How to get rid of maple on the site?

Everyone who has even a small piece of land is familiar with the problem of growing unnecessary trees. It can be plums, cherries, American maple, acacia. They do not bring benefits, interfere with the growth of other plants. How can I get rid of maple? This is not easy to do. But some ways are still available.

Where do the "extra" trees come from?

Uninvited trees appear on the site in several ways. Some grow from seeds carried by the wind, birds, or other means. There are usually not many such trees, unless you appear on the site for several years.

Worse if the shoot appears from the roots of nearby plants. How to get rid of maple in this case?

how to get rid of maple

The easiest way to cut it is oblique. Part of the processes disappears forever. But in most cases, they begin to grow, and instead of a single stem, a whole bush appears.

If an adult tree for some reason is unnecessary in the area, it is usually cut, leaving a stump. In the future, the stump itself may interfere, but more often the root system, located within a radius of several meters from the trunk, or the root shoot from it.

One-year removal

If you remove small sprouts in the first year of their life, they can easily be eliminated even manually. And closer to the fall to make it more difficult. You have to take a shovel or other tool. It is easier to remove such shoots on the treated soil: garden, flowerbed, dug up area. On the virgin land, lawn, path need to make more effort.

If you skip such a tree, next year its root system will get stronger and it will resist more when removed. How to get rid of maple in this case? Digging it with a shovel is not difficult. You can use the ax, cutting the stem as low as possible in the ground.

Root shoot removal

How to get rid of maple in the garden? The fight against maple root shoots needs to be carried out in several directions. Itโ€™s nice to destroy a tree, from the roots of which processes are moving to the site. True, this is not always possible. Sometimes such a tree grows on the site of a neighbor, which for some reason it does not interfere. In this case, you have to fight with the shoots.

Removing a tree does not always lead to a quick solution to the problem. After all, the trunk is usually cut, and the root remains. Feeling the approach of death, he begins to actively release root processes, hoping to leave offspring. The same reaction is observed in old, dying trees, surviving in recent years.

how to get rid of maple on the site

If a tree, thick or thin, is cut off according to ground level without leaving a hemp, the probability of overgrowth of the overgrowth is significantly reduced. Sometimes a thick tree is difficult to cut this way. Especially if you do it with a hand saw, popularly referred to as "Friendship-2." Gardeners with experience say that a stump will disappear faster if you sprinkle it with earth.

You can go the other way and dig a stump so that a pit forms around it. The roots, which are thus exposed, chop. Then pour a salt solution (1 pack - on a bucket of water), pour kerosene, cover with dry branches and set fire. This is also not a very environmentally friendly way.

If the young growth continues to grow, you need to periodically break it. It is enough to do this once a month.

Excavation of the processes

How to get rid of maple in the garden? One of the easiest and most time-consuming methods is to manually dig out the root shoots. If the old tree was removed, the work may well be crowned with success. Every year, the shoots will become smaller.

how to get rid of american maple

How to get rid of maple forever?

The most reliable way is to plow a plot with a tractor. Then collect all the branches with roots from the site. Of course, in the future, the shoots can again penetrate from neighboring areas.

Use of salt

How to get rid of American maple if there is a wide stump of cut tree on the site, and there is no time or energy to uproot it? You can try to get rid of it with chemicals. The simplest is sprinkling salt on a stump. For this, a chainsaw or an ordinary saw is made to cut it cross-wise. The deeper it is, the better.

Take the kitchen salt and fall asleep the resulting cuts. Leave salt on the surface of the hemp.

how to get rid of maple in the garden

As a result of such actions, the tree may soon dry out and not give new sprouts. But this may not happen. It all depends on the strength of the root system. Salt, of course, is not very necessary for the soil. But its quantity is usually small, and planting potatoes in place of a stump is unlikely to succeed soon.

Using dark packages

How to get rid of maple on the site, if there are a lot of trees there?

Trees need heat and sunlight to grow. To make the temperature in a separate area minus does not work. But you can deprive the world of a small piece of territory. If you remove the access of light to the stump, it will stop releasing sprouts.

First, trees are cut at a distance above the ground. Take dark durable bags and put them on cut trees. Securely fix them with tape or other available means. This is necessary so that the packages are not blown away by the wind. After all, they should remain on stumps for a long time.

The disadvantage of this method will be that it is quite difficult to process a large area. If there are a lot of stumps, the process of putting on bags can take a lot of time and effort. If you need to get rid of a few stumps, it is quite possible to apply. This is an environmentally friendly way. Of course, if packages are removed and disposed of over time.

If the tree is cut to the root, it is more difficult to bind the package to it.


How to get rid of maple on the site, if there are a lot of stumps and overgrown, but there is no time to cover them with packages?

You need to turn to the help of herbicides - drugs that are created to destroy certain plants. Some of them have a selective effect, that is, it affects only certain types of grass. Others burn everything on site.

how to get rid of maple forever

The Arsenal VK herbicide manufactured by BASF is used by railway workers to remove all vegetation at a certain distance from the tracks. The herbicide โ€œAGR Graderโ€ is similar in effect. Sold in cans of 20 liters. Usually, no one has so many stumps in a garden plot. Therefore, most often the owners of sites on which maples grow try to find people related to the railway.

How to get rid of maple without damaging surrounding trees? When using such a tool, you must accurately observe the proportions. If you make the concentration too strong, not only unnecessary maples can disappear, but also all the vegetation at a distance of several meters from the place of application.

On sale in a small package, you can buy the Tornado 500 and Roundup VP herbicides. Experts recommend removing root shoots with Hurricane Forte BP. It is sold packaged in 350 ml. User reviews say that โ€œRoundupโ€ does not help to cope with the problem. Therefore, they use it in combination with other operations: cutting the bark on the trunk, cutting off the available roots, uprooting stumps.

how to get rid of maple in the garden

If you need to remove unnecessary tree and shoots from it, cut down the trunk, make deep holes with a drill closer to the edge of the hemp (in the cambium layer). Periodically poured into the holes "Roundup", diluted with three parts of water. After the procedure, cover the stump with a black bag. The next year, the stump will disappear, and the processes will stop appearing.

Using the Baikal

Responses of gardeners say that treating hemp with undiluted Baikal gives a good effect. Half a liter of the drug goes to spill 3 dozen small stumps. If you treat them in this way in the fall, then in the spring they will rot, they will not give growth and they can be easily removed with a crowbar or ax.

how to get rid of maple

When deciding how to get rid of maple in the garden or in the garden, the affected area is evaluated. They look at how quickly this needs to be done: this year, if it grows in the garden, or for several years, if on the boundary of the site. Assess the danger of getting the herbicide into the water.


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