How to wean a child to write in bed at night at 2, 3, 4 years old, at 5, 6 years old folk methods?

When the baby is still very small, the diaper solves all problems with the toilet. It is worn both day and night. If it is of high quality, then the baby will sleep peacefully until the morning. However, there comes a time when the child begins to accustom to the potty.


how to wean a child to write in bed at night

There are different methods. Some recommend to plant children as early as possible, while others are in no hurry to acquire this skill. However, the period that follows is when the baby is no longer in the diaper. Exactly then the occurrences during sleep begin to happen. In the afternoon, when the child is awake, he himself can express a desire to go to the toilet or he can guess such a moment. However, during sleep, finding out exactly when to plant a baby on a pot does not always work. Parents, as well as grandparents, begin to worry, and is everything all right with the child. And they wonder how to wean a child from writing in bed at night.

Features in the formation of the body

Before proceeding to the recommendations and methods, it is necessary to clarify one rather important point in the formation of the body. The children's brain is not able to control the process of urination at the age of one and a half to two years. The body has not yet grown up to the moment to manage its urges. Incontinence during nocturnal, as well as during daytime sleep, is absolutely normal in children whose age does not exceed six years. According to statistics, even after overcoming the 6th year of life, about ten percent of children still encounter such problems periodically. There is no other way to call this phenomenon. Bedwetting really becomes a problem sooner or later.

how to wean a child to write at night in bed

All family members are excited about how to wean a child to write in bed at night, as this brings a lot of inconvenience. The dream of the baby itself becomes alarming. He does not want to sleep in a wet state, and he still cannot afford to change his bed. Of course, parents come to the rescue. And in the morning, all family members are affected by the effects of sleep deprivation and a restless night. If the process is completely out of control, the child begins to be taken to doctors. As a rule, this brings few results.

Wait for growing up

How to wean a child to write at night in bed? Where to begin? First of all, it is recommended to just wait until the child is ready both mentally and physically. Even if children have already learned to control their needs during the day to go to the toilet, this does not mean at all that the same thing will happen at night. As they say, everything has its time. In the meantime, all measures must be taken so that this phenomenon does not become a problem.

Nervous condition of the baby

Thinking about how to wean a child to write in bed at night at any age, you should, first of all, establish a calm atmosphere in the house. After all, the problem may also be psychological in nature. Perhaps there is a fear or nightly fear, fear of the dark or nightmares that a child dreams of. All this can be triggered by a turbulent environment. If a child attends kindergarten, then you should watch him after he returns home. Maybe it is there that any events take place that make the baby nervous.

The same must be found out if you are interested in the question of how to wean a child to write in bed at night at an older age. In the meantime, the psychological state of the baby is being adjusted, it should be protected, for example, a mattress. It is better to use a special cover, which prevents the penetration of moisture inside. If the baby is still small, it is convenient to lay a disposable diaper. She instantly absorbs all the moisture, while the bed and the bed will remain dry and clean. Removable underwear and pajamas must be prepared in the evening and laid close to the bed.

how to wean a child to write at night in bed at 5 years old

Reduce the amount of fluid

How to wean a child to write at night in bed at 2 years old? Starting to solve the problem, you should initially reduce the amount of fluid that is consumed in the late afternoon. Of course, you need to drink, but it is better to do it in small sips. What matters is not quantity, but frequency. If a child drinks one or two sips in the last hour before bedtime a couple of times, then it is likely that most of the fluid is absorbed by the body without a trace. It is also recommended to put the baby on the potty just before bedtime, an hour after laying and still in the middle of the night.

At this age, it is difficult to explain to the child what exactly should be done, so the main responsibility for the routine lies with the parents. According to statistics, a small number of children in two years are able to control the process of urination not only at night, but also during the day. At this time, all problems are solved by putting on a diaper.

What to do in three years?

After a year, each parent notices what striking changes are happening to the baby. In many ways, he becomes very adult. But this is hardly the case for surprises in bed. So how to wean a child to write in bed at night at 3 years old? It is already necessary to talk about this topic with the baby. Following the recommendations on the drinking regimen, as well as planting the child on the pot according to the tips, you can gradually wean him to write in bed.

Folk remedies

If time goes by, but nothing changes at all, then the parents again wonder how to wean the child from writing in bed at night. Folk remedies are the best assistant. Many healers recommend seeking help from herbs. However, if the child has an allergic reaction, then such a method can only harm him.

