Angel Trumpet Flower - Brugmansia: description, cultivation features

Brugmansia flower has an unusual beauty and is increasingly used by gardeners as a decorative. Such an attractive plant can be grown both in the summer cottage and at home, given the fact that it is quite large and needs free space. Before deciding to grow an Angel Trumpet flower in a house, you should evaluate all the features of the apartment.

Plant description

Brugmansia is an exotic culture coming from the nightshade family. Due to the fact that the culture is poisonous, it is forbidden to place it in bedrooms and children's rooms. The best location for the flower is a conservatory or a conservatory. It is important to remember that it is quite difficult to grow the flower of the Angel Trumpet, and this will require a lot of work and patience from the grower.

Culture Description

The place of origin of the evergreen shrubs are subtropical regions of South America. Other flower names are Datura, Brugmansia treelike, Demon Tree and Angel Trumpets. The plant is called a demon because of its toxic properties, and an angel because of attractive and elegant flowers.

In the wild, the plant loves to grow in the forest, in river valleys. With any method of growing for the winter, the flower must be brought into the room, so that it does not suffer from low temperatures. More often than not, a flower in the winter simply dies.

Growing Features

In the southern regions, angel tubes are planted in the soil. In winter, the aboveground part of the plant dies, but the root system itself remains until spring, after which new shoots bloom from it.

Wild Brugmansia can reach a height of 5 meters, among the indoor there are smaller varieties. The leaves of the culture are large, oval in shape, with wavy edges (reach 1.5 meters in length). Flowers can be bell-shaped, funnel-shaped, elongated and large - up to 20 centimeters in diameter, up to 50 in length.

The color of flowers directly depends on the variety, it can be yellow, cream, red and even orange, which gives the grower the opportunity to choose any color for himself. Among the new varieties, two-and three-color flowers are distinguished. The aroma of the plant is quite bright, it becomes stronger in the evening and at night.

The poisonous properties of the flower Angel Trumpets have a psychotropic effect, which is important to consider when growing a culture in an apartment. For normal growth and flowering, the flower should be provided with a cold wintering. Brugmansia in a pot should not be grown in a house where there are young children and pets. Plants should be placed in a room remote from the bedroom. Psychotropic effects become stronger precisely at night.

The main types of shrubs

Varieties of Brugmania can significantly differ from each other in the shape and appearance of their flowers. The following popular varieties are distinguished:

  1. Brugmansia is fragrant. The flower is white or pale yellow, reaches a length of 30 centimeters and is directed downward. Flowering culture is particularly plentiful and can grow for 12 months when growing a flower in a greenhouse. The shrub has a central trunk and sparse branches.
  2. Brugmansia is golden. Flowers are presented in all shades of yellow, are distinguished by a wide limb and a 30-centimeter length. The leaves are narrowed and painted in a dark green shade.
  3. Brugmansia is snow-white. In height reaches three meters. The leaves are distinguished by a velvety structure, a length of 25 centimeters and a white color.
  4. Bloody Brugmansia is the most resistant to low temperatures. Bright flowers are painted in red, yellow and orange. The smell of this variety is not so bright in comparison with others.
  5. Brugmansia is colorful. On the culture, long flowers bloom - 50 centimeters. They are painted in cream color, which over time turns into peach.
Shrub varieties

Most often, flower growers choose a fragrant variety of Brugmansia for growing in an apartment.

How is landing in the open ground?

Planting Brugmansia and leaving in the open ground are not particularly difficult, even an inexperienced gardener can cope with this. The culture prefers bright and warm places, therefore it is forbidden to grow it year-round in the garden (especially in areas with a cold climate). Even with mild winters, the culture is restored for a long time after cold weather and by summer does not have time to bloom normally.

How does the Angel Trumpet flower overwinter? If the gardener wants to grow this plant in the garden, then in winter he will have to bring it into the room. Planting in the soil consists in transferring the flower in the fall to a volumetric tub together with a lump of land and growing in the winter in a room that can be a winter garden or a simple apartment.


In spring, as soon as the air temperature rises to around 10 degrees and the danger of night frost disappears, the plant is transferred back to the garden, in which it quickly adapts and soon begins to delight the grower with beautiful and lush flowers.

The main disadvantage of growing according to this principle is the root system, which grows strongly over the summer, which complicates its transfer and growing indoors in cold weather.

Culture propagation

Brugmansia is propagated by one of the following methods:

  • by seeds;
  • layering;
  • cuttings.

Brugmansia from seeds multiplies easily, but when choosing seeds, the gardener must consider that they are precisely varietal.

Plant propagation

Sown seeds in the period from January to February in separate pots - laid out on the soil and sprinkled on top with a layer of sand (5-10 millimeters). Next, the pots are closed with a film and stored at a temperature of 22 degrees. Plants are planted in a specially prepared soil mixture consisting of peat, loam and humus in a ratio of 2: 1: 1.

Angel Trumpet Flower and how to care for it?

Caring for Brugmansia is a rather complicated process, which includes the following steps:

  • crown pruning;
  • transplant
  • maintaining one temperature regime - from 23 to 28 degrees Celsius in the summer;
  • providing a cool wintering;
  • long diffused lighting;
  • protection against drafts and sudden temperature changes;
  • watering as the soil dries;
  • maintaining wet conditions in the room and spraying;
  • top dressing every 14 days with mineral fertilizers and organics.
Proper care

Plant formation

How to crop Brugmansia? In early March, the crop is hygienically trimmed. Eliminate all damaged, long and weakened branches that interfere with the plant and worsen its appearance. Y-shaped shoots must be left, since it is from them that flower stalks are formed.

When forming a culture, it is important not to overdo it, since excessive pruning will adversely affect the flowering of the plant. When pruning a plant, it is important to remember about its toxicity and be sure to use gloves.

Flower pruning

Another way to winter the plant is to maintain the summer regime of watering and feeding, providing a warm place and compensating for additional lighting. Thus, it will be possible to trick the plant, and it will continue to bloom actively.


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