Gift on DR. Birthday gifts

Birthday is a special holiday. Both adults and children are looking forward to it, as this is the only day of the year belonging to only one person. It’s good for the birthday man, but his surroundings have a hard time, because sometimes choosing a gift for DR becomes a real problem.

The article considers the main types of birthday people, as well as surprises for each of them. After reading, you will definitely choose original gifts for DR for your relatives and friends.

Present for sweetheart

Gift for DR guy
Choosing a surprise for a guy is not always easy, so the girls have to pretty much smash their heads before they figure out what to give the birthday boy. Below are the options from which you can choose a suitable gift for a DR guy:

  • Men's "toys". This concept includes folding knives, compasses, binoculars, game console, guitar, player, headphones, etc. Of course, this is not purely male entertainment, but most guys like these things.
  • Something related to childhood. What do you know about your other half? What did he dream of being in childhood, for example? Having learned this information from a loved one, you can translate it, albeit not quite in the way that the chosen one imagined all this to himself in childhood. A grown-up pirate will like a small ship and a hat-hat, a failed cowboy - the opportunity to ride a real horse and stetson (cowboy hat), a dreamy astronaut will appreciate the attraction, where you can soar in zero gravity, and a toy rocket, spaceship , etc.
  • Strip / private dance. Any guy will definitely appreciate such a pleasant surprise. Yes, he saw his girlfriend naked, yes, he knows her whole body, but when his lover begins to slowly undress to the appropriate music, he will break the tower. A young man will definitely remember such a surprise for a long time. True, giving as a bonus at least something small (a souvenir, for example) is still desirable.

Gift for sweetheart

Gift girl on DR
All the young ladies are charming creatures, but making a choice when it comes to surprise for them is not very easy. So what is the best way to give a girl a gift in DR so that when she likes him? About this below:

  • Bouquet. It can be both classic, i.e. of flowers, and more original. For example, a bouquet may consist of small soft toys or favorite sweets like sweets.
  • A toy. Most girls love soft stuffed animals. Alternatively, you can give a cozy pillow in the shape of a heart.
  • Underwear, perfume, jewelry. True, one must be careful with all these things: one must know the tastes and sizes of the beloved. In addition, it is better not to give cosmetics like lipstick or eye shadow, maximum perfume or eau de toilette. Instead of jewelry, of course, you can present real jewelry like a pendant or bracelet, but in the absence of money you can limit yourself to beautiful inexpensive jewelry.

Present for a child

Children are the flowers of life. True, it is not easy for a child to choose a gift for DR, although it is many times easier than for many adults. Well, let's go:

  • Toys This is a classic. Depending on the gender and hobbies of the child, you can choose a suitable gift that can please.
  • Sweets. Of course, if the child does not suffer from allergies. True, you need to present them as unusual as possible, because you can give a chocolate bar on any other day, this will not be considered a gift. Here's an interesting chocolate house - another thing.
  • Attraction ride / trip to an unusual place. What could be better than spending time together, filled with joy, laughter and happiness? True, to make this day special, it is advisable to fulfill almost every childhood whim so that the child feels special.

Option for mother

Gift for mom on DR
Therefore, a gift for mom on DR should be special and sincere. Some options are provided below:

  • Flowers If it happens in the summer, a personally picked bouquet will be a pleasant surprise and will be appreciated. You can also give the plant in a pot. Sometimes it’s even better than a bouquet that will soon wither.
  • Portrait. Any woman loves to look at herself, so a mother will definitely please a quality-made drawing. If you can’t create your own paintings, order a portrait from professionals.
  • Massage. Again, as in the previous paragraph, it is not necessary to do everything yourself. Present a subscription for a trip to the massage parlor.

Gift for father

Gift to a man on DR
It is most difficult to choose a gift for a man in the DR, but still it is possible. So let's get started:

  • Purse. A wallet with a little money inside will please many men. Especially if you accompany the gift delivery with wishes that the purse should never be empty, that it always contains large bills.
  • Cigarette case. If father smokes, then he will like this gift. Any man begins to look more solid when he takes out cigarettes not from an ordinary pack, but from a cigarette case. This automatically gives it significance in the eyes of others.
  • Souvenir in the form of a weapon. Most men love pistols, daggers, swords and other interesting things. But due to the inaccessibility and high price, not everyone will be able to choose such a valuable gift, so a souvenir in the form of a weapon will be a good substitute for the original. Of course, if there is enough money, you can give a real dagger, or at least a folding knife.

Gift for boyfriend or girlfriend

Original gifts on DR
Our friends are no less important than relatives and / or soul mates, so they can in no case be deprived of attention and a worthy surprise. The most suitable gifts for friends are presented below:

  • Flash drive. The main thing is that it should be original, funny, unusual or beautiful. Inside, you can throw off either a couple of your favorite films, or a collage with joint photos. You can also take some funny pictures with sheets on which congratulation is written so that after opening the flash drive a friend will laugh at your funny faces.
  • A collection of games / movies / music / books. You probably know the tastes of your friends, what they like, whose fans they are. Mindful of all the details, after a long search, you can make a selection of interesting entertaining discs or rare books that will provide your friend with many joyful hours.
  • Funny little thing. There are joke shops in almost every city. In extreme cases, the Internet will come to your aid, where you can order anything. The main thing is to give your friend something funny, funny, funny to cheer you up and make you happy.

Gift for colleagues

Gift on DR
This also includes acquaintances who cannot be called friends, but who need to do something nice.

  • Pen and notebook (diary). Of course, this does not mean the cheapest stationery. Now you can find quite a lot of original and beautiful objects, so choosing something more attractive is not difficult.
  • Lighter. This thing is suitable for those who smoke. If you know about this bad habit of your acquaintance, you can give him an unusual lighter, which is not bought in a stall.


It’s not enough to buy / make a surprise, it is important to present it correctly. Just putting a birthday present in your hands with words of congratulation is not good, you need to make it as beautiful and solemn as possible. Otherwise, it will not be a truly memorable moment.

For example, present a gift in a playful way. For example, to get your surprise, a person will have to go through an exciting and interesting quest, the reward for the successful completion of which will be your present. Another option: every half hour to give very subtle hints at the location of the surprise. This will not only intrigue the birthday man, but also make him nervous. He will wait for the present with great impatience: the longer a person can’t guess the destination, the “tastier” the prize will seem to him.

So, from the article you learned how you can choose a gift for DR to a particular person. We hope you like something.


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