her husband that he would not be able to guess the criminal. As it turned out later, Elena’s husband went to such an argument quite consciously, because he wanted to reveal her talent, and for this he was ready to go even for a little trick.

Collaboration with leading publishers

Elena Mikhalkova really managed to win that decisive fate of her entire family dispute, and as a result it turned out to write just an amazingly interesting book with an exciting plot. It was then that the rating writer had an irresistible desire to continue this creative work, which, as it turned out, was able to bring quite good income, in addition to pleasure.

Little time passed, and the books of Elena Mikhalkova began to be published in various publications, and now the author works with one of the largest publishing houses in Russia - AST. At the moment, the total circulation of printed books has far exceeded one million copies, which indicates a high popularity and demand among admirers of the writer.

It is worth noting that in some cases, lots of books that went on sale are dismantled by Elena Mikhalkova fans from store shelves in just a few days, the lines are simply huge, and novels that have not yet been published are already being actively discussed on the Internet at relevant forums and interest clubs, as it was, for example, with Elena Mikhalkova’s book “Delicate leaves, poisonous roots”.

films on the books of Elena Mikhalkova

Literature for a wide range of readers

Elena Mikhalkova writes all books, all her detective novels in her own, unique and specific style. She will not find detailed descriptions of the murders and other so-called "Chernukha", the presence of which repels most readers. Thanks to this, her novels are interesting not only to men and women, but even to children and adolescents. With all this, the books are incredibly exciting, because, as the author herself says, her style is a life detective story in which events are as close as possible to what is happening in reality.

And, as you know, perhaps it was the work at one time as an assistant investigator in the police department that as a result influenced the chosen creative direction. Such practice and observation of employees helped Elena create unique, but at the same time, recognizable main characters. It was a combination of all these factors - police work, education in the humanitarian and legal fields, as well as creative streak, inspiration, erudition and life experience - that could eventually give Russia and the world such a writer.

elena Mikhalkova all books

Work like life

Mikhalkova simply incredibly loves her job and cannot imagine herself without it. She literally lives in creativity, and in each new book she puts her love, a piece of herself. According to her, if the work became a chore, then the books would not turn out so interesting. Therefore, she tries to work only when it brings real pleasure, and not done through force, as a result of filling books with inspiration and interesting subjects.

elena Mikhalkova tender leaves poisonous roots

Moreover, all the characters, albeit insanely similar to real people, are completely invented. Elena Mikhalkova writes all books in principle without using the images of her friends and acquaintances, because you never know what can happen later on with them on the pages of the work. To some extent, this is superstition, but, nevertheless, once again emphasizes the incredible talent of the writer. After all, to take a really existing image and simply transfer it to the pages of the book is one thing, but to come up with a hero yourself is completely different.

A prime example is Agatha Christie

The main aspects taken into account when writing the next novel, Elena Mikhalkova, films based on novels of which have become no less popular than handwritten options, considers a high-quality, easy-to-read writing language and a famously twisted plot that can keep the reader in suspense to the very last page, and develop occurring events are sometimes in the most unexpected way. And no wonder, because the main life example and the main reference point for Elena is Agatha Christie, who wrote a huge number of detective stories, which have now become classics of the detective genre. It was from her that the writer borrowed the possibility of introducing humor into detective stories, as well as deep, intricate storylines in combination with an accessible manner of presentation.

books of Elena Mikhalkova

Universal stories

Elena tries to never draw the line of distinction between female and male detective, because she believes that there is no fundamental difference between them. Indeed, in the history of literature there were many such writers who created real masterpieces that did not fit into the general idea of ​​style. The main goal of the writer is the creation of a confusing riddle that a potential reader will want to solve.

Formula of popularity from Elena Mikhalkova

Elena Mikhalkova came up with a formula for the popularity of a modern detective: in order for the reader to become interested, you need to let him be both a criminal and an investigator at the same time. Thus, he will be able to see two lines at once, however, their intersection should be as long as possible and mysterious. Maintaining the main intrigue until the very end of Elena Mikhalkova’s book is an important moment leading to the success that she has had for many years.

