Ampelous balsam: seed cultivation, features and reviews

The popularity of balsamins is increasing every day, respectively, and the number of fans is growing. They are used both in home floriculture and in landscaping parks and gardens. For more than 400 years, balsam has been adorning our windows. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, this flower gains the status of one of the pets.

General information

Balsamines are annual or perennial herbaceous plants that have a saturated stem and a fibrous root. There are approximately 300 species. Balsamins vary in shape: ampelous, climbing, bushy erect, and there are species that resemble bouquets. Plant sizes vary from 15 to 25 cm.


In balsamines, dentate or oval leaves of a wide variety of green shades are distinguished. The fruit consists of a multi-seeded box. If you touch it with your hand, it will instantly open and the seeds will fall out.

ampelous balsam
Balsamins have a wide palette of colors. There are representatives with bright red, purplish-pink flowers, plain or multi-colored. For example, double and semi-double flowers reproduce the shape of camellia, carnation or rose. In addition, in one group you can find buds with different degrees of development: blooming, non-blooming and wilted. Hybrids of carmine, red and purplish-pink hue are widespread.

The plant grows well on moist fertile soils. Initially, balsam was popular in tropical Africa, India, China, and then it spread throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

Ampic Balsamine: Description

This plant has an interesting nickname - Roly wet. He was so nicknamed due to the fact that small drops of liquid stand out on the edge of the leaves. In another way it is called "light". Flowers of bright color glow against a background of green leaves. Plants of this species are perennials, they are very branched and have a thick stem. Green or red-brown leaves of a small oval shape. White, red or pink flowers are on the ends of the branches.

ampel seed balsamins
If you follow the rules of care and planting, ampelous balsam at home is able to bloom throughout the whole year, and in the summer it can be decorated with terraces and flower beds. Balsam does not like the bright day sun, he prefers a small partial shade. In diffused light, the flowers become a brighter color. Supports or backstage protect a delicate plant from winds and downpours.


Ampel terry balsam has many furry flowers. The chic form of this variety is used for hanging baskets. This is a very branching plant, strewn with flowers with shoots of 30–35 cm. It blooms from June to the very frosts. The plant is grown in places with diffused sunlight or in partial shade.

Amp Acrobat Balsam is fast growing. One flower is enough to create a luxurious hanging basket. He has a huge number of constantly updated colors. It tolerates rainy weather. Balsam is best grown in partial shade. It blooms from June to November.

Balsamins in the wild

In nature, there are many different species, for example, distinguish shrubs, herbaceous annuals and perennials. Some species grow to a height of two meters. All of them, without exception, are united in one family - balsamic.

terry balsam
Propagation of balsam in nature occurs naturally. In culture - from seeds. Ampel embalms can also be bred by cuttings. Zanzibar Island is considered the birthplace of this tropical plant. Back in 1596, balsam was brought to Europe, where it quickly gained popularity. The first cultural species were bred there. There are three of them: garden balsam, New Guinean and Waller.

New Guinea Balsam

This species originates from balsam Hawker, for this reason they are in some cases called "balsam Hawker." It blooms mainly in the summer. The flowers are large, of various colors. Leaves and shoots of burgundy or purple. In flower shops you can find more than 80 varieties. The first hybrid was launched in the USA in 1972. They are grown at home or as an annual plant in the garden. Plants of this species prefer heat, tolerate the sun well and are not afraid of low humidity indoors, are more hardy than other species.

Balsam garden

This is an annual plant with a delicate stem. It reaches a height of 70 cm, blooms all summer. The flowers are along the stem. You can meet terry, simple or color coloring of flowers. Due to the fact that the plant has a very fragile stem, it is recommended to carefully choose a place for planting. Balsam should be sheltered from strong winds, rains and bright suns. The seeds of garden balsamins are immediately planted in a permanent place, sometimes propagated by cuttings.

Seed propagation

Ampelic balsam is choosy to the conditions of detention, so it is better to grow it for gardeners who have accumulated sufficient experience.

ampoule balsam
Balsam breeding begins with planting seeds. The soil should contain peat, sand, vermiculite and compost. Before planting seeds, they process the pot and soil with a fungicidal agent to prevent the spread of fungal diseases. In addition, it is recommended to etch the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate - about ten minutes, then they are washed with clean warm water.

