Polyperus delgesi: description, habitat, care features, photo

Having large sizes, rich interesting history and incredible appearance and habits, polypteruses are rightfully considered to be one of the most outlandish inhabitants of water bodies in Africa. However, recently they have gained wide popularity among aquarium lovers. In this article, we will consider the type of fish - the polypeurus delgesi, photos of individuals, features and the habitat of this prehistoric species that has come down to our times.

Polytherus with other fish

Species history

Polypteruses are one of the oldest species of fish. Studies have shown that the first individuals of this type lived on the planet another 65 million years ago, at a time when dinosaurs reigned on earth. Modern polypteruses of delgesi originate from rivers and lakes in Africa. It was there, during the Cretaceous period, that the first representatives of the multi-feather genus appeared, to which polyteruses belong. The name of the species itself literally translates as "multi-feather", and it is absolutely deserved. Polytherus delgesi has a large number of dorsal fins. Another unusual feature of this fish is its serpentine body, on which large pectoral fins are located. Using them, the polytherus moves in its own unique way.


Polypterus belongs to the genus Mnogoperov and has a serpentine appearance. It is a freshwater species and lives in the rivers and lakes of the African continent. It is noteworthy that the polytherus delgesi was recently discovered in the rivers of India. These inhabitants of freshwater reservoirs prefer life on the bottom, among the dense thickets of vegetation. The most ancient remains of this family, found by scientists in Africa, date back over 60 million years ago. This fact is proved by the structural features of the skeleton. It has a primitive structure, and the head has large nostrils. Enthusiasts believe that the polytherus delgesi is a miniature copy of a dragon that has survived to this day. There is a theory that these fish can live in low oxygen water for a long time. This is due to the special structure of the bladder, similar in structure to the lung. Scientists suggest that it was thanks to this feature that such a prehistoric species could survive the ice age and survive to this day.

The scientific description of polypterus delgesi suggests that the body of fish of this species is covered with diamond-shaped scales and has a dorsal fin characteristic of the genus Mnogoperov, which begins at the center of the back and ends in the tail. An interesting fact is that for every 18-20 vertebrae there is 1 fin. Polypterus pectoral fins have two bones connected by cartilage.

Polytherus next to algae


In the natural environment, the polyperus lives mainly in the Congo River. In addition, representatives of this species were found in all kinds of silty waters of lakes and rivers of the Republic of Congo and the state of Congo. At the beginning of the two thousandths, the species was first introduced to the United States, where aquarium lovers can now easily buy it at any pet store. It is noteworthy that both fish grown in artificially created reservoirs and grown in the natural environment can be sold. Based on numerous comparisons and descriptions of the polygonous delgesi, it can be said with accuracy that individuals caught in nature differ from artificially bred ones. Representatives of this species born in conditions of aquariums have a more dull color than their relatives from the wild.


Before you feed the polypterus delgesi, you should find out what it eats in the wild. This species is predatory, and planting smaller fish in the aquarium is not recommended. The main diet for him is food with a high protein content. It can consist of earthworms, squid, plankton and shrimp. But before feeding the polypterus delgesi, you need to know the fact that 5 percent of plant foods should still be in its diet. Planting algae in the aquarium is not necessary, but plant-based granular feed should be added to the daily diet. In addition to frozen food and substrate, it is recommended to periodically give this fish live food. For this purpose, fry, bloodworms and small worms are suitable. For adults, feeding twice a week is sufficient. It is noteworthy that the polytherus has poor eyesight, but over time it is able to identify its owner by silhouette.

A young polypterus among stones

Care requirements

The maintenance of polypterus delgesi does not burden aquarium fish lovers, since it is not whimsical enough to care for. This is due to its natural vitality. For the successful maintenance of the polygterus delgesi in the aquarium and creating a comfortable environment for it, an aquarium of 200 liters or more is required. Its upper part should be covered with transparent glass. It needs openings for oxygen. The tank is equipped with all kinds of snags, stones and grottoes. Since this type of fish comes from the hottest areas of the planet, for a comfortable life it needs a water temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius. It is noteworthy that water filtration should be carried out constantly, and its complete change - at least once a week. If all these conditions are met, the content of polypterus delgesi will give aquarium lovers only joy.

