European hedgehog: care, reviews, photos. Ontogenesis of the European hedgehog

Hedgehogs have been known to us since childhood. Reading and listening to fairy tales, we get acquainted with these funny hardworking animals, covered with needles and curling up in a ball during danger. In Russia, the most common European hedgehog. It can often be found among the inhabitants of living corners and even at home as a pet.


European hedgehog is a small animal weighing 700-800 grams, although in autumn and winter, when it hibernates, it can reach 1.2 kg, because it needs to be nourished by the body at this time. The length of the hedgehog's body reaches 27 cm. Males are slightly larger than females. The hedgehog has a three-centimeter tail.

european hedgehog

A small muzzle is covered with rather stiff fur. The hedgehog has a sharp nose, small black eyes; ears are almost invisible - they just peep out from under the fur. On short legs, five fingers with fairly sharp claws. Interestingly, the claws on the hind legs are slightly longer than the forepaws. The hedgehog is a predatory animal, so it has a lot of teeth. Although they are small in size, they are very sharp.

Hedgehog needles: what are they

The main distinguishing feature of the hedgehog is its spines. They are needles that cover the back and sides of the animal. In young, there are 3000 of them; in an adult, the number varies in the region of 5-6 thousand. Spikes are white at the base and at the end, black and brown in the middle. Spines change periodically - hedgehogs molt. Over the course of a year, the animal changes every third needle. Unprotected spines of the body are covered with gray coarse hair.


The habitat of the hedgehog is extensive: the middle zone of Russia, the middle zone of the Urals and the south of Western Siberia.

hedgehog european photo
If we talk about global distribution, then this is all of Europe, the Caucasus and Asia Minor. Hedgehogs live in New Zealand. They were brought there in the XIX century, the animals quite took root in the local nature and still live there. But in North America, the hedgehog did not take root. Its existence there is known only from fossil remains.


Not only the European hedgehog is known. The taxonomy distinguishes two more species besides it: white-breasted (common in more southern areas) and Amur. For a long time, all these animals were considered one species, but later they began to be distinguished into separate ones. European hedgehog and white-breasted can exist together and even produce offspring. This is especially true for areas at the junction of habitats. Amursky is isolated from the rest in Southern Primorye. Another species of hedgehog that lives in the south of our country is the eared hedgehog. In general, there are 23 species of these animals.


Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals. They have vast feeding areas that passionately protect against other individuals. It is noteworthy that they can intersect in males and females, but in two males or two pregnant or lactating females - never. Hedgehogs diligently defend their food areas.

Animals live in nests built of dry leaves, dust and moss. The number of nests reaches 10 pieces per habitat. Hedgehogs do not dig holes, but they are happy to occupy those that remain from rodents. Happy animals sleep. However, this does not apply to the time when the hedgehog just came out of hibernation. The first weeks he is active during the day, too.

European hedgehog

When the average daily temperature reaches 10 degrees, the hedgehogs begin to hibernate. As a rule, this happens in September - October, although in some regions it is permissible in August. Hibernation is a very important event for the animal, which needs to be prepared. If the hedgehog does not accumulate enough fat, it will die. Sometimes during hibernation, up to 85% of young animals die. Earlier than all, males hibernate, and later than all - young animals and females with late broods. During hibernation, the animal’s heart beats up to 60 times per minute, and breathing slows down to 1 breath per minute.

However, not all hedgehogs sleep winter all the time: if the temperature allows, they can wake up and be active for some time. The hedgehog’s nest is a bunch of dry leaves, moss and straw. Its bottom is securely covered. A hedgehog buries itself in a nest and thus sleeps in winter.

The main enemies of the hedgehog are foxes and dogs. In addition to them, do not mind tasting the hedgehogs of ferrets, large owls or badgers. From them the animal hides, curled up in a dense ball. The hedgehog can be in this state for a long time.

Hearing a clumsy animal in the forest is very simple: during a sloppy walk, it rustles with foliage. In addition, the hedgehog makes snorting sounds, can represent something like sneezing, grunting and gnashing of teeth.

From the senses of the hedgehog, the sense of smell and hearing are well developed, but the animal does not see very well. Hedgehogs run pretty fast, can swim.


Hedgehogs are predators. However, the diet of the animal is very diverse. Most often, it feeds on various insects and their larvae. Grasshoppers, worms, earwigs, all kinds of bugs - this is his usual diet.

european hedgehog
In addition, the European hedgehog can engage in battle with snakes or lizards: it cuts through the prey of the ridge. Sometimes the animal eats fruits, acorns, mushrooms or berries.

It would seem that the hedgehog is very awkward, but he has a very good hunting instinct. He is a first-class hunter. It can easily catch a mouse by penetrating its mink, or selflessly fight a snake without fear of its poison.

Hedgehogs are especially voracious in the periods before hibernation and immediately after it. During the night at this time, the animal can eat feed up to a third of its weight.

Reproduction and ontogenesis

The mating season of hedgehogs lasts until June. As a rule, after mating, the male leaves, and the hedgehog digs a special hole for brood or occupies the rodent's mink. There are times that the hedgehog stays with the family, but they are rare. After about 40-50 days, cubs are born in the hedgehog. The number ranges from 3 to 8. On average, five babies are born.

