A flower with white flowers. Names, photo

In the design of flower beds, flower beds and front gardens, any flower with white flowers brings lightness and sophistication. Trends in recent years show the distinctive popularity of landscaping, made in white. Nature has given the world a huge number of plants that amaze with their snowy purity.

Early spring flowers

The first after the winter to please the eye are forest flowers - snowdrops. At first glance, they are all the same, but among them there are leaders, for example, Galanthus nivalis, or snowdrop snow. He is the first to show his head from under a snow coat and in a hurry to notify everyone of the approaching spring.

Forest flowers

Spring moss is not far behind in the marathon . The plant will look harmoniously in the rock gardens and at the gate. When planting, remember that these plants prefer the sunny side, are completely unpretentious regarding watering and will delight you with their white bells for a long time. Another advantage of the bloom planting - the moment of their bloom indicates that the soil has warmed enough to plant other seeds.

Mid spring flowers

In early April, a tubergen spill appears, the plant reaches a height of 8 cm and is well recognized by a slightly noticeable blue strip on the petals. By mid-April crocuses will please the eye, the flowering of which in the southern regions lasts all year round. The most unpretentious recognized white varieties of Dutch hybrids - Pickwick and Joan of Arc. At the same time as the crocuses in the front garden, dwarf muscari and white chionodox bloom. If you prefer potted flower growing, plant hionodoxes in September, then the first flowers will delight you already in late February.

About May Daffodils and Tulips

White flower photo

A white flower (photo) with a yellow center is a representative of the daffodil family. These garden flowers, whose names are associated with narcissism and selfishness, are found in front gardens and flowerbeds on all continents. To create a snow-white composition, choose Mount Hood, WPMilner and Desdemona flowers. The late variety Double White Poeticus, well recognizable by its double white flowers and exotic star shape, has perfectly taken root in our homeland. When choosing a flower with white flowers for winter distillation, pay attention to the varieties Mount Hood and Cheerfulness.

Tulips are garden flowers whose names are familiar to everyone. The early white varieties Snow Queen and Snowstorm are the first to blossom. When creating a garden composition, forget-me-nots of pink and blue will help to emphasize the beauty of tulips. Low-growing tulips will stand out against the background of muscari, crocuses, hionodox, hyacinths and cold-resistant viols. Sweet Lady is the smallest tulip cultivar, the height of which reaches no more than 15 cm. The wonderful propagation and the absence of the need for digging bulbs annually helped them become flower gardeners.

Garden Flowers Names

Hyacinths also belong to spring flowers and are quite popular among Russian flower growers. Dutch hybrids, which have dense, like wax, inflorescences, won special love. Suitable for distillation in January grade Carnegie.

Summer "snow white"

Considering a flower with white flowers, one cannot fail to mention irises - rhizomatous and bulbous varieties that harmoniously fit into any garden. Already at the end of May, the first irises-reticules appear, which breed well by the method of division of the nest. Perennial flowering, even in shade conditions, gives varieties White Excelsior and White and Violet.

If you have not found your flower with white flowers, pay attention to peonies blooming in mid-June. Of the group of hybrid varieties, the most interesting are the varieties Sonet and Gold Standart. The former are well recognized by large white flowers with pink tint, the latter have a bright yellow middle. A good semi-double variety Minne Shaylor with lush white flowers. Choosing such flowers for your front garden, remember that they need a lot of space, the height of the bushes can reach one meter.

White garden peonies

About lilies and clematis

The first flowering of clematis should be expected no earlier than June 10. If the bush blooms with semi-double flowers of irregular shape, then this is last year’s escape. Clematis Lucie resembles a terry dahlia, so it may well replace it with a flowerbed. If you prefer domestic varieties, choose among such as "Ballerina", "Polar" and "B. V. Sharonov. " Clematis wattle will adorn the area until the end of September.

No less popular is an exotic plant, which is easy to find in the domestic market - a giant lily. Flowers of white lilies are striking in their size, often reaching a length of 17 cm, the peduncle itself can grow up to 2.5 m long. With proper care, about 20 flowers are located on each inflorescence.

White lily flowers

The bulb of a giant lily is planted in October; acid soil and a slightly shaded area are prepared for this. The appearance of the first peduncles can be said only after one or two years. If you want to grow a full-fledged plant from onion-children, you have to wait at least three years.

Mysterious callas and fluffy asters

Zantedexia, or white callas, are flowers from the Aroid family. To plant them, prepare open for the sun patches of land with nutritious soil. White calla flowers propagate by bulbs, seeds and division. It is interesting that the part called the flower is not at all such, but is just a covering sheet that covers the ear of inflorescence. In fact, the plant has nondescript, but fragrant flowers. White callas well coexist with flowers that like moderate but frequent watering.

White calla flowers

Dwarf and tall asters are unpretentious in care. In our climatic conditions, Albus and Serenade varieties that grow sprawling with a white carpet are well established, capable of decorating the close-up of a flower bed or an alpine hill. If you decide to collect the seeds of asters yourself, pay attention that for the year of their storage they lose germination by 35-40%.

Shrubs with white flowers

In early summer, a riot of lilac begins . The white flower, a photo of which is shown below, has a French lilac, bred by the Lemoine family. The flowers of the densely terry white lilac reach 3 cm in diameter and are collected in large inflorescences. Variety Vestale has simpler flowers, striking with its bright aroma.

Buddleya David is an unpretentious shrub that blooms the entire period from mid-July to October. The arrow-shaped inflorescences that Her Majesty Nature has collected from crumbling flowers have a breathtaking honey aroma. Particular attention in plant care requires the pruning process. Last year's growths are cut annually in April, otherwise the bush can reach a height of 3 m, having spent all its strength on growing shoots.

Flower with white flowers

If you want to diversify your snow-white glade with small splashes of color, plant hibiscus. Kopper King has large white flowers with a bright raspberry center. Refers to frost-resistant species. White hibiscus "Karkade" is well known and beloved by flower growers. A perennial plant can grow 1.5 m high, and numerous flowers reach a diameter of 14 cm. The advantage of hibiscus planting is the ability to see the first flowers in the first year of planting. It will be appropriate on lawns, flower beds and even on the windowsill.

Rules for creating a "white garden"

Remember that when combining different flowers, it is important to consider the time of flowering, the need for light and moisture. When creating a "white garden", choose plants with gray and silver foliage. As a decor, use various fences, arbors, garden furniture and benches in pastel colors, giving aristocracy to a floral masterpiece. Focus on the uniqueness and purity of white.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33771/

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