Family bow is ... Examples of ensembles of clothes for the whole family

Family bow - this is the trend that hooked all concerned families. The theme of parents and children is affected in all areas, and fashion has decided not to stand aside. Equally dressed relatives with similar accessories look more united and resemble a real team in which one for all and all for one. It’s worth understanding that this is a family onion and with what it is “eaten”.

Destination History

The described direction did not appear in 2010, when it gained great demand. Family bow is a trend that emerged in the twenties of the last century, during the global crisis (Great Depression). The main goal of the government of the United States of America in those days was to overcome the demographic decline. The main way to solve such a problem was to strengthen the institution of the family and define it as a priority for citizens. At this point, the textile industry caught the wave and began to produce the same clothes for all family members.

family bow Russia Ukraine

Family onions are not only a specially selected whole image for the whole family. This applies more to life philosophy and the desire to bring kindness to the family hearth. A single picture harmoniously fit into the family foundations and somehow even reflected their attitude to all areas (be it the government or the economy). But if you move away from the philosophical context and return to the clothes of the family bow, then it is worth noting a certain blurring of the framework. Watching a lot of examples, you can bring to the display four main options for family outfit.

Color accents

Family bow is known for its versatility, which is why the free flight of fantasy is welcomed. One of the winning characteristics of the family bow for the whole family is the emphasis on one color or related shades.

Why an accent? Because the monotonous image, even when using variegated colors, will seem boring or ridiculous. Therefore, it is necessary to foresee a beautiful gradation of shades on each member of the family. For instance:

  • dresses for mother’s bow and daughters in ivory color with a thin black belt, father and son can wear shirts of this shade with black trousers;
  • take a separate color and dress each in different shades from the lightest to the deepest.
family bow mom dresses

The color palette can be chosen according to a variety of preferences and in accordance with the nature. So, a calm, democratic family can choose a cold palette, and experimentation lovers should take a closer look at neon and colorful tones.

Print Games

Fortunately, the fashion world is not uniform either. Therefore, you can play not only with the color scheme, but also with all sorts of prints. Skillful combination of details always plays into the hands of stylists and designers, so why not use this opportunity in everyday life?

family bow mom and daughter

Best ideas for inspiration:

  1. Classic fans will love plaid or tweed. This can be found in different elements of clothing. The father has pants, the mother has a skirt, the daughter has a sundress, and the son has a jumpsuit or shirt.
  2. Retro lovers will rightfully appreciate the polka dots. For example, beautiful young ladies will be dressed in airy dresses in red peas, and men will decorate their faces with a shirt with the same print.
  3. Those who don’t really want to bother will definitely check out t-shirts with the same pattern. How popular in America: a photograph of the whole family in sweatshirts of different colors.

Still often there are photos where an elderly couple in two T-shirts that say “I am a spouse” (with my wife) and “If you find it, return me to my wife” from my husband. This approach is very romantic and with a bit of humor.

Exact copy

Particularly common are exactly the same clothes for the whole family. When creating such a family bow, it can take a lot of time to pick up the same model of trousers, t-shirts and even shoes. Collecting such a family outfit is a difficult matter, but it will certainly bear fruit.

Firstly, such a family bow of mom and daughter, dad and son is quite stylish. After all, it does not have to be nasty colors or inappropriate lace. In this case, you can even collect a black and white palette that will look advantageous.

clothes family bow

Secondly, complete identity in clothes strengthens team spirit and brings all “participants” together. "Exact copying" is suitable for any competition, large picnics or holidays.

Thirdly, such an approach will provide the necessary support in a difficult period and may even become a family mascot. If this is not enough, then you should pay attention to the smaller brothers.

Not without pets

Given that cruelty to animals reigns in the world, the family bow includes a demonstration of love for pets and the definition of their presence as especially important for the family. After all, a cat or doggie also requires help, like children, and friendly games, like brothers and sisters.

As a “family element” the same print, color or any accessory can be used. For example, the whole family chose a pink palette, and the cat’s bonnet will be powdery. The family is dressed in plaid shirts - and the dog will go plaid suit. Everyone has funny polka dot hats, and then the Dots collar will be a great solution. The main thing in this case is not to overdo it and do not forget about the comfort of pets.

Stars and Family Bow

As previously indicated, for the first time about family onions, it was discussed in the States. And one of the famous discoverers was none other than Madonna. The singer showed love for her incomparable daughter, not only in words but also in deeds. So, for all social events or important meetings, the celebrity ordered two costumes for designers: one for herself, and the second for her daughter. An important point - they must be identical.

family bow what

A wonderful example of classic restraint in a family bow is the Beckham family. Light negligence and calm shades in the wardrobe are characteristic of the former spouses of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

Due to the fact that the stars support this trend, family onions are popularized rapidly in the territory of the CIS countries. Many famous personalities and ordinary citizens pick up a tendency to fly on, which indicates the priorities and extraordinary self-identification of the family today. It seems that it's time to persuade your relatives to such a cool idea and go shopping.


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