Writer Albert Likhanov: biography, creativity

An outstanding public figure and writer Albert Likhanov shows his life the path of truth. He always defended justice and tried to act on the side of the world. The life of such an idealist could not be simple, but it developed very interestingly and harmoniously.

The childhood of a children's writer

In the small town of Kirov on September 13, 1935 a boy was born - Albert Likhanov. His biography began in the same way as that of many other children: school, circles, books. The boy’s family was generally the most ordinary, only one circumstance distinguished her story - among the ancestors were hereditary nobles who professed Christianity and baptized their children in church. But the boy learned about these circumstances already in his adult state, and spent his childhood in the same way as all his peers. After school, Albert entered the journalism department of the Ural University in Sverdlovsk, he felt a desire to write, and journalism seemed to him the right direction in life.

First experiences

Likhanov embarks on the literary path after graduation. A graduate of the journalism department in 1958 returned to Kirov and began working in the newspaper Kirovskaya Pravda. At the same time, a new writer for children and youth, Albert Likhanov, appeared on the literary field of the country. The stories that he sends to the editorial office of the journal “Youth” are accepted favorably and in 1962 they published the work “Shagreen Skin”. The young author finds his audience - these are teenagers - and writes quite a lot. His works are distinguished by subtle psychologism, vitality and social acuity.

Albert Likhanov broken doll

Professional way

True literary fame comes to the writer in the 70s. At this time, Albert Likhanov became one of the most sought-after authors for young people, whose biography develops in two directions: he writes, and also works in the media. In the magazine "Youth" in the 1970s, the novels of the writer are published, he hones his style, becoming a real mature author. In total, the writer has written 106 books to date, they have been published in more than 30 million copies. In 2005, a 20-volume collected works of Albert Likhanov was published. In addition, the collected works of the author were published in Russia three more times. Albert Likhanov, whose books have been translated into 34 languages ​​of the world, also achieved international prizes.

albert likhanov books

As a journalist, Likhanov worked for some time at Komsomolskaya Pravda in Novosibirsk, then he was invited to Moscow, to the very popular magazine Smena, in which he would work for 20 years, 13 of them as the chief editor. During the years of perestroika, Likhanov became the head of the Children's Fund, which was created on his initiative, and has been leading it quite successfully to the present. He was also among the founders of the Research Institute of Childhood, whose permanent director is still working.

Literary Achievements

The success of the writer is judged by his works, and Albert Likhanov, whose books have been read by several generations of young people, is no exception. His most famous creations are the novels “Pure Pebbles”, “Deception”, “Calvary”, “Good intentions”, “Higher Measure”, “Innocent Secrets”, “Flood”, “Nobody”, the trilogy “Good intentions”, “Russian boys "- a novel in short stories and a novel-dilogy about the war" Men's School ".

Social, rather tough prose is what Albert Likhanov stands out for. “The Broken Doll” - an acutely social novel that stirred the country — this is a vivid example of a writer’s powerful talent.

Likhanov’s works were repeatedly filmed, for example, the films “Family Circumstances”, “Good Intentions” and “Higher Measure” were able to convey the writer’s prose spirit and contribute to the education of youth. A total of 8 works of the author were filmed.

For his literary works and social activities, Likhanov repeatedly received awards of various levels, he received 11 different orders, including the Red Banner of Labor, Friendship and "For Merit to the Patronymic III Degree", 8 major awards and a number of medals.

writer albert likhanov

Social work

A man with a caring heart - this title was given to Albert Likhanov, whose biography is closely associated with a variety of socially significant activity. He always acted as a protector of children and devoted a lot of time and effort to this. At his insistence, the Children's Fund appears in the USSR, which currently carries out a variety of charitable activities.

In 1989, Likhanov was elected People's Deputy of the USSR and he joined the work on the Universal Convention of the Rights of the Child. He also participates in the UN meeting at which this document is adopted. Later, he will make a lot of efforts to ratify the Convention in the USSR.

In addition, Likhanov is active in the Writers' Union, working as secretary and board member of the organization. He actively supports young writers - for this purpose a club for young authors "Youth", a publishing house for beginner writers "House", as well as five magazines for children and adolescents were created. He establishes special prizes for teachers and children's libraries.

The writer does a lot for disadvantaged children, on his initiative the Children's Fund is building several houses for orphans. Several youth libraries have been opened, special editions for kids have been released.

Albert Likhanov biography

Albert Likhanov also meets with different people who come to him with their troubles. The writer is trying to help everyone.

Private life

If there are people of harmonious fate, then a vivid example is Albert Likhanov, whose biography combines creativity, professional activity, social activity and family life. The writer has a strong rear, his wife Lidia Alexandrovna, a former television announcer, shares her husband’s interests and supports him in all endeavors. They have a son - Dmitry, who followed in his father's footsteps and became a journalist and writer. True, he chose literature for adults for himself, but in this field he presents his name with dignity. The family lives in common interests, and, probably, this is one of the secrets of love of life and optimism of Albert Likhanov.

Albert Likhanov stories

When the news reports that Albert Likhanov is 80 years old, it is hard to believe, because he is cheerful and young in heart. He continues to meet with readers, conduct social activities and write, he infects with energy, optimism and faith in a person.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33849/

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