Freesia flower: photo, growing in the garden and at home

For a long time, a lucky woman with a bouquet of freesia will remain captive to the beautiful aroma. One stalk of this wonderful flower is enough to raise. Perfumers have long noticed this smell and began to actively include freesia in many compositions. Not everyone was lucky to hold freesia flowers in their hands. You can find a photo, description of the plant later in the article.

It is impossible not to fall in love with this flower, because it is grown both in the garden and in pots. Not only in summer, but also in winter, these onion flowers can delight you. Photos and names of garden freesias, we will certainly present further. Freesia has occupied an honorable place among bulbous plants for more than 200 years. And she got her name in honor of the German doctor and botanist Friedrich Frieze.

Beautiful Flower - Freesia

A native of South Asia, beautiful freesia, has long been considered the flower of aristocrats. Many beginner gardeners are interested in his photo. What freesia looks like, you will see further. It is worth noting that her breeding was still engaged in the gardens of the kings of France. This determined its aristocratic orientation. Bouquets of these exquisite flowers were the decoration of the palace chambers, and the court ladies received them from the French gentlemen as a sign of admiration for their beauty.

freesia in a bouquet

Freesia inflorescences with a "porcelain" structure of their petals look touching and gentle. Many florists include them in the arrangement of floral arrangements. Freesia is associated with youth, trust, and serenity. A photo of a freesia flower in a pot demonstrates its unique beauty. The plant belongs to the iris family. Because of its characteristic aroma, it is also called "Cape lily of the valley." Scientists prove that this aroma relieves depression and relieves stress. Corms have common morphological and biological features with gladiolus.

The leaves of freesia are belt-shaped with a central protruding vein. For flowering, the bush produces a meter-tall bare peduncle, at the end of which there is an inflorescence-spike. In each inflorescence, there can be 3-10 bells turned up. A photo, a description of a freesia flower - all this deserves attention. After all, these flowers come in a wide variety of colors: blue, white, pink, yellow, red, raspberry, lilac, purple. Sometimes you can find a combination of colors, when the petals are painted with several colors at once. In addition to the usual smooth petals, there are also terry. The photos, care and planting of freesia flowers are so interesting because many gardeners want to get these plants in their flower beds.

In the garden, this plant blooms for 4-6 weeks, the beginning of flowering falls in early to mid-August. Such a long flowering is possible due to shoots that are formed on the sides of the peduncles. But freesia gained even greater popularity due to the use as a forcing crop for spring holidays. Bulbs of the plant are updated every year, like a gladiolus. Last year's bulb dies, and a new one appears in its place. The corms themselves are small in size, they have light brown flakes.

Three main types of freesia

Description, photos, planting and care of terry flowers of freesia will prove to you how amazing this plant is. This is a thermophilic perennial of the iris family. Ten years ago, it was grown only in greenhouses for cutting. But improved varieties allow you to grow freesia in open ground not only in the south of Russia, but also in the west. More than 20 species of this flower are found in nature and even more of its varieties.

white freesia

But only three species are cultivated for garden and indoor cultivation:

  1. Decorative freesia of Armstrong. It can reach a height of up to 70 cm. Inflorescences-panicles are pink, red, scarlet and have 3-5 flowers. The stems have strong branches and long xiphoid leaves growing near the tuberous rhizome. The fragrant flowering of Armstrong freesia continues in the open ground from May to June. This species has many varieties. The Cardinal is considered the most beautiful, reminiscent of the mantle of the famous Cardinal Richelieu.
  2. Miniature broken freesia. Its height reaches no more than 40 cm. Its thin stems are crowned with spreading fluffy inflorescences of white, yellow or orange. On brushes, 2 to 5 flowers can be collected. This species blooms in April, with the onset of the first fine days. Our flower growers give preference to two varieties of this species: Alba (large white flowers) and Odorate (yellow fragrant inflorescences).
  3. Hybrid freesia. This is a combination of the best qualities of such species as Armstrong and broken. The hybrid is derived from crossing. The hybrid plant has a very branched bush, its height can reach a meter in height. The flowers collected in the brush are also quite large - up to 7 cm in diameter. In the inflorescence can be up to 10 flowers. The stem with a blooming hybrid freesia resembles a chic bouquet shimmering in all shades of the rainbow. It can be orange, scarlet, raspberry, violet and other bells. Some gardeners organize whole colorful clearings in the flower beds, planting a number of freesias of various colors. Of the hybrid varieties, bright scarlet Red Lyon, yellow-orange Vinita Gold, blue Royal Blue are popular.
freesia in the garden