Before using any means, it is imperative to consult with a pediatrician. If he allows the use of folk methods, then you can try one of them. For example, if you give a child a diuretic after lunch, then by the evening his need and frequency of going to the toilet will decrease. But still, how to wean a child to write in bed at night? Folk methods that help in this matter are different. For example, put the baby in a bath with sea salt before going to bed. The water temperature should be within 37 degrees. Salt should be dissolved according to the instructions. Such procedures soothe the nervous system, and are also the prevention of urinary tract infections.

You can also take a bath with a decoction of parsley. To do this, steamer two tablespoons of the dried plant in half a liter of boiling water. Insist for thirty minutes and add to the bath. It is also useful to use flowers of calendula, chamomile, pharmacy, mint, and a string. After taking a warm bath, the child must go to the toilet and not drink until bedtime. Such simple methods may not work right away. However, if there are no other serious reasons for bedwetting, then soon this problem will completely disappear. And the whole family will breathe a sigh of relief.

At 4 years old

how to wean a child to write at night in bed at 2 years old

Asking the question of how to wean a child to write at night in bed at 4 years old, it should be understood that this age is considered early to control the process of urination. When there is no problem as such, and occasionally there are occasions that are often associated with drinking a large amount of liquid before bedtime, you should not worry at all. If enuresis still torments the baby, and worries his parents, then you should visit a pediatrician to find out what is the true cause of this phenomenon.

Strong experience

how to wean a child to write in bed at night at 3 years old

It so happens that the child himself completely controlled the process of urination, including at night, when suddenly the problem appeared as if from nowhere. It should be reviewed what could change in the usual daily routine of the baby. It happens that the reason is becoming quite common. For example, very often children aged five years and older begin to write in bed at night shortly after the appearance of a brother or sister in the family. At first glance, a reason for joy becomes the cause of a similar problem.

The fact is that, deep in the soul, the baby is most likely worried. Perhaps he is afraid that his parents will no longer love him and pay attention to him. At such moments, despite the complexity of the situation associated with the appearance of a newborn in the house, the oldest child should be supported as much as possible. Parents are advised to set aside time that they can spend exclusively with him. It is also necessary to practice joint walks, reading fairy tales and all that can bring relatives closer. At this point, you should show the baby all his love, despite the fact that the second child can take most of the time and energy.

Five years

how to wean a child to write folk methods at night in bed

The next age period in children is very important for the formation of the correct regimen. And, as a rule, it is then that parents are interested in the question of how to wean a child from writing in bed at night. 5 years is the line at which the baby’s brain is ready for urination control. Even if at first troubles still happen, closer to six years this problem should disappear. For this to happen, you should first observe the child.

If bedwetting is not permanent, but happens only occasionally, then this can be considered the norm. At this age, you need to help the baby set his schedule. To do this, plant it on the pot a few hours after falling asleep. This is the best way to wean a child to write at night in bed at 5 years old.

There is much debate about whether to wake a baby during the process. Some argue that this is a prerequisite for conscious urination, others argue differently. How to actually do it, everyone decides for himself. It is not necessary to think that if the parents planted the child in a sleepy state on the potty, then he will unconsciously urinate in a dream. If this happens, it is not at all for this reason.

At six years old

how to wean a child to write at night in bed at 4 years old

Parents of preschoolers are often interested in the question of how to wean a child to write in bed at night. 6 years is the age when children already independently begin to control their needs. Including night urination. In children who have reached this age mark, the brain signal about this need works quite clearly. However, if the problem still remains, you should definitely consult a pediatrician, as well as exclude the presence of psychological conflicts associated with loved ones in the environment.


Now it’s clear how to wean a child to write in bed at night. The solution to this problem should be approached comprehensively. And you need to start with the usual observation of the behavior of the child. For example, if a child during a game involuntarily touches the genitals, then most likely, something worries him or bothers him.

In this case, a thorough examination of the whole body is necessary. Perhaps at some point hygiene was impaired, which could lead to inflammation. You also need to observe the child’s behavior, whether she has changed. If there is constriction or nervousness in the baby’s movements, it is necessary to be very careful to inquire that he is worried or angry. All factors that can cause bedwetting should be ruled out. It is also worth considering that this phenomenon is hereditary. Therefore, perhaps you should just wait until the child grows up and copes with his needs.


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