Validity of extract from the register. Application for a register

If you need to find out the official information about the legal entity entered in the unified state register, then you will need an extract. You can get it at the tax service, which, since 2002, has become an authorized registration authority.

Who and how can take an extract

Validity of extract from the register

The tax authority may issue a document stating the official data of the business entity to any interested person. It is clear that most often the enterprise itself submits an application for an extract from the register. They need this document when submitting claims to the Arbitration Court, to participate in tenders, auctions (if it is planned to make contact with the municipal or public service), when submitting papers for organizing the market, submitting an application for transferring land from one category to another and other cases . Also, this paper is submitted to banking institutions, statistics department, registration service, notary public. To obtain an official document, it is necessary to submit a request to the tax authority, pay the established state duty and receive a statement with the official stamp and stitched sheets.

But not only the enterprise itself can find out information about a legal entity. Such a request can be made by any individual or legal entity or entrepreneur. The provided tax data are needed, for example, for a preliminary acquaintance with a future partner. You can even get an extract as an individual if, for example, you are going to get a job in some company. So you can make sure that it is an officially existing business entity that pays taxes.

Required to get paper statements

Extract from the register for free
In order to receive an official document from the tax, you need to submit a request in any form and attach a document confirming payment. The request must indicate the registration number of the company or taxpayer identification number. If this information is not known to you, then you can try to find out from other known data. But at the same time, keep in mind that it is impossible to identify information about the taxpayer subject you are interested in by name or (in the case of an enterprise) by name.

You can personally enter the indicated request for extract from the USRLE or mail it to any tax authority authorized to provide such information. If you need copies of documents from the registry, then you need to contact only the service that serves the business entity of interest to you.

Registration and receipt of papers

Application for extract from the register
The time period established by the tax service for receiving an extract does not exceed 5 days, counting from the day the request was received. In this case, the interested subject must pay a state duty in the amount of 200 rubles. But if you have no time to wait, then you can pay 400 rubles and order an extract from the register. In this case, they will provide it to you no later than on the next working day for the tax service after receiving the corresponding request.

An urgent document will not differ from the usual one. Just keep in mind that you may be issued an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRIP), copies of the papers contained in the registry, or a certificate of absence thereof. Payment is made for each document. For example, if you need to obtain several certified copies, you will have to pay for each of them. To correctly calculate the required amount, you can first contact the tax authority and find out about the list of all documents available in the USRLE. Such information is provided free of charge.

Order an extract from the register

Details for payment

If you understand how to get an extract from the register, now you need to deal with the payment. In order to obtain from the registry the necessary information or copies of the documents that are there, you will need to provide confirmation of payment of the required amount. There are currently two main ways in which this can be done. So, the tax service may offer you to form a payment order. You can find out the necessary details on the website of the Federal Tax Service, they will vary depending on the location of the subject.

In addition, the tax service provides the opportunity to pay state fees using a special online service, which is served by partner banks. There you will need to indicate your personal data as a payer, including the TIN and address of residence. In accordance with this information, a document will be generated on the basis of which it will be possible to pay in cash at any of the banks or make payments through the World Wide Web. True, to use the latter method, you will need a connected Internet banking.

Validity of documents

The legislation of the Federation established a time frame for the use of extracts from the register. The period during which you can use the received paper depends on the purpose for which they were taken. So, the tax legislation does not establish the validity period of the extract from the register. But regulatory documents, which oblige in a number of cases to submit this document, set the time frame in which it is considered valid. It is best to specify this period directly in the body in which the certificate will be presented.

For example, the validity period of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for participation in tenders or auctions, where budget money is involved, is no more than 6 months. For the Arbitration Court, it does not exceed 30 calendar days. If a notary needs an extract, then its expiration date depends on the actions that this specialist will have to confirm. In some cases, it cannot exceed 10, in others - 30 days, but there are situations when it does not matter.

Paper certification: do I need to receive new documents from the tax service

Extract from the register through the Internet
Of course, a notary will best tell you about all situations in which the validity period of an extract from the register is important. But if you don’t have the opportunity to get advice in advance or you want to prepare yourself for the meeting, then the following information will come in handy. If the representative needs to deal with the alienation of shares in the LLC, and he can dispose of them only on the basis of a duplicate of a certified certified agreement, then in this situation the validity period of the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is 10 days. Only in this case, the notary will be entitled to certify the transaction. In all other cases of the withdrawal of a part from the authorized capital, the powers of the representative can be confirmed with the help of an extract of no more than 30 days.

If you need notarization of other actions, for example, confirmation of the signature on the application for amending the register, then the period during which the validity of the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is unlimited.

Electronic registry access

At present, individuals, entrepreneurs and enterprises can not only order certified documents for a fee at the tax service. They have the opportunity to view information of interest from their computer via the Internet. The site of the tax service provides all official statements for each business entity. Any person or legal entity that has submitted the relevant application and paid for access to the database can view, download and print the necessary information. Such an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is provided via the Internet when processing the relevant papers. You can get it at any time convenient for you. True, the information contained there can only be used to familiarize and clarify the necessary information about the enterprise. Submit it as a document to the court or a notary public will not work.

Shareware services

Request for extract from the register
At the same time, many are interested in whether an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities can be issued free of charge and whether it can be simply printed. If you paid for access to the appropriate tax service base, then you will be able to freely receive the necessary information about business entities. Exceptions are made only for the passport data of individuals, the place of residence of entrepreneurs and information about accounts.

But obtaining such statements is hardly a β€œfree” way of finding out the necessary information, because preliminary access to the database must be paid. So, for servicing each workplace separately for the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and for the Unified State Register of Industrial Enterprises, it will be necessary to spend 150 thousand rubles. One-time access to the registry will cost 50 thousand rubles. If you need to receive updated information, you will have to lay out another 5 thousand rubles.

How to connect to the database

If in the course of your activity you often have to find out information about many enterprises, then it’s easier for you to connect to the registry once and look at all the relevant information at the moment when you become interested in it. At the same time, you do not have to write an application to receive a register statement in electronic form each time.

To obtain an annual subscription, it is necessary to confirm the fact of payment by providing the original of the payment document and write an application in the established form. These papers must be submitted to the tax service of the Federation in person or sent by mail. Please note that electronic information is not provided to individuals, legal entities or entrepreneurs.

Access to the database

After receiving the appropriate application and confirming the fact of payment, tax officials make a decision on providing the opportunity to use the registry. For this, the applicant is given a name, password and other data that will allow him to be identified. This information can be found in the notification, which is necessarily sent to the recipient. The access attributes provided are valid for 1 year and 6 months. Moreover, the last one is provided for the first login. It is possible only for 6 months from the date of the decision to open access. At the end of the established period of use of the registry information from it ceases to be available. To obtain new access, you must issue the same package of documents.

Information for government agencies

How to get an extract from the register
To support activities, many government agencies need information on business entities, which they can only get from the tax service. For them, an extract from the register is provided free of charge. At the same time, they can both use registry data on the Internet and receive the necessary information on electronic media.

To obtain data from the tax authorities, the federal authorities must contact the Federal Tax Service or its interregional inspection. Only there they will receive appropriate access. Subjects of local self-government or territorial authorities can contact the local government of the Federal Tax Service.

Moreover, any of them must submit an application in the form approved by the tax service. It should be noted that for the Central Bank, all bodies of state power and local self-government, the validity of access is not established, it is unlimited.


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