Main varieties

  • In addition to the three types of freesias listed above, it is worth recalling fragrant. This is the most fragrant variety, in its smell notes of lily of the valley are heard. He has yellow flowers with an orange center.
  • Large snow-white inflorescences are characterized by the Alba variety. In the middle of the flowers is a yellow throat and a purple hatch.
  • White flowers with a yellow tint at the base of the petals have a variety of Ballerina. Inflorescences have many flowers - up to 12 pieces.
  • Raspberry flowers with a whitened lower part and peculiar strokes flaunt in the variety of Roses Marie. It produces peduncles up to 25 cm with 5-7 flowers.
  • Bright orange flowers with a dark pharynx are distinguished by the Orange Favorite variety. This is a fairly tall plant - up to 50 cm.
  • Complex color in the Helsinki variety. The purple color of the perianth is shaded by a lilac tone. The lower part of the petals has a yellowish spot, and on the throat - purple strokes.
potted freesia

Planting Garden Freesia

Leaving and planting freesia flowers in the garden does not take much time. For breeding plants suitable seeds, corms and tubers. Most often, bulbs are planted in open ground. They are placed for the winter in a dry, well-ventilated room with a temperature of 25-27 ° C. In February, the bulbs are transferred to a cooler room - from 7 to 8 ° C. This storage mode contributes to the formation of freesia peduncles. In early March, the bulbs are being prepared for planting. They are placed in containers with a soil mixture consisting of turf land, peat, sand and humus. To this mixture (10 L), 10 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium fertilizer, 50 g of bone meal are also added.

The optimal density of planting freesia is considered 6 bulbs per 3-liter capacity. The containers are carried out in a warm room with a temperature of 25-27 ° C. It is important to monitor humidity so that the earth does not dry out. Three weeks later, the first sprouts hatch. Now refined African can be transplanted into the open ground. In the southern regions, where April is quite warm, tubers can be planted without prior germination. Before buying bulbs, pay attention to ensure that they are not wrinkled and have no damage. Some growers take risks and plant tubers in the fall, but this is quite risky. A harsh winter can ruin a heat-loving African. It is better to drop her off at the end of April, when there will certainly be no frost.

freesia for distillation

To grow freesia flowers in the garden, darkened, windless places are selected where there is a loose, well-drained fertile soil. Peat is added a little more. Before planting the bulbs, the earth is loosened to a depth of 35 cm, small pegs are digged in for future garter stems. This allows you not to damage the root system of a blossoming plant. Bulbs are planted in shallow holes (5-6 cm), the distance between them should be 10 cm. Then the ground is mulched with peat or humus. Planting freesia in pots or containers allows you to take them to a closed room with the onset of cold weather.

Care for freesia in the garden

Some grooming arrangements are needed for these onion flowers. You could already get to know the photos and names of garden freesias above. What needs to be done so that the plant blooms for a month and a half in the open ground? Often, the stem during cutting flowers shortened by 1/3. This increases flowering on the secondary stems. Twice a month, the plant is fed a solution of superphosphate (15 g per 5 l of water) and potassium salt (10 g per 5 l of water).

terry freesia

The soil around freesia should be regularly moistened. It is watered often, but in moderation, so as not to waterlog. So that the thin stems of the plant do not break, twine is pulled between the pegs to maintain them. Twice a season, the flowers are sprayed with soapy water to avoid the appearance of aphids or ticks. If suddenly, because of waterlogging, rot appears on the leaves, then they are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or foundationazole.

