Sewer pipe cleaning machine: device, features of work, manufacturers overview, advantages

Sewer networks are among the most polluted communications, requiring increased attention when servicing. Cleaning of sewage canals is one of the mandatory measures of this order. It is obvious that the technical means for performing such operations require special. Employees of utility services and business organizations use machines for cleaning sewer pipes, which can cope with the most difficult blockages not only in direct sections, but also in branched networks.

Construction technology

Devices for servicing sewer pipes are devices with a hydraulic base and drive system. There are two types of power plants that provide this equipment - gasoline and electric. In the first case, the machine is connected to an alternating current network or to a generator. As a rule, engines have a four-stroke base and a reversible gearbox, providing 500-700 rpm. Models with gasoline engines are usually made with an optimized portable design that is completely independent of third-party power sources. As for the working mechanism for cleaning sewer pipes, the hydrodynamic machine is provided with spiral equipment in the form of a hose and a supercharger pump, which creates the necessary pressure for the force acting on the channel circuit. The diameter of the working line varies from 8 to 32 mm on average. Different tips may also be used to extend the spiral inside the pipe. It can be bottom, chain, rotating and jet devices.

Sewer pipe cleaner

Workflow Features

The key difference between this method of pipe cleaning and alternative methods is the use of high pressure. In this regard, hydrodynamic machines can be compared with car mini-sinks, which under high pressure eliminate surface pollution. In this case, the passage of the hose should also be ensured in difficult areas with turns and obstacles. The aforementioned nozzles help to accomplish this task. At a pressure of about 300 atmospheres, a sewer pipe cleaning machine injects water into the canal, thereby ensuring the destruction of blockages, sediments and even ice plugs. Including due to the action of reactive force, the hose passes forward, gradually reeling up from the drum kit. Moreover, it is important to emphasize the safety of this method of cleaning the sewer for the pipeline, since neither the hose nor the nozzle does not harm its walls.

The advantages of a hydrodynamic pipe cleaning machine

Sewer Cleaning Machines

The operational process is characterized by the following advantages over alternative methods of servicing sewer communications:

  • High performance. Due to its own engine, the installation provides a powerful head, which allows you to cope with various kinds of pipe contamination.
  • Ergonomics. Despite the multicomponent nature, modern models of machines for cleaning sewer pipes are placed on easy-to-use structures with a running gear and additional transport devices.
  • Functionality. A variety of tips for the spiral, the diameters of the pressure head hose and the operating modes of the engine makes it possible to individually approach the cleaning of communications with different parameters and the degree of contamination.
  • Reliability and safety. The entire working process is carried out under the control of RCD, isolation and automation, which prevents the risks of accidents and equipment damage.

Model "Poseidon VNA-210-10B"

Hydrodynamic machine Poseidon

The universal device for cleaning sewers under high pressure of Russian production. The manufacturer positions the machine as a water-jet unit suitable for industrial use - in particular, when servicing external and internal networks and various surfaces. An electric motor with a capacity of 3,700 W with a capacity of up to 10 l / min and a three-plunger pump, providing a pressure of 200 atmospheres, help the device to fulfill the tasks to combat pollution.

As a functional tool, the Poseidon hydrodynamic machine for cleaning sewer pipes uses a high-strength brass manifold to which hoses with nozzles are connected. The creators of the model paid a lot of attention to safety issues, providing a pressure regulator, a balanced engine rotor with vibration protection, optional dry running protection and a thermal sensor that protects against overheating.

Mole-88 model

Hydrodynamic car Krot-88

One of the most successful models in its lineup, assembled on a sectional basis of hydrodynamic equipment General Pipe Cleaners. The unit provides cleaning of pipes with a diameter of 50 to 300 mm, using a 750 W engine with a spindle speed of 500 to 1425 rpm. That is, in this case, the emphasis is not on power potential, but on flexibility, maneuverability and speed when servicing sewage channels of various calibers. This is evidenced by additional equipment that increases the mobility of equipment. In particular, the Krot-88 sewer pipe cleaning machine is equipped with wheels (one with a diameter of 150 mm and two with a diameter of 250 mm) and an elongated folding handle. You can work with the device both in manual and in foot mode. The operator can start the engine with a pneumatic pedal or through the main operating panel. Separately, it is worth noting the presence of 17 varieties of nozzles for removing contaminants and deposits from pipe cavities.

Model Electric Eel EJ-CS1500A

Sewer pipe hydrodynamic machine

American cleaning machine, also operating in the operational service mode of pipes with a thickness of 25 to 150 mm. The maximum length of communications is 30 m. At the same time, the power capacity of the equipment of 2000 W is enough to remove sand, silt deposits and grease with a capacity of 7 l / min. Electric Eel offers a sewer pipe cleaning machine with larger diameter wheels and inflatable tires, which increases the mobility of the structure. The working base is represented by a triplex plunger pump with valves made of stainless steel alloy. By the way, the maximum pressure is 100 atmospheres, but with its lack, the user will be able to connect a pulsed mode of water supply through the hose. Among the protective systems, it is worth highlighting the high-quality insulation of the electric motor and the presence of electrical fuses.

Model Rothenberger HD 19/180

The product of the German manufacturer, which is famous for its high-quality construction tools, as well as reliable industrial equipment. The unit under consideration is also intended for professional operation in the treatment of wastewater, drainage communications, connecting nodes of pipelines and sewer networks. The working distance of the unit reaches 40 m when servicing pipes with a diameter of up to 200 mm. It is worth emphasizing that this is one of the most powerful water-jet devices in its class. The fact is that the power potential of the built-in Honda engine is 8100 W, and the productivity is about 20 l / min.

Sewer hydrodynamic machine Rotenberger

If we talk about other operational features, the Rotenberger sewer pipe cleaning machine makes it possible to precisely adjust the pressure and ensures a pump suction height of up to 2 m. Safety at such high operating parameters is ensured by an overpressure protection valve, not to mention the materials for the manufacture of sanitary fittings . So, high-strength steel is used for valves, the wear components of the pump are made of ceramic, and brass was used in the assembly of the body.

User reviews about hydrodynamic machines

The process of cleaning pipeline networks using special equipment causes mixed opinions from users. Among the positive reviews, the final effect is noted. Due to its power, hydrodynamic technology allows eliminating the most complicated blockages and plugs in a short period of time, which determines its wide distribution in special cleaning companies. On the other hand, there are also negative reviews about pipe cleaning machines related to problems of their maintenance, energy supply costs, etc. In any case, resources are required to supply power filling, not to mention transport support and commissioning . To this we can add the considerable cost of the machine as such. Prices for models with a minimum configuration and average power start from 100-120 thousand rubles.


Sewer Cleaning Machine

Cleaning the sewer is not an easy task, so the use of specialized equipment in many cases justifies itself. But it is important to apply specifically to water-jet high-pressure apparatuses for servicing communication networks. In the OKOF classifier, a machine for cleaning sewer pipes is designated under the code 142947195, which also indicates insulation, drying and control operations. And this is true, since on the power base of such units it is possible to provide means with additional functionality - including control and measurement. But, again, new options, devices and ergonomic devices inevitably complicate work processes and increase operating costs.


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