Symbol of the genus, Slavic amulet: types, description, meaning

"Save me, my talisman ..." - wrote the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin in the nineteenth century. Love for all kinds of amulets, charms, talismans in the blood of our people. From time immemorial of pagan Russia to this day, the time of information technology, various symbolic things have been popular, designed to protect us from evil spirits and negative energy, to attract good luck, helping to find what we want, to achieve our cherished goal.

Where does the interest come from?

Now, in the era of globalization and the total rapprochement of cultures, it is especially important to maintain their national identity and identity. That is why many forgotten traditions come back to life, there is an interest in folk culture and a desire to emphasize the uniqueness of their ethnic group. Many are trying to revive and preserve the old Russian customs lost in the race for modernity. One of them is wearing a talisman. From this article you will learn about the Slavic amulet - a symbol of the genus.

A happy family

Slavs - the people of the Sun

Slavic tribes united after the baptism of Rus by Prince Vladimir in 988. Before that, in the pagan time of their existence, they lived in separate settlements, each of which had its own prince, their customs and even their gods: the pagan beliefs of the ancient Slavs were not uniform, in each tribe there were local peculiarities. But there were common features, for example, all Slavs (and not only Slavs) coordinated their lives with natural cycles, endowing various phenomena with special power, animating and spiritualizing nature. The main force, the main god in such a coordinate system was the Sun, because it was it that gave life to everything on earth. Therefore, the symbols associated with solar energy, acquire the greatest importance and, accordingly, the distribution of the ancient Slavs.

Slavic holiday

What does Kolovrat mean?

The main sign of the Sun is Kolovrat - a swastika symbol that concentrates in itself all the energy of light and goodness, the harmony of the world. The sign is the most harmless and positive, symbolizing solar energy. Only when the Nazis began to use it, the swastika turned into a sign of cruelty and fascism. This or a similar symbol was used not only by the Slavs: it is popular in the East among Buddhists and Scandinavians. It is only called the first manzi, the second - the cross of Odin.

Among the ancient Slavs, the Kolovrat symbolized the circulation of the sun. This is confirmed at the level of linguistics: in the word there is an ancient root "colo", that is, a circle, and "gate" with the meaning to rotate. We unite, we get rid of the Old Slavonic disagreement (remember the archaic "gate" and the modern "gate") and we get the very "whirlpool" - the cycle. The Kolovrat is depicted in the form of eight rays connected in the center and bent at the ends.

Slavic Kolovrat

I spin wherever I want

In this case, from which direction these rays are rounded, salting out and salting out. These mysterious words are translated as "by the sun" and "against the sun", respectively. Kolovrat, whose ends are clockwise, that is, the sun, is called salting, but a symbol with the opposite direction of the rays is called salting.

With the advent of Christianity, these meanings did not become obsolete; the concepts of “salting” and “salting” were preserved and are used in church culture during the procession. Depending on which way around the temple it is being performed (by the sun or against it), two varieties of this move that are already familiar to us are distinguished.

Slavic warriors

Slavic amulet symbol of the genus

This long background was not accidental. The fact is that the Slavic amulet symbol of the genus is the main of the swastika, that is, solar, symbols used in Russia as an amulet. In its appearance, it is very similar to a Kolovrat.

So, let's talk a little about how the symbol of the genus looks. This sign represents four rays connected in the center and rounded clockwise. At the ends of these rays small circles are depicted - these are the “processes” of one large genus, its descendants, from which the genus will grow and grow over time. It is worth noting that this symbol resembles not only the sun in its shape, rays are also associated with the tongues of flame, that is, with the hearth. The ring closes the sign, the circle is a symbol of perfect harmony, peace, infinity.

Charm symbol of the genus

Hello from space

By the way, there is a version that the genus symbol does not look exactly so by chance. Already in the twentieth century, scientists noticed a similarity between the sign of the genus and the shape of our galaxy. Perhaps our ancestors knew some secret and were able to learn the Universe without any scientific technologies and complex adaptations, relying only on faith and energy of an omnipotent nature?

Milky Way

What is a genus? Symbol Value

The phrase "symbol of the genus" has already sounded more than once in the article, but not a word has been said about what it is. Genus is both an abstract concept and the collective name of all our ancestors who have passed into another world, or rather, into another form of life - an incorporeal, spiritual shell. Simply put, gender is the concentrated energy of our ancestors.

Slavic girl

The second meaning is the name of a deity who is responsible for all spheres of a person’s life, owning a colossal energy of creation. It is interesting that, unlike other Slavic gods, the image of the genus was not visualized in any way. They did not set idols, did not make sacrifices. There was only one way to appease a family, to make it supportive: not to commit bad deeds, to be a worthy person, worthy of a kind (in the meaning of the family). That is why it was believed that if someone put on a Slavic amulet symbol of the genus, then in no case should he cheat, otherwise the ancestors, whom he thereby called for help, would turn their backs on him and take revenge for shaming, brings evil to his family, both to already dead ancestors who have become spirits, and to unborn descendants.

Strength of the Kind

The symbol of the clan could be found on household items, and on clothes (embroideries, jewelry), and funeral robes, and on military ammunition. In a word, a symbol accompanied an ancient man almost everywhere. Such popularity is explained by the fact that this amulet was attributed to strong action and unlimited energy: it promised good luck in the war, health in peacetime, a good harvest and female fertility, wealth and male stamina. In general, no matter what you want to protect yourself from, whatever you want to attract, a sign of gender could accomplish everything. Of course, provided that you believe in its power.


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