Planting Rules:

  • seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil;
  • push them into the ground with a light touch;
  • fall asleep in the sand;
  • close the container with seeds with a plastic wrap;
  • the container with seeds is transferred to a warm, well-lit place.

Seeds germinate at temperatures from +22 to +25 Β° C. As soon as the first sprouts appear, the temperature is lowered to +20 Β° C, and the film is removed. Balsam should not be placed in direct sunlight, since this plant has very delicate seeds that can not tolerate ultraviolet radiation. As soon as the first three leaves appear, the plant is dived. The plant is recommended to be transplanted into the garden in early spring (a hundred days after planting the seeds in a pot). Ampel balsamins, reviews of which are mainly devoted to growing at home from seeds, are as follows:

  • when landing avoid drafts;
  • the first shoots appear after about three weeks;
  • it is better to plant the seeds at a great distance from each other, so that when picking, you can easily separate the roots;
  • an adult plant with dense branches and everything is dotted with beautiful flowers;
  • the flowers look beautiful in a hanging planter.

Growing balsam from seeds is not easy, but if you follow all the requirements, you will end up with a healthy and long flowering plant that can decorate any room.

Ampelous balsam: care

Balsam is grown, as a rule, in small pots. If the capacity is too large, the plant will not bloom.

ampoule balsam planting and care
Every seven days, the plant must be fed. In top dressing should be present copper, iron, boron, zinc, molybdenum and manganese. Balsam is watered every day, but not too much. Ampel ampoule balsam does not tolerate water stagnation. Unlike seeds, a stronger plant needs sunlight. If during the day there will be at least six hours of sun, then the plant will bloom for a long time.

Once the balsam has faded, it should be cut off and transferred to a cool place with a temperature of no higher than +15 Β° C, and the frequency of watering should be reduced. New shoots, as a rule, appear by the end of winter, at which time balsam should be transferred to a warm room and increased watering.

In winter, the flower should be placed in a bright, cool room and moderately watered. If the temperature drops below +15 Β° C, then black spots may appear on the shoots - bacteriosis. In this case, you should water the plant with a solution of phytosporin or tetracycline antibacterial agents - 1 tablet or capsule in a glass of water. The next way to save the plant is to lay out healthy shoots. Acidic soil also causes the development of this disease. Dark-colored varieties are more tenacious than light-colored flowers.

Content Issues

Ampoule balsam, the cultivation of which we are discussing today, can cause some difficulties with improper care:

  1. Lack of light in the room - the flowers turn pale.
  2. A sharp cooling, dry or cold air, low humidity, dry soil - flowering stops, flowers and buds fall.
  3. Close pot, lack of nutrients in the soil - plant growth slows down.
  4. Low air temperature, insufficient watering - drooping leaves.
  5. Insufficient lighting, cold air, waterlogged soil - the roots and the base of the stems rot.

Diseases and Pests

In winter, ampelous balsam is susceptible to fungal diseases, especially gray rot. To eliminate this trouble, the roots of the plant are cleaned of old soil and transplanted balsam into a new container with soil.

If there is little humidity in the room, then the plant attacks a spider mite. The initial sign is swirling leaves that fall over time. To combat the spider mite, special means are used.

When a whitefly is affected, the leaves turn yellow. As a rule, it settles on the inside of the lower leaves. For the treatment of plants using the following drugs: "Fufanon", "Decis" and others.

Beneficial features

A decoction of fresh balsam leaves is used as an adjuvant for stones in the bladder and kidneys. A decoction added to the bath will ease pain in diseases of a rheumatological nature. For the treatment of wounds, ulcers and hemorrhoids, applications are made from leaves. Tincture on the roots, flowers and seeds helps with overwork, relieves headaches.

balsamic ampel care
However, it must be remembered that balsam is toxic and its chemical composition is not well understood, for this reason therapy should be carried out very carefully. In case of an overdose, the following symptoms appear:

  • dizziness;
  • vomiting

Interesting Facts

There is an opinion that the color of balsam buds with their energy flows can affect a person:

  • orange - awakens sexuality;
  • red - increases physical activity;
  • lilac - stimulates mental abilities;
  • white - gives rise to spirituality;
  • pink - causes emotionality.

ampoule balsamic growing


Florists say that ampelous balsam is a capricious and very vulnerable plant. Nevertheless, they note that if you put a little effort and patience, it will delight you with beautiful flowers and a delicate aroma.


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