Polytherus in the hand

Aquarium content

When equipping the necessary equipment for the container in which the polythers will be kept, it is necessary to take into account the size of the fish. Polyperus delgesi is able to grow in an artificial environment more than 40 centimeters in length. When keeping this type of fish, the height is not so important for the aquarium as its area. Polypteruses need air for normal breathing and therefore often rise to the surface. Therefore, the walls of the aquarium should not be too high, and the top should not be tightly closed. At the same time, it is important that a layer of air remains between the lid or glass that covers the aquarium and the surface of the water. It is noteworthy that the lid should be mandatory, since there are many cases where polypteruses escaped from aquariums, which led to the drying out and death of the fish.

Very often, this species of aquarium fish is credited with an aggressive disposition towards relatives. They really can fight often. This is mainly due to food competition. However, as a rule, with such fights, polyteruses do not cause each other serious harm. Moreover, if you keep in the tank individuals of approximately equal sizes, the number of conflicts will be significantly less. It should also be noted that polypteruses feed from the bottom surface, so it is better to lay soil on it, which is easy to clean. A small layer of sand or fine gravel is perfect for this purpose.

Polypteruses get along well with various plants. They do not eat them and do not damage them. However, sometimes large individuals break their way in dense thickets. Therefore, it is better to plant only hard-leaved species of algae or moss in the aquarium.

Any water filtration system will do. The main requirement is a high degree of biological treatment. Polypteruses are not overly active and therefore do not litter so much, but feeds with a high protein content that they need create a huge amount of small waste. Without proper cleaning, they will quickly spoil the water.

Polypteruses lead a nocturnal lifestyle, therefore they do not need intensive lighting and love twilight. Therefore, it is recommended to install only a pair of bluish-spectrum lamps. This is necessary to illuminate the aquarium at night.

Polytherus near the snag

Reproduction of polypterus delgesi in an artificial environment

This type of fish is very difficult to breed in an aquarium. The bulk of this species, which is sold in pet stores, is caught in the wild. Experts argue that the secret to successfully breeding this fish in an aquarium is the softness of the water and its temperature. When conditions are favorable, the male forms a cup of caudal and anal fins. The female, in turn, lays eggs with a high stickiness there. After that, the male swims and spreads eggs over algae.

When the spawning period comes to an end, parents urgently need to put in a separate container, as they can eat caviar. Within 4 days, a larva appears. Her feeding can begin no earlier than a week after the appearance. A microworm and brine shrimp are perfect as food. The breeding process itself occurs mainly in the period from July to the end of September. The couple spends several days together, touching each other and slightly nibbling the fins.

Several individuals of polypterus

Gender Differences

It is rather difficult to distinguish the gender of individuals of this species. However, it is still possible. The male is distinguished by a hind fin, resembling a scapula in shape, while in the female it is sharper. In addition, the male has a narrower head than the female.

Compatibility with other types

These fish should not be kept with large aggressive species such as cichlids and snakeheads. Polypteruses will become excellent neighbors with fish-knives, large barbs and veil catfish. It is noteworthy that the proximity to catfish, which have a mouth opening in the form of a suction cup, is highly undesirable. These fish can stick to the body of the polypterus, which greatly irritates it. Polypteri get along well with large non-aggressive species of fish that they are not able to eat. However, sometimes they can bite them. This happens, as a rule, by mistake. The thing is that polypteruses have poor eyesight. Because of this, they rely only on their senses. Polytherus perfectly distinguishes the smell of feed in water. When he senses it, he leaves his shelter. He will move on a smell until literally rests against food.

Three polypterus Delgesi


Representatives of this species are very resistant to disease. Durable scales reliably protect the body from possible wounds in which infection can appear. In addition, it protects against various parasites. But it is important to take into account the fact that, unlike those grown in artificial ponds, wild polypteruses that were caught in the natural environment can turn out to be leech carriers. In this regard, experts recommend quarantining new fish.

The main enemy of aquarium polypterus is abnormal content. So, for example, stagnation of water leads to ammonia poisoning. This occurs with insufficient water filtration or its complete absence. In addition to ammonia poisoning, various bacterial infections can occur. One of the most common is monogeny. It is expressed by covering the entire body of the polypterus with small worms. Especially a lot of them appear in the head area. When this happens, the polytherus becomes lethargic and practically does not eat. This is treated with the medicine "Azipirin".


Polypterus is a unique ancient fish that requires certain care and skills. Therefore, it is recommended to contain it, having at least a little experience. It should be noted that a large aquarium is more difficult to maintain, and the polytherus can not be adjacent to every species of aquarium fish.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33724/

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