State registration of land rights: the procedure for state registration of land rights, procedural features

Now we will figure out how the registration of land rights takes place. Each owner of land and summer cottages should be familiar with such a service. With the right approach, you can solve the problem as soon as possible. And even a person who is poorly versed in bureaucracy will be able to achieve a positive result.

registration of land rights


State registration of land rights is an operation that is mandatory. Real estate transactions, as well as rights to it, are mandatory drawn up after registration with the relevant authorities. Without this action, a person cannot be considered a full owner. A citizen simply will not have evidence of his rights. The need for state registration in relation to certain types of property is enshrined in law. Therefore, citizens should be familiar with this operation.

Who will need it?

Who goes through the registration of land rights without fail? This may include citizens who received ownership of land. In addition, such an operation may be needed if it comes to owning a garden, a garden or a private house. Moreover, the type of ownership does not take place. Even with shared ownership, a citizen will have to go through state registration.

state registration of land rights

Where to issue?

In Russia, there are various bodies that register land rights. Owners can choose where to turn for help. Today you can go to the following organizations:

  • Single window services.
  • Rosreestr.
  • Cadastral Chambers.
  • MFC.

You can also get a certificate of the established form, confirming the ownership of real estate, through the Rosreestr website or through the use of public services. These are very convenient techniques, which so far in practice are not used too often.

Registration Dates

The procedure for state registration of land rights in modern Russia is simplified to the maximum. Citizens are required a minimum of documents and time to implement the task.

registration procedure for land rights

In general, the mentioned operation takes about 5-10 business days. Sometimes the initial issue of a certificate of ownership of real estate is carried out within 1 month. Nevertheless, this is an extremely rare scenario. You can usually hope to satisfy the request in 3-5 days.

About the procedure

As we have already found out, the state registration of land rights is carried out by Rosreestr. It will be possible to bring the idea to life quite quickly if you know how to act. Registration instructions can be represented as follows:

  1. Get ownership of the land. This can be done in different ways. For example, buy land.
  2. Prepare the necessary list of documents.
  3. Write an application and submit it to the registration authority. Attach a prepared package of papers to the request without fail.
  4. Pay if necessary (sometimes it is necessary) the established state duty.
  5. Get a receipt that says about the acceptance of documents.
  6. At the appointed time, come to the registration authority and pick up the ready certificate.

It would seem that everything is extremely simple and clear. But the owners have some questions. Especially after the latest changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation that occurred in 2016.

procedure for state registration of land rights

About the documentation for the request

To register ownership of real estate, the owner of the property must prepare some package of documents. Its components directly depend on the method of acquiring property rights. An approximate package of documents can be defined as follows:

  • identification;
  • certificate of registration;
  • title documents for real estate;
  • cadastral passport (optional).

If a citizen needs to obtain a second certificate of ownership, then you will have to pay for it. A check indicating the payment of the transaction fee is attached to the application in the established form.

About the latest changes

Now a few words about the changes that brought a lot of trouble to property owners. Previously, after registration of rights to land or other property, the owner was issued a certificate of the established form. It served as a confirmation of property rights.

Since 2016, this document has been abolished. Now, confirmations of ownership of real estate are excerpts from the USRR / USRN. And preexisting certificates are not issued.

Statements of the established form are issued in the same way as in the case with the paper mentioned earlier. The difference is that the USRF certificates need to be updated from time to time, and also when you order paper you will need to pay duties.

land registration authorities

What to do with evidence?

Not all citizens know about the procedural features of registering land rights. Current changes in legislation indicate that previously issued certificates of ownership of real estate have not lost their legal force. So, they can be used.

Nevertheless, persons who already have a similar document must re-register their rights. It is carried out in exactly the same way as described previously. Only to the attached list of securities you need to add a certificate of ownership.

About registration without marks of law

But that is not all! Some citizens point out that they do not have any marks of ownership in the certificates. Usually these are cases of receiving land and other property before 2001. In this situation, registration of rights to land, house, apartment, cottage is made on the basis of other papers. They can serve:

  • acts on the provision of land to the applicant;
  • certificates and acts of property rights (if any);
  • extract from the house book;
  • other certificates capable of confirming the fact of land ownership.

As practice shows, the operation under study does not cause any difficulties. To prove ownership of property in the modern world is easier than it might seem initially.

carries out state registration of land rights

About title documents

Special attention should be paid to the so-called title documents. They are needed at the initial design. They most often include:

  • a will and a certificate from a notary about the acceptance of an inheritance;
  • deed of gift;
  • exchange agreement;
  • privatization agreement;
  • sales agreement;
  • a certificate indicating the transfer of land into property from the state;
  • documents confirming the winning of the object.

Can I use a mortgage agreement? Yes. Despite the fact that in fact a citizen takes land or an apartment on credit, the corresponding agreement will indicate the existence of property rights to real estate.

About cost

How much does land registration cost? Ideally, you do not need to pay for such an operation. It is produced for free. In the end, a person will be issued an extract from the Unified State Register of the established form.

If you need to get a duplicate of such a certificate, you need to pay a fee. Its size depends on the type of statement. For example, an extended version will cost 1,500 rubles, and the usual help - 150-450 rubles.

Electronic statements are less expensive. On average, they cost about 200 rubles. It is better to specify more accurate information in the state register of real estate. They will tell you how much you need to pay for a certificate from the Unified State Register.


Now it’s clear what the procedure for registering land rights is. This is not the most difficult procedure.

procedural features of registration of land rights

Sometimes you have to prove your rights in court. For example, if a person took possession of the land illegally, but at the same time he did not suspect for a long time that he had no actual rights. In such circumstances, the basis for registration of property in Rosreestr is a court order.

As practice shows, it is no longer possible to restore a certificate of ownership in Russia. But everyone can easily issue an extract from the Unified State Register of Enterprises, and only its expanded interpretations are issued to the real owners of the property. Without the studied papers, it will not be possible to carry out legally important and significant transactions. This fact should be considered by each owner.


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