Circular knitting needle "ADDI": reviews

As a rule, when someone only learns the basics of knitting, he does not think too much about the quality of the material and the characteristics of the tool. Later, when the first steps were completed and basic skills were acquired, needlewomen began to pay attention to the quality of yarn. And only experienced enough masters carefully choose the tool with which they knit. They study its characteristics, pay attention to the smallest details: material, smoothness of the knitting needle, ease of movement of the loops, stiffness, durability, shape of the tip and many others. And in this case, value is not more important, but quality. Particular attention is paid to the reviews when searching for the perfect tool. Knitting needles "Addi" occupy, according to most needlewomen, a leading position among analogues.


Needle Packing

Addi is a family-owned company that has been around for 6 generations. This company is located in Germany and has been operating since 1829. Such a long existence, as well as attention to detail and respect for customers, made it possible to create an almost perfect tool for needlework. This company sells its product in more than 55 countries.


Since the company closely follows the wishes of customers and their reviews, the knitting needles "Addi", like other products of this company, are presented in a wide assortment, which allows customers to choose the tool according to the highest criteria.

The company "Addi" produces knitting needles and hooks from natural materials (olive wood, bamboo), plastic and metal. There is also a separation according to age characteristics: here you can find both classic knitting needles and educational for children. In addition, the company produces knitting machines of three steps, a variety of hooks, ranging from classic to tools with an ergonomic handle, as well as various useful little things: electronic row counters, measuring grids, tips and patterns for measuring the size of knitting needles.

However, the largest assortment is represented among knitting needles. In addition to differences in composition, tools differ in shape and length.

Circular knitting needles

Knitting in a circle

The most positive reviews for Addy circular needles. The special connection of the fishing line with the working part makes it so easy to move the loops on the tool that you can even forget that these are not simple straight knitting needles. Moreover, the transition is smooth at any size. Special attention was paid in the reviews about the "Addi" needles to the quality of the connecting line. As practice has shown, with a small length (up to 50 cm), it behaves very well and does not twist. Longer models are a little confused, but still less than the tools of other companies. In addition, the manufacturer himself on the packaging indicates what actions need to be done with the fishing line so that it stops twisting. Also, the size of the needles is indicated on the fishing line, the location of the inscription is not accidental, since the classic marking directly on the needles erases over time due to active contact with the skin of the hands.

Short knitting needles

Another original solution is the production of circular knitting needles in mini format, with one elongated knitting needle and with bent tips, which allows you to knit products of a sufficiently small diameter, for example, socks or cuffs, with a fishing line length of 25 cm.


Set of circular knitting needles

Special attention should be paid to sets from the Addi company. And we will not talk about those that include a tool (knitting needles or a hook), yarn and a pattern, although there are some in the assortment, but about the famous set of knitting needles "Addi". According to reviews, needlewomen unanimously recognized him as their dream. Its configuration is quite diverse: from 3 to 10 pairs of tips of circular knitting needles of different sizes, fishing lines of different lengths and a connecting rod that allows you to fix 2 knitting needles into one long one, increase the length of the fishing line by connecting it to the second one, and also loop the tool with an untied product if you need to use knitting needles of this size to knit another thing. The manufacturer provides the opportunity to choose the material: there are sets with bamboo, plastic, metal knitting needles, as well as mixed ones.

Particularly noteworthy is the system for attaching fishing line to the tip. Here it does not twist, as in many manufacturers, but snaps. To do this, just insert it into the tip and turn it a little. Thus, the fishing line is securely fixed and does not fall out during operation. It was this mounting system that gave the name to the circular knitting needles "Addi Click". Reviews about them are only positive, but there were several drawbacks regarding the quality of the product. Over time, the marking of both knitting needles and fishing lines of one needlewoman was erased (possibly a factory marriage). Wooden tools break, and metal tools bend (in both cases they were stepped on, in the process they are not deformed). In addition, it turned out to be not very convenient to knit using the magic loop method due to the place of connection of the knitting needle to the fishing line.


In addition to circular, this company produces classic straight, knitting braids and stocking knitting needles. The latter deserve special attention. Everyone is used to seeing sets of 5 knitting needles. Such are present in the assortment, however, experts have created a unique tool - "Addi" stocking knitting needles. According to reviews, needlewomen have already managed to appreciate their convenience. The set consists of three pairs of shortened knitting needles connected by a 4 cm long fishing line. When knitting, the loops are not on four, but on two knitting needles, the third is working. This design allows you to reduce the risk of losing loops, as well as the formation of stretch marks at the intersection of tools. In addition, these spokes differ in the shape of the tips. If on one side it is blunt and rounded, then the opposite will be with an elongated end, as for knitting lace.

Elongated tip

When switching from classical knitting on 4-5 knitting needles, there may be problems with the calculation of rows and loops, as well as the first time, tracks are formed in the places of transition from one knitting needle to another.


If we summarize all the reviews about the “Addi” knitting needles, then we can get the following characteristic of this product: light, slippery, comfortable, durable, knitting is fun, hands do not get tired, and the speed of making things increases. May bend or break under heavy load, but not in operation.

The company management believes that if a person buys their goods, then he should get the best. And their philosophy is reflected in the slogan:

Quality is a luxury for hands. This is the only way to make knitting fun!

And any needlewoman after the very first loop connected on the needles of “Addi” will completely agree with this.


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