Confirmation of the right choice of baby food "Agusha" (sour milk from 0 months): reviews

Baby food from the Russian brand Agusha is extremely popular. It is preferred by many parents who take care of their children. Agusha supplies its own products to free dairy kitchens and to many stores where sales are high. What is the reason for this trend?

The history of the brand "Agusha"

Agusha is a brand owned by Wimmm-Bill-Dann. Creation was in 2001. During this time, the brand managed to become one of the best and strongest in the domestic market. Such success is due to the rich experience of the Lianozovsky factory, where Agusha baby food is produced. The manufacture of various products intended for children began back in 1982. About 7 years ago, one of the manufacturer’s most important events took place: juices, cereals and mashed potatoes, infant formula, water for babies from 0 to 3 years old were presented. Pregnant and lactating women were also able to diversify their diet, taking care of a sufficient amount of all necessary nutrients. At the same time, the brand introduced dry milk cereals and mixes. Now the product line is fully consistent with the wishes of potential buyers.

The benefits of nutrition from Agusha

sour milk from 0 months reviews

The manufacturer cares about the quality of the mixtures for newborns, infants and older children. Freshly prepared products are delivered to shops and free dairy kitchens. Many parents managed to appreciate the maximum benefit of such a diet. The conducted studies confirm the possibility of strengthening the baby's immunity, successfully combating possible allergic reactions, improving digestion, and the proper development of the organs of vision and the brain. It is not surprising that many parents know that the best and most useful food for young children is Agusha, sour milk from 0 months. Reviews about it are an ideal confirmation of a thoughtful composition and the possibility of achieving a beneficial effect on the health status of a little man. This remarkable effect of nutrition is due to the use of only natural products and the content of all important substances, vitamins and trace elements.

"Agusha" on an ongoing basis collaborates with well-known specialists of the Union of Pediatricians of the Russian Federation, State Research Institute of Nutrition RAMS, Scientific Center for Children's Health RAMS, the International Fund for the Protection of Maternal and Child Health. This activity contributes to the successful conduct of scientific research and clinical testing of products. Each Agusha (mixture) is the result of the responsible work of the best professionals.

The amazing benefits of baby food for babies

Why "Agusha" sour milk from 0 months, reviews of which are 99% positive, has become so popular? Why do many parents prefer this particular brand? In order to answer both questions, you need to understand the nutritional features of babies.

Every baby who is losing her mother’s breast milk needs fermented milk mixtures containing pre- and probiotics. What are these substances? Probiotics are different types of living organisms that contribute to improving health and normalizing intestinal microbiocenosis. Their development largely depends on prebiotics. "Agusha" fermented milk 1 contains both beneficial substances, which determines its benefit.

agusha mixture

In addition, the composition contains whole milk, cream, vegetable oils (coconut, rapeseed, palm, soy, high oleic sunflower), whey protein concentrate, lactose, nucleotoids, bifidoacidophilic yeast. Nutrients are also included in baby food: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, copper, sodium, iron, zinc, chlorides, iodine. Separately, it should be noted lactic acid, which promotes curdling of protein, the absorption of fat, vitamins B, C. This composition is truly useful for babies.

Power Change Scheme

Many parents wonder how to give “Agusha” sour milk so that the child perceives it.

Please note that the shelf life in the refrigerator is only ten days. In open form, the mixture cannot be stored.

In order to feed your baby, you need to perform preparation for nutrition. Take the mixture and heat it to 37 degrees. In the ideal case, you need to use a thermometer.

how to give sour milk

Agusha products must be introduced gradually.

  • Give 10 grams in the morning and afternoon. Keep track of the condition of the child. Allergies, digestive disorders and vomiting should be absent. After the baby eats, take a break for 20 minutes. Then you can feed your baby with the usual formula or with your mother’s milk.
  • The next day, you can give 20 grams. After a 20-minute break, the baby needs to be fed.
  • On the third day, it is allowed to increase the volume to 60 grams. For two feedings, the child should eat half of the norm set for one meal.
  • On the fourth day, you can replace the Agusha fermented milk mixture with two meals. Its amount should not exceed 50% of the daily norm.

Pediatricians note the need for the introduction of a fermented milk mixture for digestive disorders in infants.

Advantages and disadvantages of baby food "Agusha"

Each parent makes sure that baby food has the maximum benefit. What are the pros and cons of Agusha (mix)?


  • Pleasant taste that children like.
  • Low price.


  • Some mixtures contain sugar that can cause intestinal colic and severe allergic reactions.
  • The can lid can be very tough.

sour milk agusha 1

You can be successfully selected and introduced into the diet "Agusha" sour milk from 0 months. Reviews of parents note the need to carefully study the composition of the mixture and monitor the condition of the child.

The cost of Agusha products

Agusha offers various types of baby food. The cost of one can is from 280 to 420 rubles. The price depends on the form of the mixture and its type. A variety of assortments allows you to choose the most suitable product for the child and to take special care of his health condition.

Reviews of young parents about Agusha nutrition

Perhaps you are interested in "Agusha" sour milk from 0 months? Many people leave positive reviews about her. Moms and dads of babies note that the manufacturer took care of the perfect composition, is committed to using only fresh products and the timely sale of their goods. When choosing the Agusha mixture, contact your pediatrician and use his recommendation, take care of the correct introduction of a new product in your child’s diet, and you will definitely notice the benefit.


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