Weather and temperature in Tunisia in May

The countries of the Maghreb - the Arab part of Africa - are so diverse! It would be an unforgivable oversight to "go in cycles" in Egypt. And if most of us have already made up our minds about the weather in Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh for the May holidays, then we are still little aware of other places. From the beginning of spring, travel agencies begin to lure travelers to Tunisia. This country in the north-west of the African continent has long been famous for thalassotherapy, a variety of natural landscapes, and numerous historical sights. It was on these lands that Carthage flourished and fell. There are mountains and sands of the Sahara, and blooming oases. What is the temperature in Tunisia in May? Is it comfortable to swim there and go on excursions? Read about this in this article.

Temperature in Tunisia in May

Climate features

Unlike the African counterparts (of the same Egypt, for example), Tunisia goes through all four canonical seasons. That is, winter, although warm, is also here. This is due to the extension of Tunisia to the ocean. All year he is influenced by the Atlantic. Warm masses of water bring coolness from the equatorial belt to the African continent, which is warming in summer. And in winter, the current warms up the air. But at the same time, the sultry breath of the Sahara makes itself felt, especially in the summer. Therefore, Tunisia, small in territory, has a generous selection of climatic zones, replacing each other as they move away from the ocean. Spring in this country is the off-season, although it is hotter than ours in the middle latitudes. The temperature in Tunisia in May increases as you move deeper into the continent. And on the coast a cool breeze blows.

Tunisia weather in May

Tender May

Residents of Ukraine will be surprised to find only a small difference in climate with air temperature in the south of their own country. Comfortable + 24-26 degrees are observed almost the entire month, growing from the first of May to the beginning of June. In the sky above Tunisia, there is a war between winter and summer, expressed in thunderous peals. The rains are frequent, but very brief. Half an hour later, the hot tropical sun completely dries the heavenly moisture. Rainy weather in Tunisia in May has absolutely no effect on the thermometer. Going on vacation to this country, be sure: you will return from there with a bronze tan. After all, twenty-four degrees is in the shade. And on the beach, the African sun oh how hot! So be sure to grab a protective cream. But the May evenings and nights in Tunisia are still cool: +16 0 C. In order not to catch a cold, bring a sweater or light jacket.

Tunisia sea temperature in may

What is the sea temperature in Tunisia in May

The resort capital of thalassotherapy in the last month of spring does not have a long swim. This is due to the fact that the stormy Atlantic still can not calm down. And frequent rains cool the sea. Water temperature more than invigorates - + 16-17 degrees. In addition, the excitement makes itself felt. Serious storms flare up at times. But the nature in spring Tunisia is so wonderful that it’s a sin to complain about the cool sea. After all, only in May you can admire the blooming gardens, plenty of citrus fruits, fresh almonds, mulberries and medlar (this unusually delicious fruit is called "busa" here). Yes, and on excursions, you must agree, it is best to go to a comfortable +24 than to +35. A swim? Almost all resort hotels in Tunisia have one or more pools, some of them with sea water. If you are lucky with the weather (the closer to the end of May, the greater the likelihood of this), then we inform you: the beaches in this country are wonderful, gently sloping, a shallow sandy bottom, there are no jellyfish and dangerous fish.

Who suits May Tunisia

Lovers of swimming in the open sea and diving will certainly be disappointed. Even the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Tunisia because of the currents warms up to the last month of spring only up to + 18 degrees. But the temperature in Tunisia in May is ideal for those tourists who can not stand the heat. What other time can I go to the African desert? It is very comfortable to attend any excursions and get acquainted with local exotics. The south of the country can attract tourists with children - the temperature here is slightly higher. Pleasant in every sense of the microclimate is different island of Djerba. Tunisia hosts many festivals in May. Especially vivid and memorable will be the Rose Festival. In Ariana, all the streets and houses are decorated with these marvelous flowers. After visiting the workshops on caring for the bushes, you can visit the rose museum in the Bir-Bellasken park.

Where to relax in Tunisia in May

Where to relax in Tunisia in May

As already mentioned, several natural climatic zones fit in a small territory of the country. Therefore, you can plan your vacation not only on time. The hottest is the island of Djerba. If the average temperature in Tunisia in May is +24 degrees, then in this region it is +26, and even at night this indicator does not fall below +16 0 C. But in Sousse, Monastir and Tabarka, be prepared for unexpected weather changes . Summer heat can be instantly dispelled by a cold wind or a sandstorm that has flown from the desert. The regions of Tunisia also vary in terms of rainfall. If on the subtropical coast of the north of the country and in the mountains, up to 1500 millimeters a year falls, then in the south - up to 100 mm.


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