How to build a brick oven with your own hands?

How to fold the oven yourself? This is a question that every owner of a private house seeks to solve. It would seem that now almost everything is gasified, but, nevertheless, people still dream of their own stove in the house. Not to say that everyone wants this, but the presence of a furnace in the room gives it a touch of antiquity, which in itself is not only extraordinary, but very beautiful. Yes, someone will use it as part of the interior and design element, and someone - as intended. After all, baking from the oven has a much more aromatic smell and splendor. In addition, everyone loves pizza, and the oven, like nothing else, is able to cook it at the highest level.

how to stack a brick stove

So, how to stack a brick stove? Where to begin? It is necessary to prepare the workplace, that is, everything should be at hand, all consumables. A brick must meet several requirements. It should be without cracks, chips, good firing. It is very easy to determine a good one: it has a bright (closer to red) color, and the sound when tapped it looks like a metal one. You can take the previously used brick from old structures, but it must meet the requirements listed above. In this case, it is necessary to discard the remains of the old solution. If necessary, the brick is cut with a grinder.

Before you lay down a brick oven, you need to build a foundation. It is the basis of all structures. If construction is expected on the street (this is also possible), then the work will be less time-consuming. If the room and the structure will be large, then you must first disassemble the floors. Then they dig a ditch up to 1.5 meters deep, strengthen, fill up layers of sand and gravel, tamp. Then concrete is poured. The foundation can be made of a less durable brick, which will always be available when sorting. It should protrude above the floor by 5 centimeters, and also be wider than the future furnace itself by a maximum of 20 centimeters. When erecting a structure, the entire structure is verified according to the level. Further, even before the brick stove is folded, a waterproofing layer is glued onto the foundation with mastic.

how to fold the oven yourself

Important parts are the firebox and chimney. The first is a heat source (fuel burns in it), and the second is responsible for the removal of combustion products into the atmosphere. Before you fold the stove yourself, be sure to study the drawings. The laying of such a structure is not a banal process, it is a kind of art. There is even a separate profession - the stove-maker.

Before work, it is necessary to lay bricks without mortar around the perimeter of the foundation, in order to "estimate" the future size of the furnace. After fitting, you can proceed to the direct masonry. In principle, the process itself is no different from the construction of the same wall, the main thing is to correctly make all the moves inside. The door is inserted into the opening, fixed with a solution (for small furnaces), but for furnaces, barriers are often used, which is more convenient and practical. The best bricks are selected for the chimney, otherwise the combustion products will leak into the room, so it will not be very pleasant and dangerous to be in it.

how to fold the stove yourself

So, the conclusion: the answer to the question of how to stack a brick stove. The main points of the masonry process can be called the following: it should be flat relative to the horizontal and vertical, it is also important to observe the design features according to the drawings.


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