The ontogenesis of the European hedgehog has its own characteristics. Hedgehogs are born completely helpless, blind, without hair and thorns. Needles appear a few hours after birth. By the end of the first day, the length of the spines is already 9 mm. They are still soft, black or white.

ontogenesis of the European hedgehog

Newborn hedgehogs already know how to curl up, although not as dense.

The female feeds the offspring with milk for a month, but already at that time it brings worms, bugs and other insects to the mink to familiarize the kids with adult food.

After about a month, she takes the first hunt for a hedgehog. Hedgehog is very kind to babies, protects them from any danger. By autumn, mother’s mink leaves, they themselves build a nest and accumulate fat for hibernation.

Benefit or harm

The question of whether a European hedgehog is harmful or beneficial can be considered in two ways. On the one hand, it destroys such beneficial insects as, for example, bees or earthworms. But the benefits of prickly animals are much greater: hedgehogs save the garden and forest from pests (for example, slugs), as well as from deadly snakes (for example, vipers).

Hedgehog at home

European hedgehog is a rather exotic pet. However, he can become a real pet, the same as a cat or dog. Hedgehogs are easy to train, they can be taught, for example, to stand on their hind legs. They easily learn to go to the toilet at the same place. Unlike ferrets, hedgehogs do not emit an unpleasant odor; they do not gnaw at all, like hamsters or guinea pigs. Hedgehog as a pet compares favorably, for example, with a cat that it does not mark an apartment and does not spoil furniture.

The European hedgehog will conquer with its funny appearance and imaginary efficiency. Reviews of breeders say that animals get along well with other animals, for example, with cats. Unlike the latter, they do not cause allergies. It must be remembered that hedgehogs are nocturnal animals, therefore, in their habits laid night vigil. Do not expect them to sleep quietly at night, quite the opposite. The awkward little animal will go about its business all night . It should be noted that all this will be very noisy.

Specially for breeding at home, such breeds of hedgehogs, such as, for example, the African dwarf white-bellied hedgehog or the pygmy pygmy hedgehog, were introduced. These individuals are half as much as a common European hedgehog. Photo below.

hedgehog european reviews

For institutions at home, it is better to buy a hedgehog in the store. You should not take him from the forest, because he may have a family there. If you want to have a prickly pet on your site, it’s enough to leave food for him in the evening. Smelling the smell, the hedgehog will come, and it may soon even settle in your territory, building a nest.

Proper care

Up to 8 years old, he lives in a natural environment European hedgehog. Home care can increase his life expectancy up to 10 years. Domestic hedgehogs do not fall into hibernation. In order for the animal to feel comfortable, it needs to provide good conditions:

  1. The air temperature in the room should not be lower than 20 and not higher than 27 degrees.
  2. The place where the hedgehog will inhabit, that is, the cage, must be prepared with all care: it must be spacious. Lattices can be used any, even wooden, their animals will not bite. But the floor is better to lay with some waterproof material. Hedgehogs have thin legs, so it will be convenient for them to walk on a solid floor. Choose a place for the cage, eliminating direct sunlight and drafts.
  3. If you have male and female hedgehogs, you need to keep them separate, especially during the offspring.
  4. The hedgehog should have a feeding trough and a drinking bowl. It is better to choose a heavy feeder, for example a ceramic one, so that the animal does not turn it over. It should be big enough, because the hedgehog eats a lot. The drinker can be used automatically.
  5. There must be a house in the cage where the animal will rest. His role can be performed by anything, even a jug. It is desirable that the roof of the house was removed - so it will be more convenient to clean.
  6. You also need to keep an eye on the running wheel and toys. Many domestic hedgehogs like to run around the tunnel or to drive the balls that cats play with. When installing the running wheel, pay attention to the rods: the legs of the animal should not fall through.
  7. Periodically let the animal run around the room, but always under supervision.
  8. It is advisable to hide food in a cage so that the hedgehog himself finds it. This will help him not to lose instincts.

Food at home

If you have a European hedgehog at home, his care, including nutrition, should be complete, reminding him of his predatory habits.

Feed the animal only with fresh food at room temperature. Due to its predominantly nocturnal lifestyle, it is better to give basic food late in the evening.

hedgehog european home care

Boiled turkey, chicken, rabbit are suitable for feeding a hedgehog. For a complete diet, it is necessary to give a hedgehog of insects having a chitinous carapace - beetles, larvae. In European pet stores special balanced feeds for domestic hedgehogs are already appearing.

Be sure to include fish in your pet's diet: it is very useful due to the high content of trace elements. Only clean it well from the bones and boil it.

As a treat in rare cases, you can feed the hedgehog with premium cat food. It can be both can food and dry.

It is absolutely impossible to feed a hedgehog with milk and dairy products: his body is not able to process lactose.

To avoid infecting your pet with worms, it is better to withstand insects for several days in bran to clean them from the ground.

You can’t give the hedgehog insects living in apartments, for example, cockroaches: they may contain harmful substances that are used to combat them.


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