Interesting facts about reptiles: how snakes breed

Snakes are cold-blooded animals that are common on all continents, except perhaps Antarctica. In total there are more than 3,000 species on Earth. These reptiles are harmless and very poisonous, small (only a few centimeters long) and gigantic (more than 10 meters). Their habitat is also very diverse. They live in salt or fresh water bodies, in swamps and forests, in the steppes and deserts. And sometimes found in home terrariums. Reproduction of snakes largely depends on what species they belong to, and on the habitat. Most reptiles are oviparous, but live-bearing specimens are also found among them.

About the mating season

Although hermaphrodites come across among snakes, in most cases they are still heterosexual. Consequently, 2 individuals are involved in the breeding process: male and female. Often outwardly they are not particularly different, except in size, less often in color. Sometimes males have a flatter tail shape.

The mating season in snakes occurs, as a rule, after hibernation, when the air temperature becomes comfortable enough for growing offspring. Reptiles that inhabit desert and semi-desert areas breed with the onset of a favorable period, which does not always depend on the time of year.

mating season in snakes
The male takes care of the chosen one not too actively. Finding it by smell, he begins to pursue, and at a meeting he expresses his intentions by stroking or shaking his head. During this period, animals show particular aggression. Therefore, you should not try to see how snakes breed in natural conditions, especially when it comes to poisonous representatives of scaly reptiles.

There are species that mate in large groups, curling into a huge ball. The process can take several days. It is also surprising that a fertilized female is able to carry sperm within herself for a long time, while maintaining her ability to fertilize. Conception itself occurs when the environment becomes as favorable as possible for this.


Among snakes, they are found infrequently, but still there are such cases. As a rule, we are talking about the island botrops, inhabiting mainly South America. It is surprising that among individuals of the same species both heterosexual and hermaphrodites can be found. The latter have sexual characteristics of both male and female. Therefore, one snake is enough for breeding.

But this is not the only interesting fact from the life of reptiles. Some females manage to lay unfertilized eggs, from which offspring hatch successfully. This method of reproduction is quite rare and is called "parthenogenesis."

how snakes breed

Masonry place

For any female, eggs are the most valuable thing she has. And snakes are no exception. Therefore, the place for masonry is chosen quiet, safe and as comfortable as possible. Steppe snakes often live in burrows and hide their clutches there. Foresters do this under snags, while desert ones often bury it in sand. It all depends on the environment and living conditions.

Females usually protect their offspring, warming it with the help of an active contraction of the muscles of the body until it is born. It is difficult to name snakes as caring parents, cubs show independence literally from the first minutes of life, earning their own food and not counting on adults. In some species, the male is responsible for the safety of the nest, and sometimes parents guard him alternately.

Viviparous species

Regardless of how snakes reproduce, their embryos almost always develop inside the egg, feeding on its environment. In most cases, this occurs in a nest or other hidden place. But sometimes cubs develop directly inside the female and are born, while hatching from eggs. Moreover, they are completely independent from the first days of life.

Viviparous in the classical sense of the snake also found in nature. These mainly include the inhabitants of water bodies, as well as some boas and vipers. In this case, the embryo breathes and feeds through a single circulatory system with the mother.

Captive snake breeding

breeding snakes

Reptiles are increasingly found as pets. This is mainly due to the ease of care. There is no need to walk with a snake, they rarely eat, they behave mostly passively. The main thing is to choose the right terrarium and follow the recommendations of a specialist in terms of climate.

It is rare to watch how snakes reproduce in captivity, since this happens only with a favorable combination of several circumstances. Firstly, there should be 2, and of different sexes. Species related to hermaphrodites do not contain at home. People mainly acquire boas or snakes. Some of them live in trees in the wild. Therefore, for a comfortable stay in captivity, in addition to suitable temperature and humidity, it is necessary to create an imitation of the trunk, roots, spread pieces of bark. You can see how snakes breed in the terrarium only if they are absolutely comfortable. Before the planned mating season, it is better to settle the pair and hold it several days separately, slightly lowering the temperature. Thus, an imitation of hibernation occurs in vivo. Then they are placed in a common terrarium, increase the temperature and wait for the result.

breeding snakes
Snakes are amazing and mysterious creatures that inhabit our planet. There are many myths and legends associated with these animals. Many are afraid of them, and some start in their apartment as pets. Sometimes in terrariums even manage to get offspring. But for snakes to breed in captivity, they must be truly comfortable.


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