How to tie Lariat: 4 easy ways

A stylish woman, as a rule, has a large number of jewelry in the box. They can be made of precious metals or in the form of ordinary jewelry. In it you can find rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, as well as other jewelry. At the height of fashion, brooches and lariat are now. We’ll talk about the latter.

What is Lariat

Indeed, the word is incomprehensible and new. Many people confuse the concepts of “sotuar” and “lariat”. Often the girls in these names are simply lost. Sotuar is a “closed” chain with some kind of pendant at the end. Most often it is without a fastener and is worn over the head. And Lariat is not a closed decoration. It is a long harness with pendants at the ends. This form allows you to tie the lariat in both the usual and the most fantasy ways. Thus, having only one piece of jewelry, you can wear it in dozens of variations - it is very versatile. You can wear it at any age - even on an adult woman it will look just great. They are worn both on holidays and in everyday life.

You can tie the lariat in the form of a necklace, as well as a belt or bracelet. As a rule, the length of such an ornament is at least one meter, plus pendants. In total, about 140 centimeters are obtained. Tie the lariat, as you like - its length will allow you to make almost any knot.

Create jewelry

Lariat is most often made from beads. Cords, chains, beads, natural stones are also used. To design the ends, take caps for harnesses. Despite the fact that Lariat seems to be a rather simple decoration to manufacture, this is not so. This is many hours of manual work. The cost will be affected by the professionalism of the master, the cost of materials and fittings. Also, the lariat can be made of the same color beads or have a complex pattern. And if you do not want to overpay, then you can make it yourself. The decoration should have the same thickness along the entire length, and the edges should be decorated.

There are two ways to create a beaded lariat:

  • crochet from pre-strung beads;
  • weave according to the pattern.

These are the two main ways of making jewelry. By the way, it can be gossip both on a thread and on a fishing line.

How to tie a bead lariat

There are many ways to twist this jewelry. The easiest way to wear Lariata is to wrap it once or twice (depending on length) around the neck. At the same time, leave the ends freely hanging.

Simple Lariat

Another simple option is how to tie a lariat - a knot. The product must be folded in half. Wrap the middle part so that through the resulting ring pass the free ends of the lariat.

Simple Lariat

The next option is to tie the free ends in such a way that you get a beautiful knot. Moreover, the interweaving can be absolutely anything.

Tied Lariat

Another very beautiful option, how to tie a lariat from beads - to braid it along its entire length into knots, and to close the free edges in a ring. It will be in the form of a short necklace.

Tied Lariat

Lariate storage

This decoration is handmade, and, accordingly, is not cheap, so not everyone has such a thing. Often the girls who bought it on their own or received it as a gift immediately ask the question of how to tie the lariat, and the second - how to store it, because the appearance of the product will depend on this. There are a few rules to remember:

  1. The decoration should be stored not twisted, untied all the knots, preferably in a suspended state, since the next day he will “remember the shape” and in another version of the weaving of the ends may look ugly.
  2. Do not leave lariat in direct sunlight or near hot objects.
  3. It is impossible that perfume fell on jewelry. To do this, first spray toilet water on the clothes and only then put on the product.
  4. In continuation of the previous paragraph, we can add that hairspray should not fall on the lariat.
  5. Keep out of reach of children! A child can tear jewelry and swallow small parts.
  6. It is extremely undesirable to wet the jewelry with water, since it is not known how the beads will behave.
  7. If the decoration is dirty, it can be wiped with a dry soft cloth, without the use of any detergents.
  8. In the exceptional case, if the pollution is very strong and dry cleaning can not be done, you can resort to treating Lariat with baby soap. Gently rinse the contaminated area with your hands, rinse and dry thoroughly in a straightened state. But this measure should be applied only as a last resort.
  9. Also, the Lariat is strictly forbidden to drop, stretch excessively or excessively bend.


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