Accumulative water heater 15 liters: instructions for use, installation and reviews

Each family consumes a different amount of hot water per day. Someone is able to use up a smaller displacement, and someone - a larger one. But there are certain norms that will help determine the choice. It all depends on the purpose of the boiler. So, a 15 liter water heater is suitable for kitchen use or for washing hands and washing in the bathroom.

There are such layouts of a house or apartment, where you can’t do without a small boiler. For example, when the bath is far from the kitchen. In this case, it will be advisable to purchase a small 15-liter dishwasher and a large main boiler for taking a bath or shower.

Principle of operation

Accumulative water heaters of 15 liters have their own clear specialization. This volume is not enough to fully bathe in the shower, but this will be more than enough for washing dishes.

Water heater 15 liters

A water heater of 15 liters of volume works in the temperature range from +35 to +80 degrees. In the tank where the heating occurs, a thermostat is installed. It is he who turns on and off the heater according to user-defined parameters.

Today, electric water heaters for 15 liters of closed type are almost always used. There is always liquid in the tank. If a hot water tap is open, cold water flows into it under the same pressure.

A storage water heater of 15 liters allows you to control the outlet temperature by mixing hot and cold water from a plumbing system.

Accumulative and flow type

There are two types of heaters: flow and storage, which are able to provide the user with about 15 liters of water. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Flowing water heater 15 liters

The boiler draws water into the tank and heats it for a certain amount of time. You have to wait until the set temperature is reached.

Instantaneous water heaters do not have a storage tank. The built-in heater immediately heats the flow passing through it. Water consumption is not limited by tank volume.

However, such a system will require the availability of electrical wiring of good quality and power and mandatory grounding. After all, the heating rate should be almost instantaneous. If the power of the heating element is not enough, you will have to reduce the pressure. Especially in the winter. This is a big drawback that a flowing water heater has. 15 liters is easier to heat with a boiler. Its TEN has much less power. Therefore, drives are more popular than threading machines.


The greater the power of the heater in the heater, the faster the desired temperature is reached. For 15-liter boilers, heating elements of 800-1500 watts are very often used. In this case, the water in the tank heats up to 75 degrees in 36-22 minutes. respectively. This is an average calculation, because the temperature in the highway differs in summer and winter.

Accumulative water heater 15 liters

For example, the power of 1.5 kW, according to the manufacturer’s instructions for use, has a 15-liter Termeks water heater.

Among foreign products, there are other parameters of heating elements. So, the 15-liter storage tank "Ariston" can have a capacity of 1200 watts. This boiler will have a longer time to reach the set temperature than the Russian Termeks.

But the instantaneous water heater in the kitchen for normal operation will require about 4 kW of power. The issue of grounding is not even discussed here. Many models have a limiter that does not include a heater without its presence.

Tank material

Accumulative water heater 15 liters has a different anti-corrosion coating. There are tanks made of stainless steel, steel with enamel, glass ceramics, titanium. Moreover, quite often manufacturers develop their own tank protection technologies. For example, a steel enameled boiler can be additionally protected with zirconium chips. According to experts, the 15-liter Termex water heaters of the domestic manufacturer use the technology of micro-reinforcement of ceramic glass, which significantly reduces the risk of corrosion.

The stainless steel tank needs to be grounded. If this is not done, "stray currents" will be present during heating . They very quickly destroy the tank. Grounding makes stainless steel durable.

Water heaters of 15 liters, the reviews of which were left by users, mark the life of such a product without observing the requirements of the instructions as very short. In no more than 1.5 years, the boiler will have to be changed.

Type of heating element

Trying to increase the life of the boiler, manufacturers will improve the manufacturing technology of these products.

Electric water heaters 15 liters

Today, the consumer is presented with two types of heating elements. They can be open or closed. In the first case, the heater is located directly in the water. Usually it is made of copper. But there are other options. For example, according to expert reviews, there are 15 liter storage water heaters with a heating element that has a silver coating. This additionally protects all internal elements of the tank and purifies water from bacteria.

Most often, with a "wet" TEN, a magnesium anode is installed. It prevents the formation of scale. It should be changed once a year.