Elena Mikhalkova movies

Screen adaptation of novels allows you to expand the audience

With the increasing popularity of books, the novels of Elena Mikhalkova attracted the attention of leading and equally popular figures in cinema. As a result, in the very near future, she plans to film her next books: Dances of Puppets, The Dark Side of the Soul, Sign of the True Path, and Island of a Dream Come True. At the moment, the rights to the film adaptation have already been bought by the producers, and scripting for them is actively ongoing. Thus, very soon we can see films based on the books of Elena Mikhalkova. They promise to be amazing. In addition, in the case of successful adaptations of these books (which we, as devoted fans of the writer's work, have absolutely no doubt), the shooting will continue, because this is only part of a large series. We can say a new format of activity.

films on Mikhalkova Elena

Elena Mikhalkova herself films, filmed based on novels, waiting with great impatience. This is like some kind of opportunity to start writing again - with the same passion, but taking into account current experience and analyzing activities.

Parents will help in any situation.

Each novel by Elena Mikhalkova herself carefully reads out and, of course, listens to criticism of her readers. However, as she herself notes, her parents remain the main critics. According to the writer, a father with a philological education often helps with the style of the text, while mom can make comments about the plot itself and the line of events. As a result, books are criticized even before being transferred to publications, and are adjusted, which, of course, benefits them.

Love for the classics played a role

The main examples for Elena were classical writers. She herself says that she devotes little time to modern literature, but she can repeatedly read the books of Kuprin, Maugham, Strugatsky, Bulgakov and, of course, Agatha Christie. It was with her that she took an example to a greater extent, because Christie was able to combine what is usually not associated. Her books contain wisdom and humor, which are rarely seen in detective stories, and this, in combination with an intriguing plot, draws more attention to books. According to the novel by Elena Mikhalkova, whatever you take, this love for the classics of his genre is visible.

Pretty diverse bibliography

The bibliography of Elena Mikhalkova includes both individual detective novels and a whole series of books entitled "Investigations of Makar Ilyushin and Sergey Babkin." At the moment, the series includes seventeen separate books that describe events related to the work of two private detectives. By nature, they are two complete opposites, due to which an excellent combination is obtained, because, as you know, different natures complement each other well.

The best books of the cycle, according to readers, are The Sign of the True Path, The Ghost in a Crooked Mirror, and The Male Logic on March 8th. As critics say, books are as close to reality as possible, and the characters are as if copied from ordinary, real operatives. Do not forget about the dynamism of a fascinating plot.

It is often recommended that you carefully read Elena Mikhalkova’s book, Delicate Leaves, Poisonous Roots, because this novel is much deeper and more relevant than her past works. Internet users in the comments note that it is simply impossible to break away from reading this masterpiece.

Can you solve the story?

In addition to the series discussed above, Elena has released six separate books. The Diamond Endgame tells of the abduction of a rare gem in Moscow. However, this is only one of two main storylines intertwined and connected both with history and with modernity.

The book “Eight Beads on a Fine Thread” is intriguing in its plot, in which each of the participants thinks to the last that he is in charge. However, not everything is so simple, because someone should control them all. Will it be possible to guess in advance who is the “puppeteer” for all the heroes?

The novel "Time to Collect Stones" received one of the sharpest and most unpredictable stories. It is impossible to be sure of anything up to the last pages, because determining who the killer of the neighbors is and whether the heroes themselves have any old sins is practically unrealistic.

The other three books are also intriguing, bearing the title Illusion of the Game, Life under the Alien Sun and House of Lonely Hearts. To list all the intricate plots here is simply unrealistic, and to convey the atmosphere of books - even more so. In order to form their own opinion, they only need to be read.

We are waiting for new works

It is this orientation that helps the books of Elena Mikhalkova gain popularity among readers. Who knows, maybe in the near future we will see more books and films on Elena Mikhalkova.

The number of fans of the writer is growing every day, which means that the books really attract attention and intrigue new readers. If you have never had a chance to keep Elena Mikhalkova’s book in your hands, but you love detective stories, believe me, in the novels of this writer you will find something that many connoisseurs of the detective genre lack, especially if you like the classic detective story. To make sure that Elena Mikhalkova writes all books with all her heart is not at all difficult.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33701/

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