Castration of a male: operation technique, pros and cons, methods, preparation and care

For some reason, dog owners decide to castrate the animal. But if some consider the procedure natural and necessary, then others doubt its safety and do not know all the intricacies of postoperative care. If a decision is made to castrate a male dog, the operation technique involves the removal of reproductive organs, it is important to know the features of the procedure and the necessary actions after.

Male Castration - Operation Technique

What is castration?

Often breeders confuse the concepts of castration and sterilization. Animals of both sexes can be exposed to the last procedure. In this case, the genitals remain unchanged, and the reproductive function is regulated by ligation of the tubes in females and seminal ducts in males. It is important that in this case, sex hormones continue to be produced, the animal does not lose attraction, but there will be no offspring.

The castration of a male looks different. The technique of the operation is the complete removal of the reproductive organs, in this case the testicles. The procedure is irrevocable, so before carrying out it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons. Such an animal will not have offspring.

Dog castration

Need for surgery

Often the female is neutered to avoid estrus and attract flocks of dogs. In this case, uncontrolled fertilization and the need for an extra puppy will not occur. For other reasons, castration is important. The technique of the operation is simple, but it requires sterile conditions in the medical office. Dogs that are unable to mate regularly become aggressive. They can become out of control on a walk and attack any bitch. Experts note that girls dogs calm down after estrus, and boys experience this condition all the time. Therefore, if it is not planned to mate the animal purposefully and breed offspring, castration of the male is recommended. The operation technique has been thoroughly studied by all veterinarians, therefore, as a rule, there are no complications. In addition, there are medical indications for the procedure. If the dog has an inflammatory process in the genitourinary area or genetic diseases are diagnosed, then the castration procedure is recommended.

Castration operation

Positive points

Before deciding on the castration of a male, the operation technique, the pros and cons of the procedure must be known in advance. However, there are enough positive points, among them:

  • It’s easier to keep such an animal in the apartment. The dog does not mark the territory, does not break into the street and does not show aggression.
  • The animal does not get involved in fights and does not attract other militant males.
  • There is no interest in the opposite sex, therefore, the risk of losing a dog when chasing a female is reduced.
  • The risk of testicular cancer is reduced.
  • Sexual infections are almost excluded.

Of course, castration of a dog cannot completely change its character. The technique of operation and the advantages after it often set up breeders for success. The animal becomes playful, aggression and attempts to become a leader in the house pass. It is believed that the procedure affects the protective properties of the pet. However, dog handlers argue that these qualities depend solely on training.

Male castration - operation technique and indications

Possible consequences

Not all breeders decide to castrate a dog. Technique operations and cons scare the owners of the animal. Of course, surgery may have some consequences that should be considered:

  • Failures in the hormonal system of the dog, which leads to disturbances in the body.
  • Hypothyroidism may develop. After removal of the testes, thyroid function decreases, which leads to decreased production of hormones.
  • Castrated dogs are less active and quickly gain excess weight, which affects their well-being.
  • If the pet is castrated in old age, then behavioral abnormalities may be observed.
  • The coat becomes not so elastic and silky, more like a puppy. This is due to the lack of production of male sex hormones.

Veterinarians also warn that a pet may have difficulty anesthetizing. The way out of this state is long and involves the care of the breeder. It is important to correctly calculate the dosage of the drug. After all, if it turns out to be insufficient, then the dog may wake up prematurely. Excess threatens heart failure. Not everyone will need a male castration. The technique of operation and indications are always controlled by a doctor. But the effects of anesthesia are rated higher than the procedure itself. There are a number of veterinarians who recommend not to perform surgery without urgent need.

Castration - postoperative period


Only in the conditions of a veterinary clinic must a male be castrated. The technique of the operation (the procedure is performed using general anesthesia) is known to every veterinarian. A number of preparatory activities are being carried out:

  • preparing a sterile surface and laying the animal;
  • the introduction of anesthesia;
  • in the place of the genitals, wool is removed for a better view;
  • disinfectant treatment of the surgical site.

Operation technique implies;

  • incisions on the scrotum;
  • pulling of spermatic cords;
  • amputation of testes.

As a result, cuts are formed that are treated with "Tricillin" to disinfect and avoid infection. The whole procedure does not take more than 5-10 minutes. After it, you do not need to stitch and, accordingly, remove them.

Castration preparation

Recommended age

For the procedure, veterinarians are advised to adhere to age restrictions, if there are no other indications. Before six months, it is better not to carry out the procedure, otherwise it threatens to delay the development and growth of the dog. In old age, the operation leads to complications and malfunctions in behavior. Therefore, it is recommended only for medical reasons.

Features of care in the postoperative period

Male castration does not always go smoothly. Technique of the operation and methods of its implementation involve the removal of reproductive organs and the introduction of anesthesia. At the same time, the vital activity of the whole organism slows down, and in particular heat transfer. Therefore, doctors recommend warming up the animal.

It should be noted that during the period of departure from anesthesia and for several hours after the pet may involuntarily urinate. Therefore, to transport the dog and the house, it is necessary to have absorbent diapers. You can use oilcloth and old rags, which then do not mind throwing away.

The pet should be closely monitored, provide it warm, but it is not recommended to put it near the battery. It is important to choose a place away from drafts. It should be monitored:

  • Behind the heartbeat - it is important that it is even, but may be weaker than always.
  • Breathing - it should also be without delay and even.
  • The condition of the mucous membranes is normal in pink. Cyanosis or pallor indicates problems. It is best to consult a veterinarian.

It is important to turn your pet over every 30 minutes. If the dog urinates, the diaper is changed immediately, because there is a high risk of infection or hypothermia.

Castration Recovery

Important points

Only after the animal has completely departed from anesthesia, you can offer him food. If food is supposed to be from a common table, then it should be light. Next, it is best to switch to a special diet for neutered dogs.

Often, veterinarians prescribe postoperative drugs. When taking them, it is important to monitor the reaction. Your pet may experience diarrhea, vomiting, or rashes. In this case, you should show the dog to a specialist for further consultation.

It is also important to monitor the wound and its condition. It is necessary to regularly change the dressing and treat it with an antiseptic.

Where is the procedure carried out?

The operation to castrate the animal is carried out in any veterinary clinic. It is not difficult, therefore, it is possible to call a doctor at home. The cost of the service will depend on the size and age of the pet.

It should be noted that the cost includes not only the operation itself, but also the drugs used, anesthetics and dressings. If complications arise in the process, then additional costs will be required.


Castration of a dog greatly simplifies its maintenance at home. If the breeder does not plan to breed puppies and does not want to control the sexual behavior of the pet, then you should resort to this procedure. However, it is worth considering that complications are possible and there is a risk of excess weight. But if the procedure is carried out in a veterinary clinic, fully follow the doctor’s instructions in the postoperative period, and the diet and daily routine are correctly drawn up, then undesirable consequences can be avoided.


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