What you need for a newborn for the first time: a list of things

Every future mother encounters this issue before the baby is born. In the modern world, a wide selection of things for babies is provided; in every city you can find more than one store specializing in products for babies. Due to the large selection and rapidly developing fashion trends and technologies, many young parents are simply lost in the whole variety of goods presented. And they ask the question - what is needed for a newborn for the first time? Indeed, up to a year the baby grows especially rapidly, and the joy of motherhood causes a lot of positive emotions and desires to surround your child with only the best and really important. And among the variety of goods it is so difficult to single out a list of the most important, and most importantly, the right things for the newborn.

pregnant is going to the hospital

What time of year is your baby born?

Before you begin to analyze the necessary things for a newborn, it is worth thinking about the time of year in which he will be born, it will be winter or summer. This plays an important role, because the list of things varies greatly depending on the weather conditions in which the baby will develop and grow. In winter, as in summer, it is important to observe the temperature regime so that the child does not overheat and does not supercool. It is also important to monitor the condition of the skin, as in a newborn it is very delicate.

Diapers for newborns - value for money

Today in specialized stores for babies a wide selection of diapers and panties for children is provided. On each pack you can see a lot of badges talking about checks, awards and other factors confirming a quality product. But despite this, every mom has to choose diapers for her newborn on her own. Because each child is individual, the skin reacts differently to the material and substances from which the diaper is made. Of course, you can ask friends and acquaintances, but there is no consensus.

The most popular are the Japanese brands of diapers, such as Goon, Moony and Merries - they are made of high-quality natural material that maximally protects delicate skin from irritation. In addition to them, diapers Pampers, Libero, Huggies are very popular - a little different material, but belonging to the same price category. To date, many diapers of the economy option, such as Helen Harper or Happy, have appeared.

At first, the baby often has to change diapers, so it’s better to buy large packaging at once, both for economy and convenience. But you should not get involved in large purchases, because the newborn grows very quickly, and diapers have a size line (according to the weight of the child), which must be followed so that leakage or rubbing from size mismatch does not occur.

What you need to have from furniture for a newborn

First of all, parents decide for themselves where the child will sleep, with them in bed or have their own separate crib or cradle. Of course, in terms of hygiene and convenience for the baby, it is better that he has his own separate berth.

baby crib

In specialized stores today there is a wide selection of cribs for newborns of both different shapes, sizes, and materials. Particularly popular now are round transformer beds, which can later be moved apart and increase in size to adolescents. Due to the frequent problems with free space in the house or apartment, for the convenience of parents, the beds are equipped with additional drawers from the bottom, which have a large capacity and significantly save the area of ​​the room.

In addition, there are whole ranges of children's furniture that allow the crib for a newborn to be transformed into a bed for a teenager with many additional sections in the form of shelves and drawers. In addition to additional storage places, such furniture has several positions of the mattress in height (most often three), can be equipped with removable pendulums of either transverse or longitudinal movement, has several removable rods (in the middle or with the edge of the side). Some models have a removable side wall for the ability to put a crib to an adult. On sale you can also find a whole lineup that matches one style of crib and chest of drawers (or shelves).

Cradles for babies

To save space, often young parents use cradles for newborns, which are also represented by a wide variety of models and manufacturers. Due to easy movement and lower prices than cribs, their popularity is growing. The cradle for a newborn is somewhat similar to a stroller that can only be used within the home.

Comfortable baby sleep

Of furniture for the baby, the main thing is to get a berth. For the convenience of parents, it is better to buy a changing table if space is limited, because it can be easily placed on a sofa or even on a crib, across the side walls. You can buy a changing table, and best of all a chest of drawers, which is equipped with a changing table. The chest of drawers is especially convenient, because on it you can place all the necessary baby care products, diapers, diapers and necessary clothes.

For bathing a newborn, it is better to buy a bath in which the baby is easier to bathe, it can be placed on a table or any other flat surface at the level of the waist so that parents do not have to bend down and strain their lower back to hold the newborn when bathing.