There are heaters with a "dry" heater. It is located in a flask and is not exposed to water. This technology gives durability to the product.

However, not a single accumulative water heater of 15 liters, which experts comment on, does not have a “dry” heating element.

The form

Overall dimensions and shape play an important role even for such a small boiler, which is a 15-liter version.

Water heaters 15 liters reviews

There are round water heaters called a barrel. This is the standard form. But for the convenience of consumers, manufacturers produce small square or rectangular boilers.

For example, according to user reviews, water heaters of 15 liters in volume such as Ariston, Fer, Termeks, etc. are very convenient. Their dimensions allow you to harmoniously fit the technique into the interior of the kitchen or bathroom.

There are many non-standard forms. Electric water heaters of 15 liters open up space for manufacturers to be creative.

The main thing is to first measure the parameters of the installation location, and only then determine the shape of the product.

Additional items

In addition to the components listed above, the boiler also has additional details. The thermostat is very important for this device. It will protect against overheating and will maintain the set temperature in the tank. It is better if he will have a second spare device. But this configuration is not common.

Storage water heater 15 liters reviews

Tank insulation is very important. The cooling rate and, as a consequence, energy consumption will depend on this. Accumulative water heater 15 liters, reviews of which were left by experts in various sources, has a smaller insulation layer than large boilers.

However, due to the short heating time, such an indicator is less important for the presented technique than for a tank with a volume of 80-150 liters.

Consumer Reviews

According to user reviews, there used to be very high-quality boilers for products of brands such as Ariston, Burning, etc.

Accumulative water heater 15 liters Ariston
However, over time, much has changed in production technology. There are many new high-quality boilers, including domestic production.

For example, the Ariston water heater of 15 liters, reviews of which can be found in various sources, is marked by users as reliable only in the case of the Russian assembly. Chinese production leaves much to be desired.

Constantly improve and introduce new technologies domestic manufacturers. The "Termex" water heater of 15 liters, the instructions for use of which is strictly followed (the boiler is grounded), will last longer than its foreign counterparts.

Expert Reviews

Professionals in the field of storage water heaters note that there is no significant difference between foreign and domestic manufacturers. The equipment manufactured in China and Korea, which was acquired in a non-specialized store, is of poor quality. These heaters may have poor thermal insulation or less than the analogue tank thickness.

Poor-quality components become a frequent cause of damage.

Accumulative water heater 15 liters "Ariston", "Electrolux", "Bosch", "Combustion" are marked by experts as the most bought. However, if they are connected incorrectly and if the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions are not met, they will not work for a long time.

Even the highest quality boiler will need servicing once a year. Cleaning the tank and replacing the magnesium anode are prerequisites for the manufacturer to fulfill his warranty obligations.


According to studies, high cost is not always a guarantee of quality. The most expensive are recognized German, Swiss, French, Polish and Turkish boilers. Their price sometimes reaches $ 240.

However, few people are interested in the country of assembly. For example, the Ariston water heater of 15 liters, reviews of the cost of which relate it to the mid-price segment, are surprising. After all, this device often has an assembly in Russia. And its high cost is explained only by the brand name, and not the cost.

But the relatively inexpensive boiler of the Italian configuration "Fer" (about $ 70) is quite cheap due to the assembly in China.


Installing a 15 liter water heater is pretty straightforward. It has a small weight. Depending on the configuration, it is mounted above or below the sink / washbasin. It may be on the sidelines. It is mounted on the wall with dowels. Tees are installed in the supply pipes, a layering is done. Cold water is connected to the boiler output. The hot water tap is connected to the second outlet on the tank.

Before entering cold water, a non-return valve and, if desired, a filter should be installed. This will extend the life of the product.

Then you need to open the water and check the system. If the water runs normally, the boiler is installed correctly.

Power supply can be done through a power outlet or machine.

Having become acquainted with such a device as a 15 liter water heater, its device and types, you can choose a high-quality boiler. It will satisfy the need for hot water in the kitchen or bathroom. Fulfilling the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions, correct installation and operation will significantly extend the life of the boiler.


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