Quotes about the business and success of great people: the path to prosperity

If you want to do business, grow and become rich, it is best to learn from those who have reached certain heights in this area. Quotes about the business and success of great people open the veil of secrecy on a special way of thinking that goes beyond the stereotypical.

business quotes

Golden percentage

In the UK, Oxfam is home to the Oxfam International Confederation, which includes 17 public-type organizations operating in 94 countries. The direction of their activity is the search for ways to solve the problems of poverty and injustice.

If you believe the Oxfam data published at the beginning of 2016 under the heading “Economy for One Percent”, 1% of the richest people have capital equivalent to the total capital of 99% of the rest of the planet. For statistical calculations, we used the indicators of 2015, taken from the report of Credit Suisse Group - the Swiss financial conglomerate.

Great people

In fact, it is much more interesting how people become so prosperous and rich and how to learn this. Since thinking is primary in relation to the actions taken, it is possible that the key to understanding is laid in it. It is not possible to personally meet with such people and ask them a bunch of questions. But to walk along the tangent of their worldview is still possible ...

John Devison Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are unquestioned authorities in the field of making large fortunes. Some features of their views on doing business, and on life in general, are now available to the general public through the media. The statements of financial tycoons are parsed into quotes about business, leadership, success, achievements, the value of time and self-confidence.

success quotes

John Devison Rockefeller

John Davison Rockefeller (07/08/1839 - 05/23/1937) - the world's first dollar billionaire. He founded the Standard Oil Company, the University of Chicago and the Rockefeller Foundation. According to the Forbes version, calculated at the 2007 exchange rate, his fortune was estimated at $ 318 billion. Famous Rockefeller John Davis business quotes:

  • Do not be afraid of big expenses, be afraid of small incomes.
  • The one who works all day does not have time to make money.
  • A person who succeeds in life, sometimes must go against the tide.
  • I would prefer to receive income from 1% of the efforts of a hundred people than from 100% of my own.
  • I have always tried to turn every calamity into an opportunity.
  • Clarity and concreteness of the goal is one of the main components of success, regardless of what a person is striving for.
  • There is no other quality so essential for success in any field of activity as perseverance.
  • Every right means responsibility, every opportunity is an obligation, every possession is an obligation.
  • First earn a reputation, then it will work for you.
  • The growth of business activity is the survival of the fittest.
  • The main task of capital is not to bring more money, but to increase money in order to improve life.
  • I had the impression that I was successful and made a profit from everything, because the Lord saw that I intend to turn around and give in full.

rockefeller quotes about business

Henry Ford

Henry Ford (07.30.1863-07.04.1947) - founder of Ford Motor. According to the Forbes version, in terms of the 2012 exchange rate, his fortune was estimated at 188.1 billion dollars. Inspirational quotes about the business of Henry Ford:

  • Exploring many different roads to wealth, trying and making mistakes, people do not notice the shortest and easiest way - through labor.
  • More often, people themselves give up rather than lose.
  • You think that you are capable of something or you think that you are not capable: in any case, you will be right.
  • The older generation has the most popular tip - saving. But do not save money. Better value yourself: love yourself, invest in yourself. In the future it will help you get rich.
  • Thinking is the hardest job. Perhaps that is why so few are involved in it.
  • When it seems like the whole world is against you, remember, planes take off against the wind.
  • Enthusiasm is the foundation of any progress. With it, you can accomplish anything.
  • Successful people break ahead by using the time that others spend in vain.
  • Quality is doing good, even when no one is looking.
  • It is impossible to build a reputation with intentions alone.
  • Together with the conviction that we have provided ourselves for the rest of our lives, we are imperceptibly creeping up the danger that, at the next turn of the wheel, we will be reset.

Henry Ford quotes about business

Bill Gates

Bill Gates (10.28.1955) - one of the founders of Microsoft. According to the version of Forbes magazine, it ranks 1st in the list of the richest people in the world at the time of 2017. His fortune is 86 billion dollars. Popular Bill Gates Business Quotes:

  • Between the "fifth point" and the sofa, the dollar will not fly.
  • Do not confuse reality with what is shown on the TV screen. In life, people spend most of their time in their workplaces, and not in coffee houses.
  • If you are not comfortable with something at your work, create your own business. I started my business in the garage. You should take time only to what you are really interested in.
  • When a good idea comes to your mind, act immediately.
  • Do not rush to blame parents for each failure. Do not whine, do not rush with your misfortunes, but learn from them.
  • Celebrating success is great, but more important is learning to learn from your failures.
  • Stop acting like you have 500 years to live.

quotes about the business and success of great people

Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett (08/30/1930) - Head of the Berkshire Hathaway holding company. According to the Forbes magazine, it ranks 2nd in the list of the richest people in the world at the time of 2017. His fortune is 75.6 billion dollars. Witty quotes about Warren Buffett's success:

  • It takes 20 years to build a reputation, and 5 minutes is enough to destroy it. You will begin to relate to things differently if you reflect on it.
  • Even if you are incredibly talented and make incredible efforts, to achieve some results you just need more time: you will not get a baby in a month, even if you force nine women to become pregnant.
  • Awareness of what you should not spend your attention on is as important as an awareness of what you should focus on.
  • If your vessel is constantly leaking, instead of patching holes, it is more reasonable to direct efforts in search of a new unit.
  • To postpone the search for a better job, sitting on the one that destroys you, is the same as to postpone sex until retirement.
  • If you are all so smart, then why am I so rich?
  • The most successful people are those who do their favorite thing.
  • Deal with people who you like and share your goals.
  • The chance is extremely rare, but you should always be prepared for it. When gold flows from the sky, a bucket should be in your hands, not a thimble.

The statements presented reflect some facets of the worldview and self-awareness of the richest people in the world. Quotes about the success and business of these authors can be considered as advice from “knowledgeable in excellence”, containing the quintessence of wisdom, knowledge and practical experience. They can also serve as a good basis for starting the formation of a new “rich” thinking, changing the usual course of action and improving the quality of life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33730/

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