Priyutino (museum-estate): address, location map, photos and reviews of tourists

In the vicinity of St. Petersburg in a picturesque place is the museum-estate "Priyutino". In Vsevolozhsk this historical place is the main attraction. The estate was owned by the president of the Academy of Arts A.N. Venison The Priyutino Estate Museum, the address of which can be found in all tourist guides in St. Petersburg, is one of the few estates in the suburbs of the Northern capital dating back to the early 19th century that reached us in its original form. What is she famous for?

museum homestead shelter address

Museum-estate "Priyutino" - history

The estate is located near the station Berngardovka (Leningrad region). Today, the Priyutino Museum of Art and Literature is working in it.

In 1795, A. N. Olenin bought 766 acres of land for the estate from Baron Fredericks for 3,000 rubles.

Priyutino is the rarest example of manor building of the beginning of the 19th century. The estate was built of unplastered red brick. Many manor buildings indicate a great influence on the choice of style of a friend of the Olenins family of N. A. Lvov - an engineer, architect, builder and artist. Unfortunately, direct evidence of his participation in construction has not been preserved, but his handwriting is clearly visible in the formation of the estate.

priyutino museum manor how to get

Before the start of construction, a plain place located near the current Ryabovsky highway was cleared. By the beginning of 1805, the Priyutino “manor” was built. She was placed by the river Lubye. A brick factory was built under her.

The following year, a theatrical reception dedicated to the hostess's birthday was held at the estate. Later, they were celebrated annually on September 5.

Due to lack of funds, the construction of the estate lasted almost two decades. The brick factory, beyond the Lubiya River, provided material for the construction of all buildings. Gradually, wooden structures were replaced by stone ones.

priyutino museum manor

Manor formation

By the 1820s, two greenhouses and two manor houses, 26 service buildings were built on the estate. At this time, a magnificent landscape park laid at the pond completely grew and formed. The main attraction of the park was the dam, which was built on the stream Smolny. The lush shrubs and slender trees framing the coastline were grouped in such a way that, moving along the coast, one could see magnificent landscapes, sometimes quite unexpected. The perception effect was enhanced by specular reflection in the water of the pond of various buildings and vegetation.

Olenin built the Trinity Church in the wing of one of the wings, having previously received the blessing of the patriarch. It was consecrated in 1830, and after eleven years (1841) it was abolished. The gilded copper cross and relics were transferred to the Elias Church. The year before, the parish received as a gift a copy of the Prayer for the Chalice.

Museum Priyutino estate in Vsevolozhsk

Famous guests of the estate

At different times, the poets V.A. Zhukovsky and K.N.Batyushkov, A. Vyazemsky and A. Mitskevich visited here. Frequent guests at the estate were artists Alexander and Karl Bryullov and O. A. Kiprensky. There were famous musicians and composers - A.F. Lvov, M.I. Glinka, A. A. Alyabyev, Mikhail Viliegorsky and many other famous and respected people.

For three decades (since 1806), I.A. Krylov often visited Priyutino. He lived and worked for a long time with the Olenins. In the estate, Krylov painted many famous fables.

museum manor shelter history

Often young Pushkin visited the Olenin estate. Not everyone knows that the very first edition of the poem Ruslan and Lyudmila was designed by A. N. Olenin. The poet was passionately in love with the daughter of the estate's owner, Anna. This feeling inspired Alexander Sergeyevich to write a cycle of lyric poems. Pushkin wrote Anna the famous line “I loved you ...” in the album.

Museum today

The last time the restoration of the manor house was carried out in 1990, since then funds for restoration work have not been allocated.

shelter homestead address

According to experts and museum staff, restoration work was not carried out very well. The administration is trying on its own to maintain the complex. But these attempts are not able to withstand the destructive effects of time and adverse weather conditions.

For many years, the ruins of the manor house, which stands near the highway, were the face of Priyutino. The museum-estate, or rather, its team, had high hopes for the influx of tourists after the reconstruction of the highway, but this did not happen.

Museum Priyutino estate in Vsevolozhsk

Exhibition expositions

The exposition was opened in the main manor house in 1990 immediately after the restoration was completed. The living room, study, gallery, bedroom, living room were recreated on the ground floor. The picture of manor life, characteristic of the second half of the 19th century, is supplemented by residential chambers. They are located on the female and male halves of the upper floor. Here you can see numerous samples, including personal belongings of the Olenin family - portraits of famous guests of the Priyutino estate, objects of the Pushkin era and other interesting exhibits. The park has completely restored the building of the forge and the dairy, on the banks of the pond.

The main building provides an opportunity to see restored historical interiors. Here you can get acquainted with the life of the inhabitants of the estate.

priyutino museum manor

Museum-estate "Priyutino" in Vsevolozhsk includes 10 halls. The exhibition part consists of graphic materials, books, documents, as well as memorial exhibits related to the Olenin family. In the manor house, on the second floor, the largest hall is reserved for temporary exhibitions. For exhibitions of children's drawings, photo-exhibitions, a corridor is used.

Art lovers will see valuable paintings in Priyutino. The museum-estate has the works of famous artists who were friends with the owners: O. Kiprensky, A and K. Bryulov, A. Orlovsky, F. Tolstoy.

Museum Priyutino estate in Vsevolozhsk

Manor Park

The magnificent park attracts everyone who comes to Priyutino. The museum-estate would be incomplete if it were not possible to preserve this monument of landscape gardening art. Here you can walk along the alleys with old oaks, sit on the shores of a lake or pond.

"Priyutino" (museum-estate) - how to get

Probably, many are interested in the location of this historic place. “Priyutino” is a manor whose address is Leningrad Region, the city of Vsevolozhsk, Priyutino, 1, is always glad to see guests. You can visit her daily, except Mondays and Fridays (sanitary day).

priyutino museum manor how to get

Getting here is pretty easy. You can take the electric train that goes from the Finland Station, and get to the station "Berngardovka". You can take a minibus from the metro station Ladozhskaya No. 430 and No. 462 from the station "Ploshchad Lenina". We are sure that “Priyutino” - a museum-estate of the XIX century - will give you an unforgettable experience. Come here with the children - it will be interesting for them to visit the estate, where many famous people have visited.

Priyutino (museum-estate) - reviews of tourists

According to toasts visiting Priyutino, the museum exposition deserves the highest ratings, but the park requires more maintenance. Many expected to see an old and comfortable park, but were disappointed ...

Museum Priyutino estate in Vsevolozhsk

Unfortunately, there are complaints about the work of the staff. It takes a very long time to wait until the group necessary for the tour is gathered.


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