An envelope on an extract and in a carriage

For discharge of the baby from the maternity hospital, envelopes for children are sold separately envelopes of different colors and materials, from thin to most dense, using mostly natural materials. In addition, sets for newborns are sold, which most often include clothes: overalls or a vest with sliders, booties, scratches and a cap, and the envelope itself. The advantage of this kit is that the entire kit is made in one style, which in the modern world is important for young mothers. Depending on what time of year your baby will be born, envelopes for a newborn for discharge and in a stroller are selected. With a wide variety and versatility, convenience and comfort of strollers, it is very important that the liner (envelope) in which the child will be during your walks is sewn efficiently, without sticking out threads, from natural materials, and fit the shape and size you purchased pram.

In the cold season, preference is given to an envelope for newborns based on natural wool, such as sheep’s, it retains heat inside the envelope and prevents the child from freezing. Especially popular today is eco-fluff, which does not require such serious care as natural fluff, while not particularly inferior to it in characteristics.

In the warm season, preference is given to natural materials, such as cotton, it is very important that the child does not sweat, so as not to irritate the skin. The material should be soft, laying a blanket or envelope in the stroller, it is important to ensure that the child lies on a flat surface without wrinkles. It is very important to watch how the blanket for the newborn is stitched. Sticking threads can cause the baby to cling to them.

Today you can find a wide variety of handmade envelopes and blankets for newborns. This provides an opportunity to independently choose the material, color and texture, see the author’s works and get an exclusive item for a price that does not differ much from brand stores. Very interesting sets for newborns are sewn by masters from different cities. It is they who can translate into reality any of your ideas. Today it has become popular for discharge to buy a separate envelope decorated with many rhinestones, lace and other decorative elements.

Clothing for a newborn - what to buy for the first time

Comfortable things for newborns

As already mentioned in this article, the baby at first grows very fast, so there is no point in buying a large amount of clothing. Of course, among the many proposals you can get lost in the choice and necessity of certain things. But let's try to figure it out.

Diapers are always needed

First of all, you need to purchase a diaper for a newborn. It is important that you have about five pieces of thin cotton diapers and some dense bikes. What are they needed for? When changing a child, they put him on a changing table or on another surface, such as a bed. To make the child feel soft and comfortable, as well as to observe sanitary and hygienic standards, it is best to cover the place for changing clothes with a cloth.

Despite the fact that now many modern young mothers prefer not to swaddle their children, nevertheless, if you adhere to the opinion of the older generation, then for this procedure you will need diapers. In addition, to facilitate this process, special diapers for newborns were invented. They have Velcro, due to which the process becomes much simpler and does not require special skills. After bathing the newborn, it is best to wrap it in a soft bike diaper, which absorbs moisture well and does not injure the baby's skin, like a towel.


What do you need from things for a newborn for home? For the first time, if you are not going to swaddle a baby, you need to purchase several sliders, vests or overalls. Do not buy them in dozens, because your baby just does not have time to demolish them. Moreover, as often happens, your choice for everyday wear will stop at a few favorite things that will most often be on the child, and the rest of the purchased clothing will remain in the closet.

Overalls for the home are preferably taken on buttons that would be unfastened along the entire length. Zippers are convenient for fastening, but due to their rigidity, the baby may be uncomfortable. Those overalls that are worn over the head are best left for the older age.

The baby's undershirts have their advantages, most often they are sewn with closed sleeves, thanks to which the child will not be able to accidentally injure himself. The sliders should be chosen on good soft elastic bands that do not stretch, otherwise they will just fall off your baby with his active movement. Particular attention should be paid to socks and booties for newborns. Choose only natural materials so that there are not a lot of protruding threads inside that could injure a child.

clothes for baby

When choosing, be sure to check the gum on the toes so that it does not squeeze the baby's legs. Booties for newborns should be chosen, starting from the time of year in which the baby was born. As in socks, it is important in them that the rubber band is soft and does not squeeze the leg, give preference to natural materials. If your baby was born in the cold season, then buy them with a lining made of natural sheep’s wool or fur. Booties on synthetic winterizer and fleece are very popular.

Clothing for newborns should first of all be comfortable for the baby, not give him unpleasant sensations and, moreover, not cause irritation on delicate skin. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the seams on the clothes are external, the elastic bands are not tight, the buttons inside are hidden under a soft cloth, there are no small jewelry that a child can tear off at random so that a quality cut is present without elongated threads and other defects. Clothing for newborns should be well made. Trying to save a lot on it, you can get a bad product and be completely disappointed in it.