Pot miracle

An exquisite aristocrat will especially please you with an unusually fresh delicate aroma reminiscent of a sea breeze if you put it in a pot and put it on the windowsill. This requires some effort and skill. In order for the plant to bloom at the end of winter, the bulbs are planted in a pot in early September. To do this, drainage is laid at the bottom of the tank, then a mixture of humus, soddy, leafy soil, peat in equal quantities is poured. Then plant the bulbs. A photo of a potted freesia flower is presented in the article.

Containers with planted material are carried in a bright but cool place with temperatures up to +15 ° C and are not watered. With the appearance of the first sprouts on the surface, the containers are transferred to a room with a temperature of +22 ° C. Sprouts regularly, but carefully feed and water. When the plants bloom, the bulbs do not immediately dig out. First, remove the inflorescences, continue to water and take care of the plant for another month and a half. Only now, onions are dug up and sent for storage.

Hollow out for the holidays

Freesia has a natural dormant period during the hot summer. In order for the plant to bloom profusely, the bulbs need a rather high storage temperature. What to do if you wanted to grow fragrant freesia for the spring holidays? This is a very real task. In this case, the plant is distilled. In order for the corms to bloom in late February or early March, the bulbs are planted in July-August. Before that, they are soaked for half an hour in special stimulants of growth and root formation: “Kornevine”, “Epine”. Corms for distillation are chosen large and healthy.

freesia flowers

For such an event, a loose substrate is used that passes water well. The composition of such soil includes equal parts of humus, non-acid peat, turf and leafy soil. For germination of freesia, the most optimal temperature will be +20 ° C. With the advent of the first sprouts, containers with planted plants are brought into a cool room with temperatures up to +14 ° C. To control the timing of flowering freesia, change the temperature and humidity of the plant. In order for the plants to bloom for the holidays, they are additionally illuminated.

Problems with growing freesia

What does a freesia flower look like? We tried to provide you with a photo of the plant. But during the cultivation of this flower, some problems may arise. This bulbous plant has one feature: the dormancy period at high temperature and humidity should last 3 months. If this condition is violated, then the bulbs will not have the strength to sprout. In summer, onion daughter bulbs form in adult bulbs.

The main reason that freesia does not bloom is the wrong temperature. No matter how much a plant you transplant, feed, none of this will help him. Purchased bulbs are often stored in refrigerators, so they must be warmed up. Also, flower stalks will not appear if, after emergence, the temperature drops below +3 ° C. Too high temperatures during the first 5 weeks of sprout development also lead to the absence of inflorescences. It’s too late to plant freesias in the garden in mid-May. Faded leaves of flowering plants indicate too high a temperature outside. Also, the cause of yellowed and dried leaf tips may be a missing or excessive amount of moisture.

Bulb wintering

As soon as freesia fades, and the tops fade, they stop watering it and leave it alone until October. In the southern regions, bulbs can remain in the ground for the winter. And on the territory of central Russia, it is dangerous to leave the bulbs in the soil, they can freeze. Sometimes freesia is not dug up, but simply solidly covered with straw or leaf mulch. But this also does not guarantee a successful wintering.

freesia bulbs

The most reliable way to store bulbs until the next season is to dig them. Bulbs are removed from the ground, washed, placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and dried for a week. For convenient extraction of small onions, they are initially planted in drawers with holes, and then they are dug up with earth. You could see such boxes in supermarkets, they store citrus fruits. When the first October cold weather comes, the boxes extract their lands and look for the mother and daughter bulbs in them. Store dried planting material in a rather humid room at a temperature of +25 ° C. Maternal and daughter bulbs are separated from each other. The daughter bulbs will bloom in a year.

Terry look

Photo, care and planting of terry flowers of freesia are interesting to many gardeners. These plants are found in different shades: golden, orange, white, pink, purple, blue. After cutting, the terry varieties do not fade for more than a week. The most popular is the white terry variety. Especially often it is used for cutting as a material for bridal bouquets.

bulbs for planting

Many gardeners know Double Terry Freesia. Flowers of this fluffy look come in different shades, sometimes even two-color plants are found. The diameter of the flowers of this beauty reaches 7 cm. Most often, terry varieties are used for cutting. Landing and caring for terry freesia do not require much effort.


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