Clothing for the street

What do you need for a newborn to go for a walk? As mentioned above, it is advisable for the baby to purchase an insert in the stroller or plaid, which will be laid in the stroller for a comfortable location of the child in it.

If your baby will be born in the cold season, then you should think about buying him a jumpsuit. Choosing a warm jumpsuit for walking will depend on what weather conditions are in your area and how low the temperatures are. It is important when buying to pay attention to the fasteners, they should be easily unfastened to simplify removing clothes from the baby. In addition, give preference to natural fabrics, especially on the inner lining. It is better that the filler is natural wool or eco-down. Of particular popularity are membrane overalls, they are very light and thin, but very warm at the same time.

overalls for newborns

In addition, you will need to buy hats for the newborn. For kids, hats with ties are best suited, they are easier to fix on the head, they will not slip when the baby is actively moving. It is better to have several hats for the newborn, because the baby can stain them.

In the warm season, the baby should still wear a hat, at least a bonnet or panama hat, to protect it from sunlight. As well as light socks or booties and a jumpsuit or vest with sliders. Or you can just swaddle a baby. Depending on the air temperature in the street, it is worthwhile to ensure that the baby does not overheat, because at his age it is overheating that is very difficult to tolerate. Do not take walks in the hottest time of the day.

Stroller - the main transport for walking

Among the most important things for a newborn is a stroller. After all, it is in her that the baby will walk in the first years of life. Today in specialized stores there is a large assortment of strollers from many companies, both domestic and foreign (Chicco, Peg-perego, Happy baby, Cam, Marimex). Strollers differ in functionality, the ability to transform, according to their characteristics, the main factors are easy assembly, minimum weight and dimensions for the possibility of transporting it in public transport, car or for taking them outside from the apartment.

Of great importance are the wheels (size, fastening), this is important for cross-country ability and maneuverability. Also, young parents give preference to strollers-transformers, which have a cradle, a summer version and a car seat. This is very convenient for the first time, so as not to buy each item separately, plus saving space and finances. Wheelchairs are preferred for each region, depending on weather conditions, city infrastructure and other external factors.

In addition, young mothers pay attention to other factors. It is important for them that the stroller has a basket for things where you can put a bag with baby accessories or some small purchases that can be made by strolling with the baby in the fresh air. As for special bags for baby supplies, to go out or to the clinic, they most often come with a stroller. These bags have special different compartments for diapers, diapers, napkins and other necessary things for the newborn.

Hygiene Products

Among the important things for the newborn should be noted various cosmetic products for caring for him. Firstly, from the first days of the baby's life, you need to bathe, for this you should choose special products for newborns. A very wide selection of cosmetics for newborns is presented in children's stores, both domestic and foreign. Among domestic manufacturers, one can distinguish such popular brands as "Eared Nyan" and "I was born", there are much more foreign manufacturers, these are Bubchen, Gohnson's baby, Baby line, Avent and others. You can ask friends and sellers about this product. But of course, each parent independently determines their financial capabilities and the usefulness of a particular tool.

Secondly, it is important to choose the right cosmetics for the care of the child, such as powder, creams from irritation or redness, oil. It all depends on the skin of the newborn, someone may be approached by a certain company, and he will praise it as the best, and the other will complain that it will cause redness on the skin and an allergic reaction. Everything is purely individual and should be selected carefully.

Things for the newborn

What is needed for a newborn in winter?Of cosmetics, it is best to have a special cream with you that protects the skin from chapping, because from low temperatures the baby’s delicate skin is in great danger. If you do not protect it on time, it can lead to peeling or even peeling of the face. There are special creams that are intended for use before going out and are applied to exposed areas of the baby's skin (cheeks, forehead, chin).

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Of course, your list will replenish with some of its additional things related to feeding, bathing, daily activities and the development of the newborn. With the growth of the child, his needs will expand, he will already need completely different clothes for a more active lifestyle, other things that will help in the proper development of your baby. In the modern world, many useful products are created for mothers, which serve to facilitate everyday work and care for the newborn. Therefore, easy childbirth, a healthy baby and proper development. Protect and love your children.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33837/

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